2016 Democrat Party Primary Poll

Which of these candidates would you vote for in Democrat Primary?

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Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
If we could only have Democrats participate in this poll that would be great. Thanks!

Which of these candidates would you vote for if they were the only Democrat candidates to choose from in the 2016 Primaries:

1) Hillary Clinton
2) Elizabeth Warren
3) Bernie Sanders
Bernie has indicated he might run as an independent, but that he would not run in Democratic primaries. I think that's a wise choice.
Bernie could start a third party with enough money, organization, and luck.

I wouldn't vote for any of them at all.
There's always running Obama for a couple of more terms, rumor has it that it's in the works.
I like Elizabeth Warren, but I'm not sure I would ever vote for her. At this rate I might be sitting out another election.
Crap ... I picked Bernie Sanders thinking it was Barry Sanders. So none of the above.
If we could only have Democrats participate in this poll that would be great. Thanks!

Which of these candidates would you vote for if they were the only Democrat candidates to choose from in the 2016 Primaries:

1) Hillary Clinton
2) Elizabeth Warren
3) Bernie Sanders

I am not a democrat but if i were an unmotivated welfare parasite , I would vote for the person who is criminally insane enough to attempt to provide me more benefits. That person would be Commissar Elizabeth Warren.

If we could only have Democrats participate in this poll that would be great. Thanks!

Which of these candidates would you vote for if they were the only Democrat candidates to choose from in the 2016 Primaries:

1) Hillary Clinton
2) Elizabeth Warren
3) Bernie Sanders

Hillary for President;
Elizabeth Warren for VP;

In 2020 Elizabeth Warren for POTUS
I put down Sanders but would be happy with Warren. It would be the first time since LBJ that we had a liberal as president.
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Bernie Sanders is a communist. He unelectable unless it's in a gerrymandered district.

The only thing I know about Elizabeth Warren is she lied about being an American Indian and she's the one who dreamed up the idea "You didn't build that".

Hillary is incompetent and has been everywhere she's been. She responsible for the Secret Service scandal and Benghazi. She refuses to be answerable to the voters. We don't need someone in the Oval Office that has a worse Napoleon Complex than the current resident.

These people are all extremist leftist radicals that would continue the destruction of this country.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yh0Tc4APyM#t=28]The New Socialist Party of America - YouTube[/ame]

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