2 Studies: Marijuana raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke by up to a THIRD


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Plus pot is a carcinogen.
There’s reasons users want to call it a drug but avoid the drug approval process.

Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.

One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.

And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.

As we age, ignoring high blood pressure, a terrible diet, and lack of exercise contribute more. Of course chronic users can easily fall into all of those categories.
Plus pot is a carcinogen.
There’s reasons users want to call it a drug but avoid the drug approval process.

Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.

One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.

And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.

Then do not use it.

Just quit being an asshole authoritarian that wants to control what everyone else does.
What about gummies? In any event, we all die sometime, might as well enjoy being alive

Yep, if you do not smoke it but get it otherwise many of these issues are not a problem.

I know a lot of people that use it for one reason or another and the only ones I know that smoke it are the ones that grow their own
Then do not use it.

Just quit being an asshole authoritarian that wants to control what everyone else does.
All the drugs people wanted to take for Covid the Left banned, even some of them that were used by doctors in Europe.

But now people just need to be informed about not taking things that will kill them?

Plus pot is a carcinogen.
There’s reasons users want to call it a drug but avoid the drug approval process.

Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.

One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.

And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.

This surprises me. Are there other factors besides pot?
Compared with nonusers/experimenters (lifetime use of less than seven times), ever- and current use of marijuana were not associated with increased risk of cancer of all sites (relative risk [RR] = 0.9, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 0.7-12 for ever-use in men; RR = 1.0, CI = 0.8-1.1 in women) in analyses ...

Marijuana use and cancer incidence (California, United States) - PubMed


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Search for: What percentage of

Smoking causes about 20% of all cancers and about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. About 80% of lung cancers, as well as about 80% of all lung cancer deaths, are due to smoking.Oct 28, 2020

Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco | American Cancer Society

Most bacon products contain sodium nitrite, which prevents bacterial growth and improves taste and color ( 5 ). When exposed to heat, sodium nitrite may produce nitrosamine — a compound that has been linked to cancer ( 6 , 7Trusted Source Trusted Source ).Jul 27, 2021

Bacon and Cancer: What's the Connection? - Healthline​

Compared with nonusers/experimenters (lifetime use of less than seven times), ever- and current use of marijuana were not associated with increased risk of cancer of all sites (relative risk [RR] = 0.9, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 0.7-12 for ever-use in men; RR = 1.0, CI = 0.8-1.1 in women) in analyses ...

Marijuana use and cancer incidence (California, United States) - PubMed

View attachment 854602
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Search for: What percentage of

Smoking causes about 20% of all cancers and about 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. About 80% of lung cancers, as well as about 80% of all lung cancer deaths, are due to smoking.Oct 28, 2020

Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco | American Cancer Society

yet there has never been a thread on here attacking cigarettes and there are daily ones going after pot.

It shows it is not about health and all about control
Plus pot is a carcinogen.
There’s reasons users want to call it a drug but avoid the drug approval process.

Using marijuana regularly is ‘strongly’ linked to heart failure and stroke, two major studies suggest.

One paper that tracked 160,000 adults over 54 years old for four years found those who smoked marijuana daily had a 34 percent higher risk of heart failure.

And in a second, researchers found hospitalized people over 65 years old who had used marijuana — but not cigarettes — were 20 percent more likely to suffer a major heart event or stroke.

What approval process did alcohol go through?

There's a reason people who prefer alcohol don't call it a drug.
yet there has never been a thread on here attacking cigarettes and there are daily ones going after pot.

It shows it is not about health and all about control
I have smoked for forty-six years and it never stopped me from being in the top ten percentile in the military, on the dean's list at college, or from earning a living.

Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States:
Results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health​

Cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist genistein attenuates marijuana-induced vascular inflammation​

The Cardiovascular Effects of Marijuana: Are the Potential Adverse Effects Worth the High?​

Cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates increase the risk of incident atrial fibrillation​


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