2011 Baseball


My team hits good pitching and has two legit top of the rotation guys in Lester and Beckett.
I don't know man, there's been a few days off since the AS game where Manuel could shuffle the rotation around. I highly doubt anything Bochy did affected this series, but I could be wrong. I've been way too busy to follow the day to day moves this season so I'm not sure how Manuel's been handling the rotation in that regard. I do know there was one Lee start a week or so ago where he was on 6 days rest, so obviously something changed somewhere.

of course, but hey, we've dealt with everybody on your roster last year and beat them, including and especially Lee who had a better offense behind him last year than this year's and last year's Phillies.

The one thing that's positive about our offense is they don't know who is pitching to them, whether it's Roy Halladay or Joe Nobody... We scratch out 3-4 runs and beat that pitcher or when we lose we get shutout and lose by 5 or more runs. It's just our M.O. Win the close ones and forget about the blowouts....
Gotta love that ridiculous team era of 3.06... The starters have been awesome but the bullpen has been even better.... 0.56 era since the all star break:eek:

We don't have any Joe Nobodys in our rotation. Oswalt is back on Sunday, and that makes Vance Worley our #5. He's only 7-1 with a 2.33 ERA.

Cain and Linc aren't at their best this season and you guys will be lucky to make the playoffs. You got Arizona right on your ass and have to race Atl if you want the WC. You guys really aren't that good this season and I'm just being brutally honest.

1-0 so far for the series :D

Well Lincecum has definitely been better this year than last year and Cain as well, however the problem has been the run support. Don't go looking at Wins and Loss Record.. Both have lower era's and higher strikeout totals with lower walks than last year. It's been all about run support. The Offense is back to the level it was in 08 which was simply dreadful. Last year we were at least slightly below average but with all the injuries this year the offense has been abysmal... That could change with our new acquisitions but this year more than ever it's about our pitching... and don't worry about the D-Bags. They were always pretenders and will fade. Don't buy their fools gold. We'll have no problem winning the west and then all we gotta do is limp in to the playoffs and we have a shot because we have the best staff in the majors. That is why we still have a chance. We just need the offense to get hot for a couple weeks and the west race is over. Trust me, Arizona is far more flawed than us and they will fold by mid september if not earlier.
of course, but hey, we've dealt with everybody on your roster last year and beat them, including and especially Lee who had a better offense behind him last year than this year's and last year's Phillies.

The one thing that's positive about our offense is they don't know who is pitching to them, whether it's Roy Halladay or Joe Nobody... We scratch out 3-4 runs and beat that pitcher or when we lose we get shutout and lose by 5 or more runs. It's just our M.O. Win the close ones and forget about the blowouts....
Gotta love that ridiculous team era of 3.06... The starters have been awesome but the bullpen has been even better.... 0.56 era since the all star break:eek:

We don't have any Joe Nobodys in our rotation. Oswalt is back on Sunday, and that makes Vance Worley our #5. He's only 7-1 with a 2.33 ERA.

Cain and Linc aren't at their best this season and you guys will be lucky to make the playoffs. You got Arizona right on your ass and have to race Atl if you want the WC. You guys really aren't that good this season and I'm just being brutally honest.

1-0 so far for the series :D

Well Lincecum has definitely been better this year than last year and Cain as well, however the problem has been the run support. Don't go looking at Wins and Loss Record.. Both have lower era's and higher strikeout totals with lower walks than last year. It's been all about run support. The Offense is back to the level it was in 08 which was simply dreadful. Last year we were at least slightly below average but with all the injuries this year the offense has been abysmal... That could change with our new acquisitions but this year more than ever it's about our pitching... and don't worry about the D-Bags. They were always pretenders and will fade. Don't buy their fools gold. We'll have no problem winning the west and then all we gotta do is limp in to the playoffs and we have a shot because we have the best staff in the majors. That is why we still have a chance. We just need the offense to get hot for a couple weeks and the west race is over. Trust me, Arizona is far more flawed than us and they will fold by mid september if not earlier.
I'm not sure how you can say you have the best pitching staff.

Here's the current team pitching numbers as of today:

1. Phi: 72-29, 3.09 ERA, 33/36 saves, 896 hits, 366 total runs, 347 earned runs, 78 hr, 272 walks, 861 K, .238 opponent avg, 1.15 WHIP

2. SF: 62-50, 3.16 ERA, 40/52 saves, 859 hits, 394 runs, 358 earned, 68 hr, 381 walks, 920 K, .229 avg, 1.22 WHIP

We've got you beat in record, ERA, save pct, runs allowed including earned, walks by a landslide, and WHIP. Basically the most important categories.

You guys have a damn good staff, but it's not better than ours.
We don't have any Joe Nobodys in our rotation. Oswalt is back on Sunday, and that makes Vance Worley our #5. He's only 7-1 with a 2.33 ERA.

Cain and Linc aren't at their best this season and you guys will be lucky to make the playoffs. You got Arizona right on your ass and have to race Atl if you want the WC. You guys really aren't that good this season and I'm just being brutally honest.

1-0 so far for the series :D

Well Lincecum has definitely been better this year than last year and Cain as well, however the problem has been the run support. Don't go looking at Wins and Loss Record.. Both have lower era's and higher strikeout totals with lower walks than last year. It's been all about run support. The Offense is back to the level it was in 08 which was simply dreadful. Last year we were at least slightly below average but with all the injuries this year the offense has been abysmal... That could change with our new acquisitions but this year more than ever it's about our pitching... and don't worry about the D-Bags. They were always pretenders and will fade. Don't buy their fools gold. We'll have no problem winning the west and then all we gotta do is limp in to the playoffs and we have a shot because we have the best staff in the majors. That is why we still have a chance. We just need the offense to get hot for a couple weeks and the west race is over. Trust me, Arizona is far more flawed than us and they will fold by mid september if not earlier.
I'm not sure how you can say you have the best pitching staff.

Here's the current team pitching numbers as of today:

1. Phi: 72-29, 3.09 ERA, 33/36 saves, 896 hits, 366 total runs, 347 earned runs, 78 hr, 272 walks, 861 K, .238 opponent avg, 1.15 WHIP

2. SF: 62-50, 3.16 ERA, 40/52 saves, 859 hits, 394 runs, 358 earned, 68 hr, 381 walks, 920 K, .229 avg, 1.22 WHIP

We've got you beat in record, ERA, save pct, runs allowed including earned, walks by a landslide, and WHIP. Basically the most important categories.

You guys have a damn good staff, but it's not better than ours.

Well last I checked we had you in all those categories last week, but we had a very bad week and the pitching had a hiccup, so as of this exact moment you guys have bragging rights. A week ago, we had all those... then after taking the series in Philadelphia we gave up 26 runs in 5 games against the Reds and D-Bags. That's what allowed you guys to catch up to us(Thanks Barry Zito for bending over and coughing up 9 runs). Thank heavens we have Jonathan Sanchez back finally to spell Zito in the Rotation.
But like I said before, we have you right where we want you... We know we beat the Phillies in Series all the time. No one is better constructed to beat you guys than us somehow. I think it's a mental thing. No Wonder Philly hasn't won a series IN san francisco Since 06.
Well Lincecum has definitely been better this year than last year and Cain as well, however the problem has been the run support. Don't go looking at Wins and Loss Record.. Both have lower era's and higher strikeout totals with lower walks than last year. It's been all about run support. The Offense is back to the level it was in 08 which was simply dreadful. Last year we were at least slightly below average but with all the injuries this year the offense has been abysmal... That could change with our new acquisitions but this year more than ever it's about our pitching... and don't worry about the D-Bags. They were always pretenders and will fade. Don't buy their fools gold. We'll have no problem winning the west and then all we gotta do is limp in to the playoffs and we have a shot because we have the best staff in the majors. That is why we still have a chance. We just need the offense to get hot for a couple weeks and the west race is over. Trust me, Arizona is far more flawed than us and they will fold by mid september if not earlier.
I'm not sure how you can say you have the best pitching staff.

Here's the current team pitching numbers as of today:

1. Phi: 72-29, 3.09 ERA, 33/36 saves, 896 hits, 366 total runs, 347 earned runs, 78 hr, 272 walks, 861 K, .238 opponent avg, 1.15 WHIP

2. SF: 62-50, 3.16 ERA, 40/52 saves, 859 hits, 394 runs, 358 earned, 68 hr, 381 walks, 920 K, .229 avg, 1.22 WHIP

We've got you beat in record, ERA, save pct, runs allowed including earned, walks by a landslide, and WHIP. Basically the most important categories.

You guys have a damn good staff, but it's not better than ours.

Well last I checked we had you in all those categories last week, but we had a very bad week and the pitching had a hiccup, so as of this exact moment you guys have bragging rights. A week ago, we had all those... then after taking the series in Philadelphia we gave up 26 runs in 5 games against the Reds and D-Bags. That's what allowed you guys to catch up to us(Thanks Barry Zito for bending over and coughing up 9 runs). Thank heavens we have Jonathan Sanchez back finally to spell Zito in the Rotation.
But like I said before, we have you right where we want you... We know we beat the Phillies in Series all the time. No one is better constructed to beat you guys than us somehow. I think it's a mental thing. No Wonder Philly hasn't won a series IN san francisco Since 06.

Yeah the Marlins were in our heads like that a couple years ago, we could barely win a game at all and lost countless games in a row in Florida.

You know what's happened since then?

They've become our BITCH. Sometimes we just LET them win because we feel sorry for them, and it's 1:30 on Sunday afternoon and we've played baseball for 10 straight days and the previous game was only a few hours ago the night before and we just want to get some god damn SLEEP.

Cody Ross was the only reason you guys took us last year. He was the difference maker. That's fine. So be it. But if Cody fucking ROSS is the guy you have to rely on to get over hump against easily the best team in baseball right now...the Phillies...then I'm afraid your short lived greatness is finished :D
2 down, 2 to go son!

ok... dad... you finally won a series in sf... Just a nice little reminder that Cain and Lincecum still pwn you. Once we're a little healthier come playoff time we'll see who's Boss you little tramp heap.:lol:
I don't really like Rick Sutcliff as a broadcaster. He's kind of got this condescending vibe going on.
2 down, 2 to go son!

ok... dad... you finally won a series in sf... Just a nice little reminder that Cain and Lincecum still pwn you. Once we're a little healthier come playoff time we'll see who's Boss you little tramp heap.:lol:

Linc controlled us, but Cain didn't NECESSARILY. We got to him in the 1st, but then he settled down. So I wouldn't call it a 'pwn' considering he lost.

I do give you props though on your righties being able to handle our lefty heavy lineup.
2 down, 2 to go son!

ok... dad... you finally won a series in sf... Just a nice little reminder that Cain and Lincecum still pwn you. Once we're a little healthier come playoff time we'll see who's Boss you little tramp heap.:lol:

Linc controlled us, but Cain didn't NECESSARILY. We got to him in the 1st, but then he settled down. So I wouldn't call it a 'pwn' considering he lost.

I do give you props though on your righties being able to handle our lefty heavy lineup.

Just the same, we know there are easier opponents but we'd much rather face you all again in the NLCS than someone else. There's just so much drama.
ok... dad... you finally won a series in sf... Just a nice little reminder that Cain and Lincecum still pwn you. Once we're a little healthier come playoff time we'll see who's Boss you little tramp heap.:lol:

Linc controlled us, but Cain didn't NECESSARILY. We got to him in the 1st, but then he settled down. So I wouldn't call it a 'pwn' considering he lost.

I do give you props though on your righties being able to handle our lefty heavy lineup.

Just the same, we know there are easier opponents but we'd much rather face you all again in the NLCS than someone else. There's just so much drama.

I want the Yankees. I don't care how we have to get to them. If it's through you guys, so be it.
Linc controlled us, but Cain didn't NECESSARILY. We got to him in the 1st, but then he settled down. So I wouldn't call it a 'pwn' considering he lost.

I do give you props though on your righties being able to handle our lefty heavy lineup.

Just the same, we know there are easier opponents but we'd much rather face you all again in the NLCS than someone else. There's just so much drama.

I want the Yankees. I don't care how we have to get to them. If it's through you guys, so be it.

Yankees or Sawks, either will bring credibilty from the East Coast Bias machine.
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Baseball fans will be treated to an epic pair of Championship series with the usual Sox/Yanks clash and a rematch of Giants/Phils. Drama and bad blood would be everywhere.

All due respect to the Brewers who do have a shot at this thing, as well as the Braves, both will lose valiant fights to the Giants and Phils pitching staffs. The Rangers are presenting fools gold this year. They will fold this year if they face either the Yanks or the Sox. Whoever comes out of the central, probably the Tigers will lose quickly despite a respectable year.

Too bad for Los Piratas man.. I was really pulling for them but they remembered who they were before september rolled around.
Baseball fans will be treated to an epic pair of Championship series with the usual Sox/Yanks clash and a rematch of Giants/Phils. Drama and bad blood would be everywhere.

All due respect to the Brewers who do have a shot at this thing, as well as the Braves, both will lose valiant fights to the Giants and Phils pitching staffs. The Rangers are presenting fools gold this year. They will fold this year if they face either the Yanks or the Sox. Whoever comes out of the central, probably the Tigers will lose quickly despite a respectable year.

Too bad for Los Piratas man.. I was really pulling for them but they remembered who they were before september rolled around.

The Brewers don't have a shot. Only you guys, us, and maybe Atlanta because of their pitching, which is #5 in the majors. I'm not personally worried about Atl though because we've faced their pitching plenty over the last couple years.

I do get to take credit for calling Jurrjens as having ace type stuff a couple years ago on here when I was arguing about it with Crimson White, a Braves fan, trying to convince him that he had a good staff.
Damn this was 3 years ago..


If I were you I'd be happy with Hudson and Jurrjens, and even Hampton now that he'll be healthy. That's not a bad first 3. Keep the prospects, I think you guys need offense right now more than starting pitching. You might want to think about unloading Francouer too, before his value goes completely down the toilet. Trade him for some pitching if you can, and sign Vlad or Milton Bradley. They are both FA's.

And good thing they didn't waste their time with Peavy. :cool:
Mets and Red Sox fan here...guess i can at least look forward to the Bosox being in the playoffs barring a total collapse over the next 40 or so games. I love baseball in general, all i ask is please no Yankees - Phillies World Series again in my lifetime :)
Mets and Red Sox fan here...guess i can at least look forward to the Bosox being in the playoffs barring a total collapse over the next 40 or so games. I love baseball in general, all i ask is please no Yankees - Phillies World Series again in my lifetime :)

Hey Trick, you've seen two Philly trophies. Enough is enough. We Giants need to get our 2nd and we'll probly have to go through you again. That is as long as we can just get INTO the playoffs. Score a freakin run Giants will ya!
How about dan uggla, dood has really turned it around. As for the playoffs, at this rate it looks like the giants might be outside looking in. Still alot of bball left but when u cant score more than three runs a game its trouble.

As for me, even as a braves fan, i have to say the phillies are the it team this year. Stud pitching and a lineup that can easily hit ten runs a game. We will see, any team can run hot or cold come late september and thats when it matters most.

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