1994 Treaty REQUIRES USA to Defend Ukraine From Invasion!

Statements from extremists like "ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution. ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution." clearly prove my point they are wackos.

The mainstream GOP in yesterday's primaries kicked the TPM in the balls. Sorry Ms Pierson.

In our party, the Mojo2s are being ignored.

When I first came here you were the joke of the forum.

You think you can rehab your cruddy rep by trying to marginalize MOI???

You are STILL the silly fuck, aren't you?

Statements from extremists like "ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution. ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution." clearly prove my point they are wackos.

The mainstream GOP in yesterday's primaries kicked the TPM in the balls. Sorry Ms Pierson.

In our party, the Mojo2s are being ignored.

When I first came here you were the joke of the forum.

You think you can rehab your cruddy rep by trying to marginalize MOI???

You are STILL the silly fuck, aren't you?


:lol: in your and few other weak heads' minds, perhaps

You marginalize yourself, sonny

keep writing silly stuff and the right thinkers on the board will make you keep eating it

tis what tis.
Statements from extremists like "ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution. ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution." clearly prove my point they are wackos.

The mainstream GOP in yesterday's primaries kicked the TPM in the balls. Sorry Ms Pierson.

In our party, the Mojo2s are being ignored.

When I first came here you were the joke of the forum.

You think you can rehab your cruddy rep by trying to marginalize MOI???

You are STILL the silly fuck, aren't you?


:lol: in your and few other weak heads' minds, perhaps

You marginalize yourself, sonny

keep writing silly stuff and the right thinkers on the board will make you keep eating it

tis what tis.

You tis a silly fuck twat tit tis!
When I first came here you were the joke of the forum.

You think you can rehab your cruddy rep by trying to marginalize MOI???

You are STILL the silly fuck, aren't you?


:lol: in your and few other weak heads' minds, perhaps

You marginalize yourself, sonny

keep writing silly stuff and the right thinkers on the board will make you keep eating it

tis what tis.

You tis a silly fuck twat tit tis!

mojo, having been put in his place can only mutter. of course.
ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution.

If only that were true! Please Explain the Patriot Act? I believe that was a Republican endeavor and not much in keeping with the Constitution..

Shit, you would have a cow if you knew what Abe Lincoln did during HIS war.

Or what Woodrow Wilson did during his.

The President was faced with a new kind of opponent with massive computer skills and an advantage over us.

At a time when we ALL believed another attack was coming, none ever did.


The Patriot Act.

But a law like that is but a tool to be used wisely and justly or as a weapon.

And in the case of W he wielded it with care and justly.

Obama has used it as a means to taking our power away from us all.

Even you, you silly fuck.
mojo continues mumbling about Lincoln, Wilson, and so forth. They were in titanic struggles, even more so was FDR.

The War on Terror should have been crime operation from the get go along with the CIA invasion of Afghanistan.

We lost ONE death in the overthrow of the Taliban. We had about 450 operatives on the ground.

But no good deed goes unpunished, and the fucking neo-cons expanded what did not need to be expanded in Afghanistan and the Iraq.

If Bush or his folks go to western Europe, ever, they will be arrested on war crime charges.
ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Boy, you just live in a little fantasy all of your own making, don't you.

By now one would expect you to have come up with a way to dispute the OTHER part of my assertion.

ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution.

ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution.

But you haven't.

Don't even want to try to deny that, eh?

I don't blame you.

Everyone knows it's true.

And you are vying to become one of the Poster Boys for LW Craziness.

Your LW orientation can't stand up to a media or News Source comparison for two weeks.

If you watched/read/listened to a Conservative news source 14 times in a two week period you would never stop consulting Conservative sources the rest of your life.


Because you would realize how deficient the LW news is.

It treats you like a sheeple and leaves you looking stupid on these boards.

They keep info from you and mislead you in order to perpetuate their narrative or agenda.

But go ahead. Stay stupid!

What do I care?

Last edited:
mojo makes no solid fact filled support for his assertions.

That's the problem. He pontificates and when clearly rebutted, he whines.
Revealed: Forgotten 1994 Treaty US Promised to Protect Ukraine From Invasion

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin's troops cross into the country.

Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine - agreed to the The Budapest Memorandum as part of the denuclearization of former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.

The revelation comes as reports suggest the Kremlin was moving up to 2,000 troops across the Black Sea from Novorossiysk to their fleet base at Sevastopol.

At least 20 men wearing the uniform of the Russian fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post in a standoff near the port yesterday.

Scroll down for video

Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online

Holy shit!

This treaty REQUIRES we defend Ukraine from an invasion like this!!!


Oh, I just remembered who our POTUS is.

He can weasel out of that with absolutely no problem.



I almost got worried.
Only it isn't a treaty, a treaty get as ratified by congress, this is an agreement and doesn't bind us to some bullshit war over an inconsequential piece of dirt.
If you do the research, you will find that the US and it's proxies spent around 5 billion dollars, first to put pressure on its banking system and its economy, and second to instigate the fascist coup that occurred in Kiev. That is a clear violation of the fist three points of this Memorandum agreement.

Couple of things.

1) Links to the above
2) Why wouldn't the West not try and pull the Ukraine away from Russia, and why wouldn't the Ukraine want to go. Ukraine's options are to follow democracies like Germany, Switzerland, the Baltic states, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Italy - or a country like Russia run by a little faggot with a he-man complex, run by Oligarchs (as long as they tow the line) and where somebody's life is meaningless and half the population seem permanently depressed and/or are alcoholics. Easy choice to make IMO...
Revealed: Forgotten 1994 Treaty US Promised to Protect Ukraine From Invasion

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin's troops cross into the country.

Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine - agreed to the The Budapest Memorandum as part of the denuclearization of former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.

The revelation comes as reports suggest the Kremlin was moving up to 2,000 troops across the Black Sea from Novorossiysk to their fleet base at Sevastopol.

At least 20 men wearing the uniform of the Russian fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post in a standoff near the port yesterday.

Scroll down for video

Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online

Holy shit!

This treaty REQUIRES we defend Ukraine from an invasion like this!!!


Oh, I just remembered who our POTUS is.

He can weasel out of that with absolutely no problem.



I almost got worried.

Budapest Memorandum


Beware of entangling alliances and treaties you can't or don't intend to honor.

Just one more example of Liberals unable to foresee the impact of their short term decisions or avoid the unintended consequences.

Thanks Bill Clinton.

here is the bigger kicker to the folks of the Ukraine

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine
Obama traveled to Ukraine with Sen. Dick Lugar in 2005 just seven months after he became a senator, touring surplus weapons stockpiles
Most of the small arms and ammunition were left over when Soviets withdrew from Eastern bloc nations, and later dumped in Ukraine
The two senators secured U.S. funding to help destroy the weapons instead of leaving them intact
Ukraine exported more than 700,000 small arms in 2004-2007, including 101,000 each to Libya and the UK, and 260,000 to the U.S.
But most of the ammunition stockpiles – crucial for keeping a standing army battle-ready – were destroyed
Ukraine is in a staring match with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has designs on recapturing portions of the former Soviet nation

Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine | Mail Online

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