363 deaths or 0.000429% of 84 million people in the USA..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?


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There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
They can't spread it to folks of other ages? Odd.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
They can't spread it to folks of other ages? Odd.
The young kids cannot. They don’t even have the cell types in their lungs to get infected by the virus.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
They can't spread it to folks of other ages? Odd.
The young kids cannot. They don’t even have the cell types in their lungs to get infected by the virus.
They cannot spread it? That's counter to the science I've seen...calling them 'super spreaders,' but I'm no Doctor.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
I pointed his out months ago, when there were only a few deaths in the under 18 age group after the pandemic had been going on for several months.

To put things in perspective, usually about 4000+ kids die each year in traffic accidents.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
They can't spread it to folks of other ages? Odd.
The young kids cannot. They don’t even have the cell types in their lungs to get infected by the virus.
They cannot spread it? That's counter to the science I've seen...calling them 'super spreaders,' but I'm no Doctor.
How can they spread it by air if they don’t even have the ACE2 receptor cells required for the virus to infect the lungs?
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
They can't spread it to folks of other ages? Odd.
The young kids cannot. They don’t even have the cell types in their lungs to get infected by the virus.
They cannot spread it? That's counter to the science I've seen...calling them 'super spreaders,' but I'm no Doctor.
How can they spread it by air if they don’t even have the ACE2 receptor cells required for the virus to infect the lungs?
There's plenty of literature on the subject at this point. Have you been in the lab?

There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?

To disrupt American society, of course. What else do Democrats do?
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
So instead of worrying about the children as the lib democrat educators claim they are actually worried about themselves?
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
So instead of worrying about the children as the lib democrat educators claim they are actually worried about themselves?

I imagine they are yes...and if by off chance the educator has multiple classes of children....some of whom may have PECs...
I am part of the Lets Return To Normal crowd.

the chinese disease is here to stay and all we are doing is ruining our economy
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
So instead of worrying about the children as the lib democrat educators claim they are actually worried about themselves?

I imagine they are yes...and if by off chance the educator has multiple classes of children....some of whom may have PECs...
I am part of the Lets Return To Normal crowd.

the chinese disease is here to stay and all we are doing is ruining our economy

Covid is. Until we get a vaccine.
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
FACT... Average age of USA school teacher is: Table 2.Average and median age of public school teachers and percentage distribution of teachers, by age category, sex, and state: 2011–12
Now the number of deaths of people age 42..between ages of.35–44 years as of 9/15/20--- 3,675 COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics

Facts: How many people in the USA age 25-44... 82,134,554 https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-03.pdf
3,675 deaths people age 42 divided by 82,134,554 equals 0.004482% Hmmm...

So it appears MY FACTS supersede YOUR guesses ...hmmm by a very large %... I'm GUESSING like you!
Care to "GUESS" again???
Age category Sex
StateAverage age of teachers Median age of teachers Less than 30 years 30–49 years 50–54 years 55 years or more Male Female
United States42.4 41.0 15.3 54.0 11.9 18.8 23.7 76.3
Covid is. Until we get a vaccine.
Dont get your hopes up

typically a vaccine will kill most of the virus’

but the ones it does not kill emerge stronger than ever and and become the dominant strain

so you need a new vaccine

which is why common flu has not disappeared
Guesses! That's what a very large proportion of people on this board and across America DO! And this is so stupid!
The internet is providing the answers to your guesses so why are you forming "OPINIONS" based on guesses?
The "educated" crowd i.e. teachers, etc. are so stupid! All they are doing is putting themselves out of work!
The problem is though "socialization" which is what occurs in a school classroom environment. Something that electronic displays can't reproduce.
Human interactions where you see body language, facial contortions, etc. are all what we as humans have used in groups for thousands of years and has been evolving in the classrooms. I'm 77 years old and won't see the net effect but I'm making a prediction: Without the actual human interaction of a classroom, more isolation. More suicides. More deaths than could easily surpass the 363 deaths as of 9/16/20 in America of school kids or the 3,675 of teachers age 35-44 average age!
Parents express frustration at Sullivan County BOE meeting
Some expressed frustration over the way the school year started. Many said they want their children in classrooms as soon as possible because remote learning from home is not feasible.

But since schools have been closed, and after weeks of juggling working from home with helping her kids continue school assignments, Belyea has joined an increasingly vocal group of parents saying Ontario's official distance-learning framework is not working for them.

All because 363 deaths ages 5 to 24 years old!
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?

Because they can give it to their teacher or take it home and kill Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa ...
DERP :uhoh3:
There were 84,652,193 people in the USA from ages 5 to 24 years old in 2010.

As of 9/16/2020 there were 363 COVID deaths 0.000429% of these 84 million from age 5 - 24. Mostly school age.

So why are the schools still closed with just 0.000429% or 363 deaths between ages 5 -24?

Because they can give it to their teacher or take it home and kill Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa ...
DERP :uhoh3:
AGAIN where are your FACTS??? Totally guesses and YOUR guessing is what is actually killing people!
Get your facts!
Generally teachers are older than students. Sometimes much, much older.
So instead of worrying about the children as the lib democrat educators claim they are actually worried about themselves?

I imagine they are yes...and if by off chance the educator has multiple classes of children....some of whom may have PECs...
I am part of the Lets Return To Normal crowd.

the chinese disease is here to stay and all we are doing is ruining our economy
I suppose that now we're no longer "pro-life", then the unborn fetus is considered likewise?

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