2 Million Households Now Owe $15 Billion in Back Rent

One would think all cons would be concerned about it, but clearly many aren’t. In fact, they defend it. CRAZY!
They pay zero, because they don't earn enough taxable income to owe any. The wealthiest don't pay any taxes on the amounts the 47% don't pay any taxes on either...its an exempt amount, for the most part.

Have better paying jobs for the 47% then they'd have taxable income to owe taxes on.....You can't get blood out of a turnip!

The billionaires paying zero, should be more concerning to you.... Imho.
But they are paying sales taxes and rent (property taxes). Some are on Sec 8
Totally disagree with you on this.... we are a REPUBLIC, the States can do this, as many have already.

Dems are just trying to get more bailout money.... When the States have only distributed $3 billion of the $47 billion given already by federal renters relief ... imo.
Yeah it’s butt hurt when the government bails out the rich and does little for the poor. Are you familiar with the term injustice?

What country does more for the so-called poor than the United States? We have something like 106 different welfare programs. Our so-called poor live in dwellings with microwave ovens, washers and dryers, air conditioning, big screen televisions, and many are very overweight, government sponsored cell phones, they live in the suburbs. When people from other countries come here and see what we categorize as poor people, they laugh hysterically.

Your suggestion in this instance to help the "poor" is to take it from people who are not poor. They get screwed, and the "poor" make out like the always do.
They pay zero, because they don't earn enough taxable income to owe any. The wealthiest don't pay any taxes on the amounts the 47% don't pay any taxes on either...its an exempt amount, for the most part.

Have better paying jobs for the 47% then they'd have taxable income to owe taxes on.....You can't get blood out of a turnip!

The billionaires paying zero, should be more concerning to you.... Imho.

Not at all. Here we have a .08 consumption tax. Everybody in my county pays this tax: the rich, the poor, the middle-class. 5 cents goes to the state, and the rest goes to various county programs. So yes, you can get blood out of a turnip because that's what we do here. This can be done on a national level, and have it earmarked for our deficit and debt. You'll see how fast the poor protest against some of this ridiculous spending if it meant increasing the consumption tax.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.
imo the moratorium had to end. But both parties deserve a helping of blame in not making it clear there was a upcoming drop dead date.
Yet the Fed has been buying billions in corporate bonds and lending billions interest free to the TBTF banks. We can’t have capitalism in those markets. Capitalism is only for the poor slubs.
What country does more for the so-called poor than the United States? We have something like 106 different welfare programs. Our so-called poor live in dwellings with microwave ovens, washers and dryers, air conditioning, big screen televisions, and many are very overweight, government sponsored cell phones, they live in the suburbs. When people from other countries come here and see what we categorize as poor people, they laugh hysterically.

Your suggestion in this instance to help the "poor" is to take it from people who are not poor. They get screwed, and the "poor" make out like the always do.
All of Western Europe. You need to get out more.
Yeah, and to assert renters aren't paying tax on rent is absurd. They're paying the property taxes, as well as all payroll taxes for everyone working at the rental or doing maintenance.
In Maine, if you meet the property tax credit criteria, the renter gets the property tax credit if they qualify..... The law assumes the renter is paying the property tax, when renting it. The home owner only gets the tax credit if they qualify, for the owned home they reside in.....
Yeah, and to assert renters aren't paying tax on rent is absurd. They're paying the property taxes, as well as all payroll taxes for everyone working at the rental or doing maintenance.

Indirectly, yes. We base our rental prices on the bills we have to pay.
Bullshit. The US poor live in larger dwellings with more amenities than many working Europeans.
You know so little. The poor in Western Europe have HC. You do know that right? That’s big no? Many of the working poor have unions protecting their jobs. The safety net in Western Europe is much more expansive than in the US.

Why do you support socialism for the ultra rich, but capitalism for the poor?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in explaining the need to extend the eviction ban, noted that out of $46.5 billion in rental relief previously approved by Congress, "only $3 billion has been distributed to renters."

We need to extend the ban because we have handled it so very poorly thus far
Lib 101
You know so little. The poor in Western Europe have HC. You do know that right? That’s big no? Many of the working poor have unions protecting their jobs. The safety net in Western Europe is much more expansive than in the US.

Why do you support socialism for the ultra rich, but capitalism for the poor?

I support capitalism as our economic system for the entire country. In Europe, people generally buy European products regardless of cost. In fact when covid broke out, Italy was the hardest hit because consumers would resist buying any product that was not made in Italy. So they brought in Chinese workers, most from Wuhan, to work in Italian factories thus allowing them to legally use the Made in Italy labels on their products.

In the United States, we are consumed with cheap prices. We don't care where our products are made, just as long as they're cheap. We don't even care about quality. It's what made Walmart the number one store in the US. It's why outside of government, unions have virtually disappeared in the US. We can't make cheap products overpaying workers.

Nothing is free. Healthcare workers don't work for free here and they don't work for free in Brazil. You pay one way or the other, and the US has some of the lowest tax rates of any industrialized country.

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