26 of the Dems who staged anti-gun sit-in are GUNOWNERS!!! HAHAHA

Well considering this wasn't about taking away anyone's guns, just reasonable controls to keep guns out of the hands of the insane and the terrorists, what's the problem?
Don't bother telling me. Just be aware you need to do a little reading on what this fuss is all about.

The dumocrats are frustrated with the legal processes that protect the civil rights of US citizens, and are attempting to sidestep the constitution. That's what the fuss is about.
false! the democrats are frustrated by the intentional inertia of the republicans on gun issues .
on the other hand they have got the best track record on the issue either .
btw it's not illegal to have a sit in in the HOR just against the rules

No, they're there because the supreme court refuses to violate the second amendment at their command.
Clearly, Republicans don't understand the difference between a normal American with a gun and a terror suspect with a gun.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. What does that tell you?
No. Stupidcrats just don't like going through the proper channels and would instead sit on the floor and throw temper tantrums like babies, hoping their pouting and whining would allow them to by pass said proper channels.
Well considering this wasn't about taking away anyone's guns, just reasonable controls to keep guns out of the hands of the insane and the terrorists, what's the problem?
Don't bother telling me. Just be aware you need to do a little reading on what this fuss is all about.
One could make the case that those gun owners ARE insane....
Clearly, Republicans don't understand the difference between a normal American with a gun and a terror suspect with a gun.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. What does that tell you?
That your fax machine is broken.
Well considering this wasn't about taking away anyone's guns, just reasonable controls to keep guns out of the hands of the insane and the terrorists, what's the problem?
Don't bother telling me. Just be aware you need to do a little reading on what this fuss is all about.

The dumocrats are frustrated with the legal processes that protect the civil rights of US citizens, and are attempting to sidestep the constitution. That's what the fuss is about.
false! the democrats are frustrated by the intentional inertia of the republicans on gun issues .
on the other hand they have got the best track record on the issue either .
btw it's not illegal to have a sit in in the HOR just against the rules

No, they're there because the supreme court refuses to violate the second amendment at their command.
false but you had to say something.
It's alarming that a significant number of leaders in one of the United States' major parties has openly declared that it now sees due process as an obstacle to be eliminated in the name of gun safety.
It's alarming that a significant number of leaders in one of the United States' major parties has openly declared that it now sees due process as an obstacle to be eliminated in the name of gun safety.
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

U.S. Constitution: Art I, sec. 9

INTRODUCTION RTICLE I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution guarantees the availability of the writ of habeas corpus. The “Great Writ,” as it has come to be called,1 serves as the primary procedural vehicle through which those detained by the government may challenge the legality of their detentions. Put simply, habeas corpus restricts government’s ability to imprison its citizens for any reason it wants—or for no reason at all. A Famously described as the Constitution’s only “express provision for exercise of extraordinary authority” in times of crisis,2 the writ of habeas is subject to one significant qualification. Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 gives the federal government the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus “when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”3 Suspension of the writ effectively insulates the government’s power to imprison its citizens

Nobody likes a hypocrite. This is as bad as dems ranting about financial inequality while First Tranny Michelle steals millions of dollars from the taxpayers for her vacations.

26 of the Democrats Who Participated in the Gun Control Sit-In Own Guns

By Jillian Kay Melchior | 2:13 pm, June 23, 2016
Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Street learned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

They are not proposing anything that would take guns from the lawful.
Well considering this wasn't about taking away anyone's guns, just reasonable controls to keep guns out of the hands of the insane and the terrorists, .

You just contradicted yourself - in the same sentence!!!
Nobody likes a hypocrite. This is as bad as dems ranting about financial inequality while First Tranny Michelle steals millions of dollars from the taxpayers for her vacations.

26 of the Democrats Who Participated in the Gun Control Sit-In Own Guns

By Jillian Kay Melchior | 2:13 pm, June 23, 2016
Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Street learned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

Should make you think the Dems really aren't going to take your guns.
Nobody likes a hypocrite. This is as bad as dems ranting about financial inequality while First Tranny Michelle steals millions of dollars from the taxpayers for her vacations.

26 of the Democrats Who Participated in the Gun Control Sit-In Own Guns

By Jillian Kay Melchior | 2:13 pm, June 23, 2016
Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Street learned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

They are not proposing anything that would take guns from the lawful.
shhhhhhh. don't fuck them up with the facts, the delusional ranting is just now getting good.
The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

And that is listed under the powers of congress. And yet Lincoln suspended habeas!!!
Nobody likes a hypocrite. This is as bad as dems ranting about financial inequality while First Tranny Michelle steals millions of dollars from the taxpayers for her vacations.

26 of the Democrats Who Participated in the Gun Control Sit-In Own Guns

By Jillian Kay Melchior | 2:13 pm, June 23, 2016
Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Street learned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

The sit-in, launched by civil-rights leader Rep. John Lewis, centered on two pieces of proposed gun legislation. One would expand background checks to cover all commercial gun sales; the other seeks tougher prohibitions against gun purchases for terror suspects.

Shows there are responsible gun owners out there who support reasonable regulations restricting terrorist access to guns

85% of Americans support it, Republicans won't even allow a vote

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