2024: A Trump Landslide in the Making?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
If he's not behind bars, I certainly hope that Trump runs in 2024. If he does President Biden won't even have to campaign to win re-election. America is on to Trump and his lies.
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
Nope, they need difference of opinion. Trump is not the be all, end all; although I believe he got screwed by the PEOPLE IN POWER. Tis better to pick someone who can now win who feels our pain, then to pick someone who will probably lose, but is seen as a pariah.

We all know, that it is Trump versus the rest. We also know, that if Trump wins the GOP nomination, they are going to paint him terrible.

The Dems have their own issues, as they will never put Biden up again!

We all need to wake up1

love Trump, yes!

But try to fight their nonsense? Nope!

They 100% against Trump. We can want him, but trying to elect him, will be a nightmare for us; because we didn't take care of business early on. That is on all of us. Sad but true!
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
PJmedia.....and you guys complain about "fake news" then you go soak it up like it's AP or Reuters.
Trump Org is in deep shit and Donald is too with legal troubles and banks that will have to dump his ass because it's against banking rules to hold loans on indicted companies.
Anybody who votes for this twice-impeached grifting resurrectionist traitor has mice shit for brains.
Their worst nightmare is not going away and he is getting stronger. You cannot defraud someone and turn the country into a shithole and expect anything different.

“In terms of a potential 2024 GOP primary and national election, as President Biden’s big government socialist policies fail, Donald Trump’s support only grows stronger amongst the electorate,” they wrote. “Seventy-one percent of all Republican likely voters, including independents who vote in Republican primaries, want to see President Trump run again in 2024.”
Not with those machines.

"It isnt how many people vote, it is who count the votes."


We are in the boiling water and we don't know. We claim to care, but not enough to really do anything.

We are the frogs in the boiling pot. The only solace is the tribulations are upon us. Meaning take refuge in Christ's mercy.

Let them all rot. They will giggle now, but will be wailing later. For eternity.

Think about that.
Nope, they need difference of opinion. Trump is not the be all, end all; although I believe he got screwed by the PEOPLE IN POWER. Tis better to pick someone who can now win who feels our pain, then to pick someone who will probably lose, but is seen as a pariah.

We all know, that it is Trump versus the rest. We also know, that if Trump wins the GOP nomination, they are going to paint him terrible.

The Dems have their own issues, as they will never put Biden up again!

We all need to wake up1

love Trump, yes!

But try to fight their nonsense? Nope!

They 100% against Trump. We can want him, but trying to elect him, will be a nightmare for us; because we didn't take care of business early on. That is on all of us. Sad but true!
What more can they accuse Trump of? Russia was made up. The impeachments were jokes. Let's face it nobody is as bad as they make Trump out to be. People will ignore the media just like they have been.
Not with those machines.

"It isnt how many people vote, it is who count the votes."


We are in the boiling water and we don't know. We claim to care, but not enough to really do anything.

We are the frogs in the boiling pot. The only solace is the tribulations are upon us. Meaning take refuge in Christ's mercy.

Let them all rot. They will giggle now, but will be wailing later. For eternity.

Think about that.
exactly,people like the OP dont get it that unless we fix this past election,there never will be another election.Unless all the criminals are held accountable for their actions and mass arrests are made of all the DEmonrats and RINOS involved in this last election fraud ,there will never be another election that takes place.
What more can they accuse Trump of? Russia was made up. The impeachments were jokes. Let's face it nobody is as bad as they make Trump out to be. People will ignore the media just like they have been.
exactly,the REAL media that is a voice for the people not controlled by the corporations is bitchute.
exactly,people like the OP dont get it that unless we fix this past election,there never will be another election.Unless all the criminals are held accountable for their actions and mass arrests are made of all the DEmonrats and RINOS involved in this last election fraud ,there will never be another election that takes place.
Good point. It’s time we fix 2016.

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