20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Great article by Bongino.

1) The Pre-Corona Economy: Corona would have smashed the economy no matter who was in charge. Before that? It was doing fantastic. More than four million jobs were created. Manufacturing grew at the fastest rate in three decades. Unemployment claims hit a 49-year low. ...
2) Judges: Trump put two excellent judges on the Supreme Court and has over 200 judicial appointments.
3) Trump Signs the VA Accountability Act: A lot of Presidents talk about getting better health care for our veterans. Trump actually signed a bill that has made a positive difference for our Vets.
4) Decimated ISIS: Remember the “JV team” that Obama allowed to take over a big part of Iraq? The US has taken 98% of its territory and killed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi under Trump’s leadership.
5) Pulling Out of the Iran Deal: Obama’s deal with Iran essentially gave them the green light to develop nuclear weapons. Trump pulled out of the deal and has been working with our European allies to impose sanctions that will stop Iran from developing nukes.
6) Trump was the First President to Meet Kim Jong-un in North Korea: Trump was not able to get Kim Jong-un to give up nuclear weapons in his first term, but no US President has ever done more or gone father to make it happen.
7) Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel: Presidents have been talking about doing this since Clinton was in office. Trump did it.
8) Pulled Out of the Paris Climate Accord: By some estimates, the Paris Climate Accord would have cost us 2.7 million jobs and blocked the development of clean coal. Getting out of it was the smart play.
9) Deregulation: Trump has done more to cut regulations than any President since Ronald Reagan.
10) The Space Force: Trump created the 6th branch of the U.S. Armed Services, the Space Force. Creating a branch of the service dedicated to warfare in outer space should have been done decades ago and it’s good to see Trump finally getting it going. Like Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, it will pay big dividends over the long haul.
11) Replacing NAFTA: American workers have suffered because of bad trade deals for years. Trump has worked tirelessly to improve those deals and his biggest success on that front has been replacing NAFTA with a new trade deal that has terms more favorable to the United States.
Uh Iran is not the threat to the world and doesn’t have nuclear weapons,Israel does and is the threat.the only reason trump should be re-elected is the alternative of Biden a globalist,is even worse for the country than trump is which was same as last time was the only reason I wanted trump in before because the option of globalist Hitlery was the only other option.as they always do,the choices of the Two candidates to choose from suck as they always do.
Great article by Bongino.

1) The Pre-Corona Economy: Corona would have smashed the economy no matter who was in charge. Before that? It was doing fantastic. More than four million jobs were created. Manufacturing grew at the fastest rate in three decades. Unemployment claims hit a 49-year low. ...
2) Judges: Trump put two excellent judges on the Supreme Court and has over 200 judicial appointments.
3) Trump Signs the VA Accountability Act: A lot of Presidents talk about getting better health care for our veterans. Trump actually signed a bill that has made a positive difference for our Vets.
4) Decimated ISIS: Remember the “JV team” that Obama allowed to take over a big part of Iraq? The US has taken 98% of its territory and killed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi under Trump’s leadership.
5) Pulling Out of the Iran Deal: Obama’s deal with Iran essentially gave them the green light to develop nuclear weapons. Trump pulled out of the deal and has been working with our European allies to impose sanctions that will stop Iran from developing nukes.
6) Trump was the First President to Meet Kim Jong-un in North Korea: Trump was not able to get Kim Jong-un to give up nuclear weapons in his first term, but no US President has ever done more or gone father to make it happen.
7) Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel: Presidents have been talking about doing this since Clinton was in office. Trump did it.
8) Pulled Out of the Paris Climate Accord: By some estimates, the Paris Climate Accord would have cost us 2.7 million jobs and blocked the development of clean coal. Getting out of it was the smart play.
9) Deregulation: Trump has done more to cut regulations than any President since Ronald Reagan.
10) The Space Force: Trump created the 6th branch of the U.S. Armed Services, the Space Force. Creating a branch of the service dedicated to warfare in outer space should have been done decades ago and it’s good to see Trump finally getting it going. Like Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, it will pay big dividends over the long haul.
11) Replacing NAFTA: American workers have suffered because of bad trade deals for years. Trump has worked tirelessly to improve those deals and his biggest success on that front has been replacing NAFTA with a new trade deal that has terms more favorable to the United States.

President Trump also saved many American lives by closing the border and stopping the Fenatyl sellers whose drug was killing 300 Americans per week because the Chinese weaponized the drug before sending it to the Mexican cartel of drugs, and when they sold it, they got the best money from America, where they sent this shit, which turned out to destroy American families who didn't even know their children were doing drugs. :(

President Trump stopped all that, and with the way Mexico fell to Covid, he likely stopped the problem we have right now from being as exponentially bad as Mexico's huge problem with Covid.

President Trump's wall saved millions of American lives when you add up all that was done to us by the criminal crossings our border states endured. I realize that's very, very difficult to understand in Maine unless a passel of killer Fentanyl got up that way from the Coyotes who made extra money on the side by slipping that stuff in in little children's swaddling blankets, underwear, pockets, and stuffed dolls.

I know it ices the hell out of Trump haters, but the things he did that you cannot see don't exist unless you lost a loved one to that horrible stuff the border state families had no choice but to lose loved ones to drugs and diseases cheerfully imported up here by fat cat coyotes.
Great article by Bongino.

1) The Pre-Corona Economy: Corona would have smashed the economy no matter who was in charge. Before that? It was doing fantastic. More than four million jobs were created. Manufacturing grew at the fastest rate in three decades. Unemployment claims hit a 49-year low. ...
2) Judges: Trump put two excellent judges on the Supreme Court and has over 200 judicial appointments.
3) Trump Signs the VA Accountability Act: A lot of Presidents talk about getting better health care for our veterans. Trump actually signed a bill that has made a positive difference for our Vets.
4) Decimated ISIS: Remember the “JV team” that Obama allowed to take over a big part of Iraq? The US has taken 98% of its territory and killed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi under Trump’s leadership.
5) Pulling Out of the Iran Deal: Obama’s deal with Iran essentially gave them the green light to develop nuclear weapons. Trump pulled out of the deal and has been working with our European allies to impose sanctions that will stop Iran from developing nukes.
6) Trump was the First President to Meet Kim Jong-un in North Korea: Trump was not able to get Kim Jong-un to give up nuclear weapons in his first term, but no US President has ever done more or gone father to make it happen.
7) Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel: Presidents have been talking about doing this since Clinton was in office. Trump did it.
8) Pulled Out of the Paris Climate Accord: By some estimates, the Paris Climate Accord would have cost us 2.7 million jobs and blocked the development of clean coal. Getting out of it was the smart play.
9) Deregulation: Trump has done more to cut regulations than any President since Ronald Reagan.
10) The Space Force: Trump created the 6th branch of the U.S. Armed Services, the Space Force. Creating a branch of the service dedicated to warfare in outer space should have been done decades ago and it’s good to see Trump finally getting it going. Like Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, it will pay big dividends over the long haul.
11) Replacing NAFTA: American workers have suffered because of bad trade deals for years. Trump has worked tirelessly to improve those deals and his biggest success on that front has been replacing NAFTA with a new trade deal that has terms more favorable to the United States.
Outta the Park, Jim. :thup: Thanks for bringing all this up. You are so right on.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
The Bush administration?

Bush is voting for Biden, so I would say that YOU are the one that needs to pull their head out of their arse, but then I realized they are probably one in the same.
Miss the Bush/Obama wars do ya?
No war
IMHO, the single best reason to vote for Trump is that he's not the progressive liberal senile democrat Joe Biden, who has no scruples and changes his position on every issue every time the political winds change. Or when he gets out of bed on the other side, whichever comes first.

I agree. Its because Trump Isn't a POLITICIAN. He's a businessman who knows how to get shit done. He's a billionaire who can't be bought.

Those are the reasons I voted for him in 2016 and will vote for him in 2020.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Working Americans are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Who gives a shit what the rest of the World thinks of US. “Childish” Twitter rants vs. laying down in the middle of the street to block traffic?
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
The Bush administration?

Bush is voting for Biden, so I would say that YOU are the one that needs to pull their head out of their arse, but then I realized they are probably one in the same.
Miss the Bush/Obama wars do ya?
Your desperate attempt falls far short.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Working Americans are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Who gives a shit what the rest of the World thinks of US. “Childish” Twitter rants vs. laying down in the middle of the street to block traffic?
No, they aren't.
We do when we need to negotiate with them.
What previous president lay in the street to block traffic?

Lies and damn lies, that's all you got. Just like tRump.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
20 ad hominems lol
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
20 ad hominems lol
You shouldn't use big words you don't understand.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
20 ad hominems lol
You shouldn't use big words you don't understand.
I think I accurately described you
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Working Americans are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Who gives a shit what the rest of the World thinks of US. “Childish” Twitter rants vs. laying down in the middle of the street to block traffic?
No, they aren't.
We do when we need to negotiate with them.
What previous president lay in the street to block traffic?

Lies and damn lies, that's all you got. Just like tRump.

Working Americans are not keeping more of their paycheck under Trump? You may want to check the Tax Reform of 2017. Also, you call the President out for what you assess as Childish tweets when thugs are laying in or blocking streets to get their way. Show us how these are lies? The only lies are what is in between your ears coupled with denial.

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