1996 Clinton interfered in the Russian election. Kept Yeltsin in power.

So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996
TD, you and your far right wing Orange Clown apologists just never tire with your moral equivalence fallacies such as this ridiculous OP. Here is the logic error displayed for you and your brethren to understand so you can all see how fucked up logic wise it is by ignoring certain facts and giving weight to those not relevant through a simple example of the moral equivalence fallacy.

Two people are found fighting on a street corner. Cops are called to scene, they arrest the fighters and throw them in jail pending arraignment for assault upon each other, et al. All the cops saw was the fight, but not led up to it. What cops didn't see or cared to hear and ignored was that the one drawing money from an ATM on that corner was mugged by the other and the victim of the mugging was fighting back, but the fighting was all the cops cared to know or acknowledge. The cops applied "moral equivalence" to the situation and punished them both equally, which was wrong and displays the fallacy of not considering all the facts involved.

The Russians mugged our US election process last year and that is a matter of record and God Bless you if you are stupid enough to disavow that as fact. Now you argue in your OP that over 20 years ago that some non-adjudicated instance(s) of US interference in a Russian election has some kind of moral equivalence, which is ridiculously false and utterly stupid. Crimes unrelated to what occurred over 20 years ago were committed, so to compare the two different alleged crimes with two completely different sets of players is beyond foolhardy and outside the boundaries of logical reasoning.

The Orange Clown has his ass in a very wide crack of his own making. His sycophants need to stop apologizing for his dumb ass and start analyzing just what the Hell he's actually doing to this Nation! Carrying water month after month for that narcissistic POS must get terribly embarrassing with this drip-drip-drip each and every week. Are you folks ever going to wise up?

Get back to me when some government agency examines the DNC server and proves Russia hacked them.
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996
TD, you and your far right wing Orange Clown apologists just never tire with your moral equivalence fallacies such as this ridiculous OP. Here is the logic error displayed for you and your brethren to understand so you can all see how fucked up logic wise it is by ignoring certain facts and giving weight to those not relevant through a simple example of the moral equivalence fallacy.

Two people are found fighting on a street corner. Cops are called to scene, they arrest the fighters and throw them in jail pending arraignment for assault upon each other, et al. All the cops saw was the fight, but not led up to it. What cops didn't see or cared to hear and ignored was that the one drawing money from an ATM on that corner was mugged by the other and the victim of the mugging was fighting back, but the fighting was all the cops cared to know or acknowledge. The cops applied "moral equivalence" to the situation and punished them both equally, which was wrong and displays the fallacy of not considering all the facts involved.

The Russians mugged our US election process last year and that is a matter of record and God Bless you if you are stupid enough to disavow that as fact. Now you argue in your OP that over 20 years ago that some non-adjudicated instance(s) of US interference in a Russian election has some kind of moral equivalence, which is ridiculously false and utterly stupid. Crimes unrelated to what occurred over 20 years ago were committed, so to compare the two different alleged crimes with two completely different sets of players is beyond foolhardy and outside the boundaries of logical reasoning.

The Orange Clown has his ass in a very wide crack of his own making. His sycophants need to stop apologizing for his dumb ass and start analyzing just what the Hell he's actually doing to this Nation! Carrying water month after month for that narcissistic POS must get terribly embarrassing with this drip-drip-drip each and every week. Are you folks ever going to wise up?

Get back to me when some government agency examines the DNC server and proves Russia hacked them.
Well, that's a double down on stupidity for you!
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996
Comment of Dean Acheson

I just discovered a historical parallel to strongman Putin taking over from permissive Yeltsin in order to save his country from poverty, anarchy, and control by globalist aggressors. Bribed academented clowns wouldn't notice this, but when in 1910, royalty in Portugal was overthrown by an undisciplined and easily corruptible democratic revolution that saw need to reform established institutions and instead destroyed them, leaving a vacuum, restoration of a viable order necessitated a dictatorship lasting from 1926 to 1968.
Israel feels the same way as you, but that didn't stop us from meddling in their election did it ? And what about us actually changing governments out in other countries ?
1) Two wrongs never make a right.

2) Interesting to see John Wayne defend the fucking Russians.

3) What, exactly, did the US do to "meddle" in their election?

Two wrongs? Are you freaking kidding me? Under Obama Mubarak gets pushed out and O's Muslim Brotherhood installed in Egypt. Take out Gaddafi and turn over Libya to various terror groups who are now holding open slave markets. And then O and the CIA try to oust Assad working with the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey.

As to Israel.

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported
By Jesse Byrnes - 03/22/15 03:21 PM EDT 5,562

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported
If it were true that Obama did that, why hasn't anyone in the military or intelligence services said so? Are you accusing all of them of treason?
Get back to me when some government agency examines the DNC server and proves Russia hacked them.

That's already been reported several times:
Cyber Espionage Against US Political Organizations. Russia’s intelligence services conducted cyber operations against targets associated with the 2016 US presidential election, including targets associated with both major US political parties.

We assess Russian intelligence services collected against the US primary campaigns, think tanks, and lobbying groups they viewed as likely to shape future US policies.
In July 2015, Russian intelligence gained access to Democratic National Committee (DNC) networks and maintained that access until at least June 2016.

 The General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) probably began cyber operations aimed at the US election by March 2016. We assess that the GRU operations resulted in the compromise of the personal e-mail accounts of Democratic Party officials and political figures. By May, the GRU had exfiltrated large volumes of data from the DNC.
Get back to me when some government agency examines the DNC server and proves Russia hacked them.

That's already been reported several times:
Cyber Espionage Against US Political Organizations. Russia’s intelligence services conducted cyber operations against targets associated with the 2016 US presidential election, including targets associated with both major US political parties.

We assess Russian intelligence services collected against the US primary campaigns, think tanks, and lobbying groups they viewed as likely to shape future US policies.
In July 2015, Russian intelligence gained access to Democratic National Committee (DNC) networks and maintained that access until at least June 2016.

 The General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) probably began cyber operations aimed at the US election by March 2016. We assess that the GRU operations resulted in the compromise of the personal e-mail accounts of Democratic Party officials and political figures. By May, the GRU had exfiltrated large volumes of data from the DNC.

And the evidence of the DNC hack came from where considering no agency has examined those servers to date. That report which I just chewed thru is a grand pile of bullshit.

They can sat "high confidence" all they want. There's still no evidence presented. It's all smoke and mirrors focusing mainly on RT and Sputnik influencing the election. Good grief!

I can point to a quizzillion other media outlets that were all pro Clinton. What a waste of a report.
Israel feels the same way as you, but that didn't stop us from meddling in their election did it ? And what about us actually changing governments out in other countries ?
1) Two wrongs never make a right.

2) Interesting to see John Wayne defend the fucking Russians.

3) What, exactly, did the US do to "meddle" in their election?

Two wrongs? Are you freaking kidding me? Under Obama Mubarak gets pushed out and O's Muslim Brotherhood installed in Egypt. Take out Gaddafi and turn over Libya to various terror groups who are now holding open slave markets. And then O and the CIA try to oust Assad working with the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey.

As to Israel.

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported
By Jesse Byrnes - 03/22/15 03:21 PM EDT 5,562

Netanyahu pollster: Obama role in election larger than reported
If it were true that Obama did that, why hasn't anyone in the military or intelligence services said so? Are you accusing all of them of treason?

All I put up is what I beleive to be common knowledge.

Are you referring to the attempted overthrow of Assad with the CIA assisting the Gulf States in their attempts?
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996
Is that a real Time cover or is it a fake? I ask because it has some similarities to Trump's fake Time cover.
/---- Why would you ask when it can be verified in a second? Yes it is real.
time magazine covers 1996 - Google Search
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
/---- Desperate? Nah, it's more like you Libtard kids are unaware of your own party's past. We're here to educate you no matter how old it is.
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
/---- Desperate? Nah, it's more like you Libtard kids are unaware of your own party's past. We're here to educate you no matter how old it is.

Keep telling yourself that.
/---- So in your tiny mind, Dems interfering in an election is meaningless because it happened 21 years ago. Is that correct? What is the cut off date so we know in the future?
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
/---- Desperate? Nah, it's more like you Libtard kids are unaware of your own party's past. We're here to educate you no matter how old it is.

Keep telling yourself that.
/---- So in your tiny mind, Dems interfering in an election is meaningless because it happened 21 years ago. Is that correct? What is the cut off date so we know in the future?

I didn't say it was meaningless. But the only reason you conservatives are bringing it up now is because Donny boy and his swamp keep getting heat for the Russian meddling.

You wouldn't give a crap about what happened 21 years if it weren't for that fact.
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
/---- Desperate? Nah, it's more like you Libtard kids are unaware of your own party's past. We're here to educate you no matter how old it is.

Keep telling yourself that.
/---- So in your tiny mind, Dems interfering in an election is meaningless because it happened 21 years ago. Is that correct? What is the cut off date so we know in the future?

I didn't say it was meaningless. But the only reason you conservatives are bringing it up now is because Donny boy and his swamp keep getting heat for the Russian meddling.

You wouldn't give a crap about what happened 21 years if it weren't for that fact.
/---- Not true, but never the less are you outraged over Dems interfering with the Russian election?
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.
/---- Desperate? Nah, it's more like you Libtard kids are unaware of your own party's past. We're here to educate you no matter how old it is.

Keep telling yourself that.
/---- So in your tiny mind, Dems interfering in an election is meaningless because it happened 21 years ago. Is that correct? What is the cut off date so we know in the future?

I didn't say it was meaningless. But the only reason you conservatives are bringing it up now is because Donny boy and his swamp keep getting heat for the Russian meddling.

You wouldn't give a crap about what happened 21 years if it weren't for that fact.
/---- Not true, but never the less are you outraged over Dems interfering with the Russian election?

I'm outraged by any political party or country sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Clinton had no business concerning himself with someone else's election process.

Btw I'm an Independent not a democratic. I think our two party system is disgraceful and they have both failed America and are corrupt.
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.

No deflection whatsoever. This interference is quite simply a glaring example of continual US interference in elections around the globe to the point of bragging on it. Hell's bells in the last 8 years alone O took out Mubarak and gave Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, killed Gadaffi and turned Libya over to various terror groups who are currently selling slaves in open air markets.

And then Obama also backed the coup in the Ukraine to hand it over to the nazis in Kiev.

And last but not least of the biggies O trying to overthrow Assad. Working directly with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to take out a secular leader and hand Syria over to the MB.

Those are just the "meddling" biggies m'kay?

ETA: I almost forgot about O backing Netanyahu's opposition. And O interfering in Brexit.
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.

No deflection whatsoever. This interference is quite simply a glaring example of continual US interference in elections around the globe to the point of bragging on it. Hell's bells in the last 8 years alone O took out Mubarak and gave Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, killed Gadaffi and turned Libya over to various terror groups who are currently selling slaves in open air markets.

And then Obama also backed the coup in the Ukraine to hand it over to the nazis in Kiev.

And last but not least of the biggies O trying to overthrow Assad. Working directly with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to take out a secular leader and hand Syria over to the MB.

Those are just the "meddling" biggies m'kay?

ETA: I almost forgot about O backing Netanyahu's opposition. And O interfering in Brexit.

Secular leaders dont kill and torture their citizens.
So as every left wing whacko and Never Trumpers like McCain are screaming their heads off because they "say" they beleive Russia meddled in the election check what happened in Russia in 1996.

The USA made sure Clinton's buddy Yeltsin won.

So anyone bitching at you about the Russians and Trump's win tell them "it's just karma baby"



TIME Magazine Cover: Boris Yeltsin - July 15, 1996
Is that a real Time cover or is it a fake? I ask because it has some similarities to Trump's fake Time cover.
/---- Why would you ask when it can be verified in a second? Yes it is real.
time magazine covers 1996 - Google Search
I actually did search after I asked. It does appear to be real.
You know conservatives are desperate when they try and deflect with crapped that happened 21 years ago.

No deflection whatsoever. This interference is quite simply a glaring example of continual US interference in elections around the globe to the point of bragging on it. Hell's bells in the last 8 years alone O took out Mubarak and gave Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, killed Gadaffi and turned Libya over to various terror groups who are currently selling slaves in open air markets.

And then Obama also backed the coup in the Ukraine to hand it over to the nazis in Kiev.

And last but not least of the biggies O trying to overthrow Assad. Working directly with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to take out a secular leader and hand Syria over to the MB.

Those are just the "meddling" biggies m'kay?

ETA: I almost forgot about O backing Netanyahu's opposition. And O interfering in Brexit.

Secular leaders dont kill and torture their citizens.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight? Because replacing Assad with the Muslim Brotherhood would be so much better? You need to talk to some Egyptians.


Assad is supposedly so bad that we have the right to overthrow him because Washington says so but we turn a blind eye when our buddies the Saudis pull this shit.


International student from Saudi Arabia who was arrested at airport on his way to the US faces 'imminent' beheading for attending pro-democracy rally
  • Mujtaba'a Al-Sweikat one of 14 protestors facing execution in Saudi Arabia
  • He was 17 in 2012 when he was arrested for attending a pro-democracy rally
  • Was on his way to visit Western Michigan University as a prospective student
  • Now the Saudi national has been transferred for execution, new report says
  • Outcry over case from human rights advocates against US ally Saudi Arabia

Read more: International student from Saudi Arabia faces beheading | Daily Mail Online
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