2020 Republican National Convention


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
Time for the RNC thread. This looks like a better and organic plan having a theme for each night. Unlike the swamp DNC having every night be gloomy and dark resorting to Trump hate. Especially with no kind of substance at alll. But this convention will be motivation to keep the country great!

The swamp democrats will be cringing with hate not love all week.

Monday, August 24th Lineup
Theme: “A Land of Heroes”

Trump and Pence will be formally renominated. The roll call vote will take place in Charlotte, but only six delegates from each state and territory will attend.

Keynote speaker: TBA

Tuesday, August 25th Lineup
Theme: “Land of Promise”

Keynote Speaker: First Lady Melania Trump will deliver an address from the White House Rose Garden.

Wednesday, August 26th Lineup
Theme: “Land of Opportunity”

Keynote Speaker: Vice President Mike Pence will deliver an address from Fort McHenry National Park in Baltimore, Maryland.

Thursday, August 27th Lineup
Theme: “Land of Greatness”

Keynote Speaker: President Trump will deliver his acceptance speech from the White House lawn.
I cannot wait to hear the inspirational diverse speakers it’s going to be absolutely incredible
The millions of young voters who viewed the DNC Online will not show up in the TV rating system. So, the impeached president trump should be thrilled he can finally tell the truth that more people watched his convention on TV than the Democrats' convention.

Dismissing the young, Online viewers will give the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics a warm feeling deep inside, but denying they exist doesn't mean they won't vote for Status Quo Joe.

The millions of young voters who viewed the DNC Online will not show up in the TV rating system. So, the impeached president trump should be thrilled he can finally tell the truth that more people watched his convention on TV than the Democrats' convention.

Dismissing the young, Online viewers will give the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics a warm feeling deep inside, but denying they exist doesn't mean they won't vote for Status Quo Joe.


Wait, where are these young voters at for the Slow Joe?
Rush Limbaugh Says Trump’s RNC About Saving America From a Race War.

Rush Limbaugh hails ‘uplifting’ RNC as ‘most diverse political convention I’ve ever seen.’

The typical thing to do — and what critics would have expected Trump to do — is return hate for hate. All the white-people bashing at the DNC, with the platform mentioning white people 15 times, all negative, returned in kind, more or less. Throw the divisiveness back at them. That’s the natural reflex.

Instead he brought up all these positive, successful pro-Trump minority people and told his followers “look, these are our kind of people and we’re glad to have them.” And he reached out to others. Instead of meeting hate with hate, he met division with inclusion.

He crushed the Democrats on this, and he did it with positivity and inclusion. That response pulled the rug out from under the race war the Democrats seek.

Boom For Trump: pollster Zogby.


'Fear of reprisal if someone found out': Republicans, independents twice as likely to conceal who they plan to vote for, study finds.​

The Democrat pollster gave Trump an A- for the week. The president used the virtual Republican National Convention “to change the focus of the conversations: unprecedented growth before COVID-19, more new jobs in four years than ever before, more Hispanics and blacks working than ever, standing up to China, a Middle East peace deal, and so on.”

His most effective pitch was about prison reform, and Alice Johnson may have been the most visible and credible persona of the week.

White suburban mothers, voters over 65, and others are deeply concerned about violence and rage in the streets, including blacks and Hispanics.

Joe Biden didn’t get a post-convention bounce after the Democrats’ dour snore fest: His bounce showed up in Trump’s polling numbers. That’s just plain weird. Now, after the Republican convention, it’s a dead heat.


Trump’s second-term agenda is a good one, full of promises on healthcare, immigration, and a continuation of Trump’s “America First” policies. After months of riots (tolerated by Democrat governors and mayors), Biden is finally getting to a Rodney King-like “Can’t we all get along?” message, mewing against the continued BLM riots around the nation without actually criticizing the rioters. Compare that to Vice President Mike Pence’s strong law-and-order message in his convention speech (Pence said they’d never defund the police and always back “the Blue”), and you have another strong, significant issue for Trump and Pence to run on. Democrats are the party of anarchy and disorder.

Nancy Pelosi is trying to excuse Biden from debating Trump. Biden can’t refuse to debate Trump because Biden’s mental health is clearly an issue, and he can’t otherwise prove he can put words together to make understandable sentences. The debates, which begin around the end of September, could be the end of Biden’s run.



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