30,000 Ballots Scanned Multiple Times

How could us “crazy” Republicans possibly believe that any God fearing, left-wing poll worker in a Democratic strong hold would possible even consider scanning votes more than once? I mean, that is simply inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable that the USPS , that fine institution that endorsed Biden for President, or any of its employees would even entertain the idea of doing anything at all to help Biden win an election. I mean, it is just not possible.
You mean the USPS that is run by by Trump sycophant Louis Dejoy is now part of the conspiracy against Trump????/

‘’Hey, Corn Cob, take a break from posting and get some rest. You are in fruit cake territory.

You guys are so indoctrinated that you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your face.
LOL..Look in the mirror for the truth of that assertion.

Yeah, says the person who can watch a video of poll workers ILLEGALLY counting votes they pull out from under a table. You guys are either complete idiots or completely indoctrinated...maybe a little of both.
The complete idiots are those that keep promulgating the lie of election fraud. All this shit your lying ilk posts now are debunked videos. Trump has had his day in Court and lost. Trump’s own attorneys in open court said there was no election fraud. Trump’s own DHS and DOJ says there was no election fraud.

So..stop playing the fool and undermining our country with your lies.

The video in GA is not debunked. It happened. The issue is the Democratic crooks are running much of this show. Many Republican RHINOs are in on it too. China is absolutely LOVING it and can hardly wait for a Biden presidency. You are your kind are complete morons.
Xi and Putin and every authoritarian around the world love your ilk. They love you because you throw doubt on democracy. Your lying ilk demeans our democracy and calls it a fraud all because your candidate lost. Our adversaries love how you Trumpsters spread lies and divide our nation. They love how your lying ilk weakens our nation.

‘Yeah..and that Georgia video has been debunked, moron. Stop spreading lies about my country and it’s democratic institutions.

Look at how much of their work that Trump has done for them. The ultimate Useful Idiot.

If we had re-elected this buffoon, it would have been a real signal to our adversaries. But we corrected as soon as we could, so those folks can go to hell.
One person, a few votes. New standard.
The crackpot assault upon's American democracy by the cry baby Loser and his adoring lickspittles is rendered impotent by the need for that nemesis of self-serving confections, the coin of the realm for realists everywhere:
Despite the febrile fantasy of Republican and Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, poll supervisors, vote tabulators, auditors, and judges across the land having all clandestinely conspired over a pedophile pizza in the back of Cesar 'False Flag' Sayoc's impounded TrumpMobile to contrive a hoax - that the majority of Americans who had disapproved of Lardass consistently and relentlessly for four years would, unbelievably, appear to have voted against him when finally given the opportunity to affirm their unvarying estimation of him and do just that!

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What festers in the dark, murky minds of a cult shrivels up and dies when exposed to the light of reality.
Trump and his legal allies earned a platinum sombrero Friday, striking out five times in a matter of hours in states pivotal to the president’s push to overturn the election results — and losing a sixth in Minnesota for good measure.

It was another harsh milestone in a monthlong run of legal futility, accompanied by sharp rebukes from county, state and federal judges who continue to express shock at the Trump team’s effort to simply scrap the results of an election he lost. Several of the most devastating opinions, both Friday and in recent weeks, have come from conservative judges and, in some federal cases, Trump appointees.

The losses included Wisconsin... where the majority was gobsmacked at the effort by a conservative group to invalidate the entire election without any compelling evidence of voter fraud or misconduct...

A Nevada judge issued a point-by-point rejection of every claim lodged by the Trump team, emphasizing that the facts they presented were sparse and unpersuasive...

In one of the most prominent cases — in Georgia — a federal appeals court dismissed an appeal seeking to expand a restraining order... A unanimous three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the appeal without even hearing oral arguments from the litigants...

In Michigan, a state appeals court tossed an effort by the Trump campaign to block certification of Michigan’s results. The judges who issued the 2-1 ruling noted that while the Trump lawyers delayed their latest round of filings for weeks, the state had gone ahead and certified the election, making the legal challenge moot.

And in Minnesota, a state Biden won easily but that had been on Trump’s radar ahead of Nov. 3, the state Supreme Court rejected Republicans’ proposal for a full statewide recount and chided them for failing to serve their complaint on the county officials they called out in their filings.

The fraud had even fouled up a simple performance of Ring Around The Rosie:

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If we had re-elected this buffoon, it would have been a real signal to our adversaries. But we corrected as soon as we could, so those folks can go to hell.

“Corrected” is not the right word. I think you meant acquiesced to our adversaries. China and the allies that rely on us for funding their pet projects are having victory parties and idiots who voted for Biden/Harris were the impetus.
How could us “crazy” Republicans possibly believe that any God fearing, left-wing poll worker in a Democratic strong hold would possible even consider scanning votes more than once? I mean, that is simply inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable that the USPS , that fine institution that endorsed Biden for President, or any of its employees would even entertain the idea of doing anything at all to help Biden win an election. I mean, it is just not possible.
You mean the USPS that is run by by Trump sycophant Louis Dejoy is now part of the conspiracy against Trump????/

‘’Hey, Corn Cob, take a break from posting and get some rest. You are in fruit cake territory.

You guys are so indoctrinated that you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your face.
LOL..Look in the mirror for the truth of that assertion.

Yeah, says the person who can watch a video of poll workers ILLEGALLY counting votes they pull out from under a table and claim there is nothing there. You guys are either complete idiots or completely indoctrinated...maybe a little of both.

Because it has been investigated and nothing about the video is true.
How could us “crazy” Republicans possibly believe that any God fearing, left-wing poll worker in a Democratic strong hold would possible even consider scanning votes more than once? I mean, that is simply inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable that the USPS , that fine institution that endorsed Biden for President, or any of its employees would even entertain the idea of doing anything at all to help Biden win an election. I mean, it is just not possible.
You mean the USPS that is run by by Trump sycophant Louis Dejoy is now part of the conspiracy against Trump????/

‘’Hey, Corn Cob, take a break from posting and get some rest. You are in fruit cake territory.

You guys are so indoctrinated that you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your face.
LOL..Look in the mirror for the truth of that assertion.

Yeah, says the person who can watch a video of poll workers ILLEGALLY counting votes they pull out from under a table. You guys are either complete idiots or completely indoctrinated...maybe a little of both.
The complete idiots are those that keep promulgating the lie of election fraud. All this shit your lying ilk posts now are debunked videos. Trump has had his day in Court and lost. Trump’s own attorneys in open court said there was no election fraud. Trump’s own DHS and DOJ says there was no election fraud.

So..stop playing the fool and undermining our country with your lies.

The video in GA is not debunked. It happened. The issue is the Democratic crooks are running much of this show. Many Republican RHINOs are in on it too. China is absolutely LOVING it and can hardly wait for a Biden presidency. You are your kind are complete morons.

Russia is loving it. Trump is doing exactly what they hoped for when they backed Trump.
One person, a few votes. New standard.

A contractor for Dominion Voting Systems, who worked at Detroit's TCF Center on Election Day, has told Michigan lawmakers that she saw roughly 30,000 ballots being scanned multiple times by the counting machines. The contractor, Mellissa Carone, who works as a freelance IT professional, made the allegations Wednesday night before a panel of Michigan House Oversight Committee members.

Carone was at the Detroit center early on Election Day, Nov. 3, until about 4 the next morning. She also returned to the site later on Nov. 4.

On November 10, Carone said in an affidavit that she witnessed "nothing but fraudulent actions take place. I observed numerous employees, city workers, running batches of ballots through the tabulators countless times, without discarding them first," Carone said during the Wednesday evening hearing.

She testified next to Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney to President Trump, who has been leading most of the litigations efforts pertaining to the election. Carone testified that on Election Day, the vote tabulating machines would jam up to three times an hour. When the machines would jam, election officials were supposed to reset the count on the machines to ensure that no ballots were scanned more than once, explained the witness.

"Instead of discarding, they were just rescanning, rescanning, rescanning. Counting ballots nine to 10 times," Carone said. She also said there were more than 20 tabulating machines at her ballot counting center.

The ballots were meant to be counted in batches of 50, though, Carone noted that she observed the tabulation count climb well into the hundreds multiple times throughout the day.

"I called my manager to a specific tabulating machine and I showed him a number on it that was over 500. They shouldn’t be over 50. Ballots come in batches of 50. I said that we have a severe problem here Nick," said Carone, of her attempt to notify her manager about the issue. "He [Nick] said, ‘Melissa I don’t want to hear that we have a problem, we are here to assist with IT, we are not here to run their election.’ And at that point, I was really frustrated and upset, I could tell what was going on," she continued. "They were cheating. It was very, very apparent."

A Republican legislator nuked that. He pointed out that there would be 30,000 more votes than voters. She was so bad that even Giuliani was embarassed as he tried to shush her. It also sounded like she probably sees a lot of pink elephants.
That's total bullshit, of course.
How could us “crazy” Republicans possibly believe that any God fearing, left-wing poll worker in a Democratic strong hold would possible even consider scanning votes more than once? I mean, that is simply inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable that the USPS , that fine institution that endorsed Biden for President, or any of its employees would even entertain the idea of doing anything at all to help Biden win an election. I mean, it is just not possible.
You mean the USPS that is run by by Trump sycophant Louis Dejoy is now part of the conspiracy against Trump????/

‘’Hey, Corn Cob, take a break from posting and get some rest. You are in fruit cake territory.

You guys are so indoctrinated that you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your face.
LOL..Look in the mirror for the truth of that assertion.

Yeah, says the person who can watch a video of poll workers ILLEGALLY counting votes they pull out from under a table and claim there is nothing there. You guys are either complete idiots or completely indoctrinated...maybe a little of both.

Because it has been investigated and nothing about the video is true.
Wrong. We heard some smack from an establishment hack.
How could us “crazy” Republicans possibly believe that any God fearing, left-wing poll worker in a Democratic strong hold would possible even consider scanning votes more than once? I mean, that is simply inconceivable. It is equally inconceivable that the USPS , that fine institution that endorsed Biden for President, or any of its employees would even entertain the idea of doing anything at all to help Biden win an election. I mean, it is just not possible.
You mean the USPS that is run by by Trump sycophant Louis Dejoy is now part of the conspiracy against Trump????/

‘’Hey, Corn Cob, take a break from posting and get some rest. You are in fruit cake territory.

You guys are so indoctrinated that you are incapable of seeing what is right in front of your face.
LOL..Look in the mirror for the truth of that assertion.

Yeah, says the person who can watch a video of poll workers ILLEGALLY counting votes they pull out from under a table. You guys are either complete idiots or completely indoctrinated...maybe a little of both.
The complete idiots are those that keep promulgating the lie of election fraud. All this shit your lying ilk posts now are debunked videos. Trump has had his day in Court and lost. Trump’s own attorneys in open court said there was no election fraud. Trump’s own DHS and DOJ says there was no election fraud.

So..stop playing the fool and undermining our country with your lies.

The video in GA is not debunked. It happened. The issue is the Democratic crooks are running much of this show. Many Republican RHINOs are in on it too. China is absolutely LOVING it and can hardly wait for a Biden presidency. You are your kind are complete morons.

Russia is loving it. Trump is doing exactly what they hoped for when they backed Trump.
They backed Hillary, douchebag.
Because it has been investigated and nothing about the video is true.
Truth (widely respected along with its attendant evidence and fact) is of little import in the murky realm of faith-based, self-serving notions.
It should be noted once again.

Trump's legal team has not proven one single case of fraud.

Not a single one.
If Biden was looking through iron bars right now, you turds would still claim there as "no evidence."

How do you define "proven," asshole?

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