20% of Trump Supporters "disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves"

So, that's your excuse for ignorance then?

:lol: Ironic post is ironic. :lol:
SO "TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" O Yeah,you have a snowball in Hells chance of that......so by your avie,you admit that America is NOT Great then?????? That's Ironic......steve

Sleep it off, get back to me when you've sobered up enough to stay on topic. Thanks in advance...not steve.
I was only replying to your Avie..........Missourian.........Me, I am a moderate Drinker like yourself LOL..steve

Ok Steve, when you put it like that, I have no choice but to reply. Did you know that my Grandad, a Pennsylvania coal miner, was the sole bread winner, bought and paid off a home and new Ford, raised two kids, and retired with a pension that insured my Grandmother's financial security into her 90's?

Today, husbands and wives both work, and still struggle to make ends meet, while their house is foreclosed on and 50 million Americans receive food stamps, with no hope of a pension.

So, are we better off today than we were, or worse off?
Missourian.....Yes and No......Your Grandad being a Coal Miner must have been a strong man,and determined too, to make provision for his wife and family is wonderful.
A True American.

Today life is easlier BUT unlike your Grandfather,people today have greater opportunity but lack that determined spirit he has/had RIP.

Out Mom was widowed with 6 Kinder at the age of 29......at least my Fathers insurance paid the home off for her,but we had a "Fiscally Tight Upbringing) but the Love and Affection,Solidarity between us all was and is Magic..........Our Mom taught us to be strong minded and never take a backwards step......we have all done well and used our upbringing in the running of our businesses........starting with a few thousand $,I was well off by 35 that I could have retired......but theliq loves the thrill of Business.................I or my siblings have never had a Government handout in our lives.......I know what poor is,not having a bike until I was 13 ect., I know the real value of money compared to others........I often eat out,and lick my plate when the meal is finished,a throwback from when we/I had not so much,a custom I am proud of,much to my families and friends disgust,........as I say to them,you have No concept of hardship.....something lacking in some of society today.....but many do face hardship and wherever possible should be helped,all society is judged by how they look after the less fortunate......on the whole Australia does a Great Job(Free Health Care,Unemployment,Aged Care and so on) ..America in my opinion do a really Crappy Job,but then you spend 1/3 of your taxes on Weapons and squandering $'s ideas..steve thanks for asking but we could talk for months on this issue Missie (your full monika takes too long to spell,st
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20% of Trump supporters are Democrats

No, it was that 20% of people who thought something Trump had said was good, were Democrats.
your post is late and weak.

And your post is boring and a complete waste of time. But hey.... You're just trying to derail this thread.
What percentage of Trump supporters are Democrat, at least 20%, if you think it is less, that is your opinion.
20% of Trump supporters are Democrats

No, it was that 20% of people who thought something Trump had said was good, were Democrats.
your post is late and weak.

And your post is boring and a complete waste of time. But hey.... You're just trying to derail this thread.
What percentage of Trump supporters are Democrat, at least 20%, if you think it is less, that is your opinion.

You might be right, but what are you basing this from? Otherwise I have nothing to go from. I don't have an opinion.

The only thing I've see about 20% in relation to Trump and Democrats was the whole bombing ficticious disney places, and 20% of those who said they'd bomb it, were democrats.
20% of all Trump supporters are democrats

The Strongest Trump Supporters Are Registered Democrat | RedState

The Strongest Trump Supporters Are Registered Democrat

You'd have been better off showing the link


Trump has his lowest support among the young. The older they get, the more likely they are to support Trump. Men are more likely to support him.

"He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote. "

"His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats."

What sort of person is a registered Democrat who identifies as a Republican? Possibly someone is poorly educated and doesn't really know whether they're coming or going, and someone like Trump, who gives them the entertainment and makes comments they want to believe are true?

However, what you've posted doesn't mention 20% of Democrat supporters supporting Trump. What level these democrat registered Republican leaning voters are as a percentage of the registered Democrats just isn't there.

What is there is this:

"Registered Democrats make up just 8 percent of self-identified Republicans in the states with party registration, according to the Civis data."
20% of all Trump supporters are democrats

The Strongest Trump Supporters Are Registered Democrat | RedState

The Strongest Trump Supporters Are Registered Democrat

You'd have been better off showing the link


Trump has his lowest support among the young. The older they get, the more likely they are to support Trump. Men are more likely to support him.

"He is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote. "

"His very best voters are self-identified Republicans who nonetheless are registered as Democrats."

What sort of person is a registered Democrat who identifies as a Republican? Possibly someone is poorly educated and doesn't really know whether they're coming or going, and someone like Trump, who gives them the entertainment and makes comments they want to believe are true?

However, what you've posted doesn't mention 20% of Democrat supporters supporting Trump. What level these democrat registered Republican leaning voters are as a percentage of the registered Democrats just isn't there.

What is there is this:

"Registered Democrats make up just 8 percent of self-identified Republicans in the states with party registration, according to the Civis data."
Nobody cares. Trump wins huge.
Those who are allegedly alarmed by the findings in the OP, are the same people who routinely disregard and make excuses for polls that show that a significant number of Muslims in the West, and in the US, support anti democratic and anti western feeling, such as violent jihad, violence against Americans, implementation of shariah law within democracies and so on. Of course, they ought to view these findings as more alarming than some oddly worded and ordered questions which struggle to allege some Americans wish slaves hadn't been freed way back when, but in fact might be disagreeing with the notion of executive orders and/or their abuse.

Anyway, According to a survey of American Muslims just last summer:

Center for Security Policy
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
Press Releases | June 23, 2015 | The Muslim Brotherhood in America, Understanding the Shariah Threat Doctrine

According to a new nationwide online survey (Below) of 600 Muslims living in the United States, of those polled a significant minority embraces the supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security and its constitutional form of government.*

....a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

A quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country.

The findings of the Center for Security Policy’s survey of Muslims in America suggests that we have a serious problem. The Pew Research Center estimates that the number of Muslims in the United States was 2.75 million in 2011, and growing at a rate of 80-90 thousand a year. If those estimates are accurate, the United States would have approximately 3 million Muslims today. That would translate into roughly 300,000 Muslims living in the United States who believe that shariah is “The Muslim God Allah’s law that Muslims must follow and impose worldwide by Jihad.”

Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
anyone believes this poll is desperate to stir up hate on their fellow country men and women. and then to lump onto Trumps back. who the hell would even put a poll like that out. stupid

sick people trying to take down a candidate for President.
I can see that. I think he has captured the imagination of many of the Tea Baggers. They see Trump as the first step in restoring their lily white "Merika."

Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves

Question 49

5% of people strongly disapprove of freeing the slaves.

8% slightly disapprove.

Isn't that just a little scary?

Slaves were better off in some cases than the poor slaves to the Democratic Party in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit. What's the difference? Democrats only care about specific freedoms when it benefits them, not the type freedom we are all familiar with.


Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves

Question 49

5% of people strongly disapprove of freeing the slaves.

8% slightly disapprove.

Isn't that just a little scary?
8 + 5 = 20?

Umm I know liberal math is goofy but come on now.....

This has been done before. If you READ what you're reading, you'd realize that 8+5 is FOR THE WHOLE COUNTRY and 20% is for TRUMP SUPPORTERS.

But I'll give you a positive anyway for not insult. I'm starting to like you.
We saw in a South Carolina poll that Trump supporters are more xenophobic, homophobic and racist than the rest of the SC Republicans. This should come as a surprise to no one.

Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves

Question 49

5% of people strongly disapprove of freeing the slaves.

8% slightly disapprove.

Isn't that just a little scary?

Slaves were better off in some cases than the poor slaves to the Democratic Party in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit. What's the difference? Democrats only care about specific freedoms when it benefits them, not the type freedom we are all familiar with.


In some cases. Yes, people can be better off under a dictatorship than a democracy. That doesn't mean people don't want to be free to make their own mistakes and have the hope that one day they can rise out of that.

When you say "Democrats only care...." sure, some Democrats probably only care about some things that benefit them. I personally don't really like associating with large groups of people, because I know I won't agree with lots of things they say.

The US is a mess, people are so individualistic they harm other individuals in order to get a better place for themselves. This happens on both sides of the spectrum. People without fundamental principles but claim to follow something but don't really.

It's eating the US apart.
That's very interesting given the fact the poll being cited does not break down how the supporters of the individual candidates feel about the order that freed the slaves at least not that I saw. Yet someone still managed to come up with that 20 percent number now that is just a bit scary.

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