2020 predictions:Trump drops out. Biden gets sick. Pence fired. Fauci endorses Biden. Trump loses & doesn't attend inauguration. Trump pardons himself


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
what are your predictions, my friends?

best excerpts from the article:

One veteran Republican operative, close to many in the GOPā€™s donor class, said in the past couple weeks it's been stunning the extent to which people who have some association with Trump are speculating he might drop out of the race. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want to be a loser, and thatā€™s all in jeopardy now,ā€ this strategist said. ā€œItā€™s less than 50-50 [Trump would pull himself off ticket] but Iā€™m amazed at the amount of New Yorkers that are talking about this ā€” his former friends. ... They think heā€™s looking for an excuse to get out.ā€

By these lights, Trumpā€™s complaints about the alleged ā€” though factually unsupported ā€” vulnerability of postal voting to fraud could be a predicate for him saying the election is unfair and so heā€™s getting out. Or he could come up with a host of other reasons ā€” heā€™s achieved his important objectives, he wants time with family, and so on ā€” for bailing on a showdown.

ā€œHe would throw Mike Pence in a wood chipper if he needed to,ā€ said one former White House official who frequently interacted with Trump. ā€œIā€™m still very surprised that heā€™s on the ticket. If someone walks in there and tells him, ā€˜The only way youā€™re going to pull this out is to put an African American on the ticket or to put a woman on the ticketā€™ ā€” if itā€™s good for Trump, heā€™ll do it in a second.ā€

Among the candidates most frequently mentioned for a narrative-jolting event: A Supreme Court vacancy in the fall. ā€œI couldnā€™t even fathom the chaos a [high court] vacancy could bring to this race,ā€ said one GOP operative close to the Trump campaign. ā€œMcConnellā€™s going to go forward, the presidentā€™s going to go forward and the left is going to go crazy.ā€

No need to get too macabre or dwell on this at length. Itā€™s just a statement of the obvious that if either Trump or Biden were your aging parent in the midst of a pandemic, you would likely urge them to stay home and avoid any unnecessary human contact. You would not urge people creeping close to the average life expectancy for American men (78.5 years) to run for president, even if they were careful about wearing masks (as Biden apparently is and Trump self-evidently is not).

multiple sources do find it plausible if Trump loses he might disparage the results as tainted by fraud or other irregularities. A former White House official who worked closely with Trump said, ā€œThat will be his rationale and for the rest of his life, weā€™ll never hear anything but, ā€˜It was stolen.ā€™ ... He canā€™t admit that he lost, so how heā€™ll comfort himself or justify it is that it was stolen.ā€

One scenario to watch closely if Trump decides to leave the race or loses it: his use of pardon power to insulate allies and family members from any post-presidency legal probes. One point of constitutional ambiguity: Can a president pardon himself?

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and who often publicly lashes Trump, predicted that if Trump loses he will skip the inaugural ceremonies: ā€œI canā€™t imagine him attending Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration because it would be to him the ultimate humiliation. He would rather blame other people, claim that the election was stolen from him but heā€™s [departing voluntarily] because heā€™s a good guy [but in protest] he will not attend the inauguration."
Trump Drops Out => No
Pence Gets Replaced on the Ticket => No (I don't think you can fire the VP, you can just ask him to resign. And besides, I don't think Trump will risk losing the Evangelical vote by axing Pence)
Biden Gets Sick => Possible (but that's possible with anybody)
Biden Whoops Trump in 3 Debates => Yes (won't even be a contest).
Biden Beats Trump => Yes
Trump Doesn't Attend Inauguration => Yes

As far as I know, neither he nor any member of his family has been charged with a crime that would benefit from pardon. Hard to pardon yourself in that case. And I don't see anybody dropping any charges on him prior to his exit from office.
Now, if he gets served with those charges as soon as he exits the copter at Andrews?...all bets are off. :)
Trump Drops Out => No
Pence Gets Replaced on the Ticket => No (I don't think you can fire the VP, you can just ask him to resign. And besides, I don't think Trump will risk losing the Evangelical vote by axing Pence)
Biden Gets Sick => Possible (but that's possible with anybody)
Biden Whoops Trump in 3 Debates => Yes (won't even be a contest).
Biden Beats Trump => Yes
Trump Doesn't Attend Inauguration => Yes

As far as I know, neither he nor any member of his family has been charged with a crime that would benefit from pardon. Hard to pardon yourself in that case. And I don't see anybody dropping any charges on him prior to his exit from office.
Now, if he gets served with those charges as soon as he exits the copter at Andrews?...all bets are off. :)
You're wrong about Pence. He's been Trump's best friend from the start, and has been and will remain his right hand man so long as Donald Trump is alive. And I feel that is a mutual trust.
Biden is already sick.
I predict Biden is taking supplements for his issue, and so far so good. The foolish media mob will take Biden's speech, but it will be so confused, they will merely wake up the American people as to the extent of their calumnous coverage of everything President Trump says or does and skips his triumphs that are too many to count. Lying to the public can be outright as well as hidden in a scandalous number of omissions that would prove their spurious claims as phony as a three dollar bill. For example, Biden's extortions are well known, but nobody is bringing out the extent nor the motivation for his graft. The media mob is an abject failure by choising the "truth is optional" matter. that will hurt them, because they're banking on American citizens to be stupid. American citizens are already mad at Democrats over the fake impeachment. Thousands of former Democrats are quitting the party and walking away or joining the Walk Away Movement. Going to take the afternoon off and pray for the nation, including the atheists who have lost their way and are starting to wonder why they are depressed after declaring God dead, and I believe that is wearing at the souls of many people who have turned away from the Kingdom. A few will find their error and return. I do not know who will be the lucky few who will gladden the hearts of angels when they return and clean up their act. Best wishes to those who return to truthful living in the Kingdom.
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I predict the end of the world.

And if I believe my prediction, I will open up as many credit card accounts as I can and max them all out before we all die.
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I predict the end of the world.

And if I believe my prediction, I will open up as many credit card accounts as I can and max them all out before we all die.
i follow the same strategy!
My prediction that Trump will beat Biden stands.
what are your predictions, my friends?

best excerpts from the article:

One veteran Republican operative, close to many in the GOPā€™s donor class, said in the past couple weeks it's been stunning the extent to which people who have some association with Trump are speculating he might drop out of the race. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want to be a loser, and thatā€™s all in jeopardy now,ā€ this strategist said. ā€œItā€™s less than 50-50 [Trump would pull himself off ticket] but Iā€™m amazed at the amount of New Yorkers that are talking about this ā€” his former friends. ... They think heā€™s looking for an excuse to get out.ā€

By these lights, Trumpā€™s complaints about the alleged ā€” though factually unsupported ā€” vulnerability of postal voting to fraud could be a predicate for him saying the election is unfair and so heā€™s getting out. Or he could come up with a host of other reasons ā€” heā€™s achieved his important objectives, he wants time with family, and so on ā€” for bailing on a showdown.

ā€œHe would throw Mike Pence in a wood chipper if he needed to,ā€ said one former White House official who frequently interacted with Trump. ā€œIā€™m still very surprised that heā€™s on the ticket. If someone walks in there and tells him, ā€˜The only way youā€™re going to pull this out is to put an African American on the ticket or to put a woman on the ticketā€™ ā€” if itā€™s good for Trump, heā€™ll do it in a second.ā€

Among the candidates most frequently mentioned for a narrative-jolting event: A Supreme Court vacancy in the fall. ā€œI couldnā€™t even fathom the chaos a [high court] vacancy could bring to this race,ā€ said one GOP operative close to the Trump campaign. ā€œMcConnellā€™s going to go forward, the presidentā€™s going to go forward and the left is going to go crazy.ā€

No need to get too macabre or dwell on this at length. Itā€™s just a statement of the obvious that if either Trump or Biden were your aging parent in the midst of a pandemic, you would likely urge them to stay home and avoid any unnecessary human contact. You would not urge people creeping close to the average life expectancy for American men (78.5 years) to run for president, even if they were careful about wearing masks (as Biden apparently is and Trump self-evidently is not).

multiple sources do find it plausible if Trump loses he might disparage the results as tainted by fraud or other irregularities. A former White House official who worked closely with Trump said, ā€œThat will be his rationale and for the rest of his life, weā€™ll never hear anything but, ā€˜It was stolen.ā€™ ... He canā€™t admit that he lost, so how heā€™ll comfort himself or justify it is that it was stolen.ā€

One scenario to watch closely if Trump decides to leave the race or loses it: his use of pardon power to insulate allies and family members from any post-presidency legal probes. One point of constitutional ambiguity: Can a president pardon himself?

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and who often publicly lashes Trump, predicted that if Trump loses he will skip the inaugural ceremonies: ā€œI canā€™t imagine him attending Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration because it would be to him the ultimate humiliation. He would rather blame other people, claim that the election was stolen from him but heā€™s [departing voluntarily] because heā€™s a good guy [but in protest] he will not attend the inauguration."

trump loses popular election by 10 million votes but because the GOP and conservatives have rigged the election it APPEARS as though trump WINS the popular vote 120 million to 1 million.

trump, fox news, limbaugh, breitbart all claim it is "a mandate for trump to be president for life!"

the senate confirms this.

trump immediately restates "the only good democrat is a dead democrat" and all democrats, liberals, gays, atheists, muslims, feminists are taken out back and shot or lynched by pro-trump militia, pro-trump police and pro-trump military. After the slaughter the pro-trumpers laugh and laugh and take lots of selfies with the dead bodies....

all books deemed "too liberal" are banned!
and burned

the constitution is rewritten for CHRISTIANS only

what with the slaughter of millions of non trumpers there are LOTS of jobs available!

and if you turn in your liberal neighbor you get a reward!

so the economy BOOMS!

trump then has lincolns face removed from mt rushmore and replaces it with his own.

just guessing......
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this is politics not skyscrapers. Dems arent that good at that!
Trump Drops Out => No
Pence Gets Replaced on the Ticket => No (I don't think you can fire the VP, you can just ask him to resign. And besides, I don't think Trump will risk losing the Evangelical vote by axing Pence)
Biden Gets Sick => Possible (but that's possible with anybody)
Biden Whoops Trump in 3 Debates => Yes (won't even be a contest).
Biden Beats Trump => Yes
Trump Doesn't Attend Inauguration => Yes

As far as I know, neither he nor any member of his family has been charged with a crime that would benefit from pardon. Hard to pardon yourself in that case. And I don't see anybody dropping any charges on him prior to his exit from office.
Now, if he gets served with those charges as soon as he exits the copter at Andrews?...all bets are off. :)
The Great Douche can just select a new VP at the GOP/DOPer Hate America we are Confederate traitor rally soon in Jacksonville Florida.
Dence goes in 2021. As the term ends. But the Douche does not win re-election.
Trump Drops Out => No
Pence Gets Replaced on the Ticket => No (I don't think you can fire the VP, you can just ask him to resign. And besides, I don't think Trump will risk losing the Evangelical vote by axing Pence)
Biden Gets Sick => Possible (but that's possible with anybody)
Biden Whoops Trump in 3 Debates => Yes (won't even be a contest).
Biden Beats Trump => Yes
Trump Doesn't Attend Inauguration => Yes

As far as I know, neither he nor any member of his family has been charged with a crime that would benefit from pardon. Hard to pardon yourself in that case. And I don't see anybody dropping any charges on him prior to his exit from office.
Now, if he gets served with those charges as soon as he exits the copter at Andrews?...all bets are off. :)
You're wrong about Pence. He's been Trump's best friend from the start, and has been and will remain his right hand man so long as Donald Trump is alive. And I feel that is a mutual trust.
Biden is already sick.
I predict Biden is taking supplements for his issue, and so far so good. The foolish media mob will take Biden's speech, but it will be so confused, they will merely wake up the American people as to the extent of their calumnous coverage of everything President Trump says or does and skips his triumphs that are too many to count. Lying to the public can be outright as well as hidden in a scandalous number of omissions that would prove their spurious claims as phony as a three dollar bill. For example, Biden's extortions are well known, but nobody is bringing out the extent nor the motivation for his graft. The media mob is an abject failure by choising the "truth is optional" matter. that will hurt them, because they're banking on American citizens to be stupid. American citizens are already mad at Democrats over the fake impeachment. Thousands of former Democrats are quitting the party and walking away or joining the Walk Away Movement. Going to take the afternoon off and pray for the nation, including the atheists who have lost their way and are starting to wonder why they are depressed after declaring God dead, and I believe that is wearing at the souls of many people who have turned away from the Kingdom. A few will find their error and return. I do not know who will be the lucky few who will gladden the hearts of angels when they return and clean up their act. Best wishes to those who return to truthful living in the Kingdom.

I agree. He won't dump Pence. Too much risk in actually losing part of his base. The rest of your suppositions are just that. :)
Trump bought impeachment on himself. Every thinking voter knows this. Only the true believers like yourself are still kidding themselves that Trump is innocent.
Right now, the majority of the nation just wants Trump and Pence gone. 130K+ dead, 15% unemployment, 3+ years of scandals, incompetence, and corruption.
And the bonus in all this is that Trump is taking a lot of Republicans with him.

I will welcome back sanity, compassion, and optimism in November when Trump and a majority of Republicans are shown the door by the voters.
what are your predictions, my friends?

best excerpts from the article:

One veteran Republican operative, close to many in the GOPā€™s donor class, said in the past couple weeks it's been stunning the extent to which people who have some association with Trump are speculating he might drop out of the race. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want to be a loser, and thatā€™s all in jeopardy now,ā€ this strategist said. ā€œItā€™s less than 50-50 [Trump would pull himself off ticket] but Iā€™m amazed at the amount of New Yorkers that are talking about this ā€” his former friends. ... They think heā€™s looking for an excuse to get out.ā€

By these lights, Trumpā€™s complaints about the alleged ā€” though factually unsupported ā€” vulnerability of postal voting to fraud could be a predicate for him saying the election is unfair and so heā€™s getting out. Or he could come up with a host of other reasons ā€” heā€™s achieved his important objectives, he wants time with family, and so on ā€” for bailing on a showdown.

ā€œHe would throw Mike Pence in a wood chipper if he needed to,ā€ said one former White House official who frequently interacted with Trump. ā€œIā€™m still very surprised that heā€™s on the ticket. If someone walks in there and tells him, ā€˜The only way youā€™re going to pull this out is to put an African American on the ticket or to put a woman on the ticketā€™ ā€” if itā€™s good for Trump, heā€™ll do it in a second.ā€

Among the candidates most frequently mentioned for a narrative-jolting event: A Supreme Court vacancy in the fall. ā€œI couldnā€™t even fathom the chaos a [high court] vacancy could bring to this race,ā€ said one GOP operative close to the Trump campaign. ā€œMcConnellā€™s going to go forward, the presidentā€™s going to go forward and the left is going to go crazy.ā€

No need to get too macabre or dwell on this at length. Itā€™s just a statement of the obvious that if either Trump or Biden were your aging parent in the midst of a pandemic, you would likely urge them to stay home and avoid any unnecessary human contact. You would not urge people creeping close to the average life expectancy for American men (78.5 years) to run for president, even if they were careful about wearing masks (as Biden apparently is and Trump self-evidently is not).

multiple sources do find it plausible if Trump loses he might disparage the results as tainted by fraud or other irregularities. A former White House official who worked closely with Trump said, ā€œThat will be his rationale and for the rest of his life, weā€™ll never hear anything but, ā€˜It was stolen.ā€™ ... He canā€™t admit that he lost, so how heā€™ll comfort himself or justify it is that it was stolen.ā€

One scenario to watch closely if Trump decides to leave the race or loses it: his use of pardon power to insulate allies and family members from any post-presidency legal probes. One point of constitutional ambiguity: Can a president pardon himself?

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and who often publicly lashes Trump, predicted that if Trump loses he will skip the inaugural ceremonies: ā€œI canā€™t imagine him attending Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration because it would be to him the ultimate humiliation. He would rather blame other people, claim that the election was stolen from him but heā€™s [departing voluntarily] because heā€™s a good guy [but in protest] he will not attend the inauguration."
Good, we'll hold that to you. I am sure you predicted a Bestial victory as well.
what are your predictions, my friends?

best excerpts from the article:

One veteran Republican operative, close to many in the GOPā€™s donor class, said in the past couple weeks it's been stunning the extent to which people who have some association with Trump are speculating he might drop out of the race. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want to be a loser, and thatā€™s all in jeopardy now,ā€ this strategist said. ā€œItā€™s less than 50-50 [Trump would pull himself off ticket] but Iā€™m amazed at the amount of New Yorkers that are talking about this ā€” his former friends. ... They think heā€™s looking for an excuse to get out.ā€

By these lights, Trumpā€™s complaints about the alleged ā€” though factually unsupported ā€” vulnerability of postal voting to fraud could be a predicate for him saying the election is unfair and so heā€™s getting out. Or he could come up with a host of other reasons ā€” heā€™s achieved his important objectives, he wants time with family, and so on ā€” for bailing on a showdown.

ā€œHe would throw Mike Pence in a wood chipper if he needed to,ā€ said one former White House official who frequently interacted with Trump. ā€œIā€™m still very surprised that heā€™s on the ticket. If someone walks in there and tells him, ā€˜The only way youā€™re going to pull this out is to put an African American on the ticket or to put a woman on the ticketā€™ ā€” if itā€™s good for Trump, heā€™ll do it in a second.ā€

Among the candidates most frequently mentioned for a narrative-jolting event: A Supreme Court vacancy in the fall. ā€œI couldnā€™t even fathom the chaos a [high court] vacancy could bring to this race,ā€ said one GOP operative close to the Trump campaign. ā€œMcConnellā€™s going to go forward, the presidentā€™s going to go forward and the left is going to go crazy.ā€

No need to get too macabre or dwell on this at length. Itā€™s just a statement of the obvious that if either Trump or Biden were your aging parent in the midst of a pandemic, you would likely urge them to stay home and avoid any unnecessary human contact. You would not urge people creeping close to the average life expectancy for American men (78.5 years) to run for president, even if they were careful about wearing masks (as Biden apparently is and Trump self-evidently is not).

multiple sources do find it plausible if Trump loses he might disparage the results as tainted by fraud or other irregularities. A former White House official who worked closely with Trump said, ā€œThat will be his rationale and for the rest of his life, weā€™ll never hear anything but, ā€˜It was stolen.ā€™ ... He canā€™t admit that he lost, so how heā€™ll comfort himself or justify it is that it was stolen.ā€

One scenario to watch closely if Trump decides to leave the race or loses it: his use of pardon power to insulate allies and family members from any post-presidency legal probes. One point of constitutional ambiguity: Can a president pardon himself?

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and who often publicly lashes Trump, predicted that if Trump loses he will skip the inaugural ceremonies: ā€œI canā€™t imagine him attending Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration because it would be to him the ultimate humiliation. He would rather blame other people, claim that the election was stolen from him but heā€™s [departing voluntarily] because heā€™s a good guy [but in protest] he will not attend the inauguration."
You are really getting boring dude.....just sayin....
If (as is likely) President Trump loses, he will not attend the inauguration, for he knows the festive crowd there would attempt to physically seize him. After all, Dems are not gracious losers or generous winners.
To see how the 2020 election will end, one needs to study how the 2016 election ended.

And the Greatest Hits just keep on coming! :)
Keep hope alive. Well look at that. Biden within striking distance in Georgia and Texas, and tied in Ohio.

Point being that the 2016 polls all showed that Trump had no way to win, and yet he won. So I'm not a strong believer of polls.
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what are your predictions, my friends?

best excerpts from the article:

One veteran Republican operative, close to many in the GOPā€™s donor class, said in the past couple weeks it's been stunning the extent to which people who have some association with Trump are speculating he might drop out of the race. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want to be a loser, and thatā€™s all in jeopardy now,ā€ this strategist said. ā€œItā€™s less than 50-50 [Trump would pull himself off ticket] but Iā€™m amazed at the amount of New Yorkers that are talking about this ā€” his former friends. ... They think heā€™s looking for an excuse to get out.ā€

By these lights, Trumpā€™s complaints about the alleged ā€” though factually unsupported ā€” vulnerability of postal voting to fraud could be a predicate for him saying the election is unfair and so heā€™s getting out. Or he could come up with a host of other reasons ā€” heā€™s achieved his important objectives, he wants time with family, and so on ā€” for bailing on a showdown.

ā€œHe would throw Mike Pence in a wood chipper if he needed to,ā€ said one former White House official who frequently interacted with Trump. ā€œIā€™m still very surprised that heā€™s on the ticket. If someone walks in there and tells him, ā€˜The only way youā€™re going to pull this out is to put an African American on the ticket or to put a woman on the ticketā€™ ā€” if itā€™s good for Trump, heā€™ll do it in a second.ā€

Among the candidates most frequently mentioned for a narrative-jolting event: A Supreme Court vacancy in the fall. ā€œI couldnā€™t even fathom the chaos a [high court] vacancy could bring to this race,ā€ said one GOP operative close to the Trump campaign. ā€œMcConnellā€™s going to go forward, the presidentā€™s going to go forward and the left is going to go crazy.ā€

No need to get too macabre or dwell on this at length. Itā€™s just a statement of the obvious that if either Trump or Biden were your aging parent in the midst of a pandemic, you would likely urge them to stay home and avoid any unnecessary human contact. You would not urge people creeping close to the average life expectancy for American men (78.5 years) to run for president, even if they were careful about wearing masks (as Biden apparently is and Trump self-evidently is not).

multiple sources do find it plausible if Trump loses he might disparage the results as tainted by fraud or other irregularities. A former White House official who worked closely with Trump said, ā€œThat will be his rationale and for the rest of his life, weā€™ll never hear anything but, ā€˜It was stolen.ā€™ ... He canā€™t admit that he lost, so how heā€™ll comfort himself or justify it is that it was stolen.ā€

One scenario to watch closely if Trump decides to leave the race or loses it: his use of pardon power to insulate allies and family members from any post-presidency legal probes. One point of constitutional ambiguity: Can a president pardon himself?

George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and who often publicly lashes Trump, predicted that if Trump loses he will skip the inaugural ceremonies: ā€œI canā€™t imagine him attending Joe Bidenā€™s inauguration because it would be to him the ultimate humiliation. He would rather blame other people, claim that the election was stolen from him but heā€™s [departing voluntarily] because heā€™s a good guy [but in protest] he will not attend the inauguration."
You are really getting boring dude.....just sayin....
haters gon' hate
My prediction that Trump will beat Biden stands.
Biden will champion this issue for his base;
"Imagine a narrow Trump loss. He screams fraud. Barr suppprts him by claiming to have detected efforts by China, Antifa, and other enemies of the people to steal the election. Violence erupts. SCOTUS gets involved....

This is a nightmare scenario."

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