2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.
Officer Ashley Guindon

You libs should get to know the lives you're endangering with your rhetoric and the ones who end up suffering. Here's 2 female cops shot in the last 48 hours down South.​

Ashley Guindon
Prince Williams County Police
Shot on her first day on the street. Did not survive.

Kimber Gust
Berkeley Sheriffs Office
Shot investigating a career criminal . Multiple wounds. Saved by vest.
Jesus. You're right - this shit has got to stop. It's gotten completely out of control.

Yep. Meanwhile....left wingers keep running their campaign based on stirring up disdain for police.

Here is the officers photo from being sworn in YESTERDAY.....dead 24 hours later.

Here Democrats....more lives you helped endanger who ended up being killed on duty.

Gregory Barney
Riverdale Police - Atlanta
Shot and killed last week. A role model of a successful black man.
I know - my son posted a picture a few days ago of his uniform laid out with a black band over his badge and a note saying it wasn't exactly how he planned to be going to work that day. I worry the shit out of myself all the time - I should be used to it after 20 some years - but I'm not.
I know - my son posted a picture a few days ago of his uniform laid out with a black band over his badge and a note saying it wasn't exactly how he planned to be going to work that day. I worry the shit out of myself all the time - I should be used to it after 20 some years - but I'm not.

God Bless you and your son. I did the job for 8 years. Let him know we all pray for him and from a former brother in blue...remind him there are still a LOT OF good people out there looking out to support the officers.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

at the college last week they had what they called a meeting of the minds ( I failed to see any minds involved )
It was basically a panel of blacks, a historian, a black FBI agent, a black officer, a black professor and a white psychological profiler (sp).
They were all discussing the recent attacks on the poor black males by the police, the historian talking about the poor treatment of blacks throughout the history of the country, the officer and FBI agent talking about how the departments were racist and how the training was not culturally based.
They mentioned the most noted shootings and killings of blacks by the police. We as the audience were supposed to walk out of there with the belief that all blacks are picked on, all police are bad.
They did fail to mention all of the unarmed whites that were killed. They failed to mention that its possible that police are on edge knowing that the public is out to kill them.
We had to discuss it in the next class, Is it actually necessary to tell you that I and another person were talked over, yelled at and basically told we were racist because we refused to accept that blacks are no more violent that whites?
One of the black girls in the class got so upset with hearing that the blacks needed to police their own neighborhoods that she got up and walked out.
They complained that the police were targeting black neighborhoods, then in the same breath complained because there were no police in the neighborhood to stop the black on black crime.
They mentioned Beyonce, its her right to get up and sing about killing police, but the police still have to protect her because that's their job, even though she publicly said the police were racist and murderers.
It disgusting and the blacks all ate it up. Never their fault, the police are killing them on purpose and nothing is done about it.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

at the college last week they had what they called a meeting of the minds ( I failed to see any minds involved )
It was basically a panel of blacks, a historian, a black FBI agent, a black officer, a black professor and a white psychological profiler (sp).
They were all discussing the recent attacks on the poor black males by the police, the historian talking about the poor treatment of blacks throughout the history of the country, the officer and FBI agent talking about how the departments were racist and how the training was not culturally based.
They mentioned the most noted shootings and killings of blacks by the police. We as the audience were supposed to walk out of there with the belief that all blacks are picked on, all police are bad.
They did fail to mention all of the unarmed whites that were killed. They failed to mention that its possible that police are on edge knowing that the public is out to kill them.
We had to discuss it in the next class, Is it actually necessary to tell you that I and another person were talked over, yelled at and basically told we were racist because we refused to accept that blacks are no more violent that whites?
One of the black girls in the class got so upset with hearing that the blacks needed to police their own neighborhoods that she got up and walked out.
They complained that the police were targeting black neighborhoods, then in the same breath complained because there were no police in the neighborhood to stop the black on black crime.
They mentioned Beyonce, its her right to get up and sing about killing police, but the police still have to protect her because that's their job, even though she publicly said the police were racist and murderers.
It disgusting and the blacks all ate it up. Never their fault, the police are killing them on purpose and nothing is done about it.

AND that's why Hillary/Bernie 2016 are running on an anti cop campaign. Fucking disgusting.
It's liken to the accusations leveled against muslims, blacks and other groups in this nation by law enforcement, where as they say "you have to out the bad that are among you" , then we can effectively help you and us better. Ok, fair enough right, but doesn't the same also apply to the police ? Why is it that leadership in law enforcement is allowed to create atmospheres of corruption or corrupt thinking to reside within law enforcement, and then not expect a backlash to come from the citizenry ? How about law enforcement looking like Nazi storm troopers with military equipment, and buying all these intimidating unmarked $40,000 dollar chargers and SUV's with taxpayers money, in which is used then to intimidate and harass the citizenry with ? How about the hiring practices of law enforcement, where video after video shows cowards bullying and killing the citizens ? There is work to be done, and it's not just on the citizen side of the issue. God bless the victims on all sides of the issue. I support law enforcement and I support the citizens as well. No new hire should have to lay down their principles at the door, because leadership is corrupt in it's thinking, and therefore creates bad officers out of that corrupt thinking. Politicians should be called out on their roles in all this as well, because they can have blood on their hands just as well in all of this. Let's clean it all up, because it's to important not too.
The deceased officer is also a Marine in the USMC reserves.

I'm sure Obama is preparing his speech right now....
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

"Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

Explaining the massive 11% increase in murders under Obama?

"... the media have tried to repackage that 11 percent increase as trivial. ...the most important [attempt is by] simply not disclosing the actual figure. An Atlantic article titled “Debunking the Ferguson Effect” reports: “Based on their data, the Brennan Center projects that homicides will rise slightly overall from 2014 to 2015.” A reader could be forgiven for thinking that that “slight” rise in homicides is of the order of, say, 2 to 3 percent.

Vox,declaringthe crime increase “bunk,” is similarly discreet about the actual homicide jump, leaving it to the reader’s imagination.Crime & Justice News, published by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, coyly admitsthat “murder is up moderately in some places” without disclosing what that “moderate” increase may be." City Journal

If you believe otherwise, that an 11% increase is no big deal, try imagining the confetti parades if they could claim an 11% decrease in murders.

Obama and Holder.....in charge.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.

"Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

Explaining the massive 11% increase in murders under Obama?

"... the media have tried to repackage that 11 percent increase as trivial. ...the most important [attempt is by] simply not disclosing the actual figure. An Atlantic article titled “Debunking the Ferguson Effect” reports: “Based on their data, the Brennan Center projects that homicides will rise slightly overall from 2014 to 2015.” A reader could be forgiven for thinking that that “slight” rise in homicides is of the order of, say, 2 to 3 percent.

Vox,declaringthe crime increase “bunk,” is similarly discreet about the actual homicide jump, leaving it to the reader’s imagination.Crime & Justice News, published by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, coyly admitsthat “murder is up moderately in some places” without disclosing what that “moderate” increase may be." City Journal

If you believe otherwise, that an 11% increase is no big deal, try imagining the confetti parades if they could claim an 11% decrease in murders.

Obama and Holder.....in charge.

That's a national number too, the 11%.

In urban shitholes the murder rates are up by huge numbers. 20% to 80% or more in some areas.

The 11% comes from a balancing of the stable suburb and rural areas.

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