150 + International Legal Experts: Israel Has Committed War Crimes

Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The clock is ticking for the pariah state know as Israel.

It is going headlong into the same fate Nazi Germany received at the Nuremberg Trials.

150 + International Legal Experts: Israel Has Committed War Crimes

Should be Referred to the International Criminal Court

Legal Experts Say Israel Is Targeting Civilians and Inflicting Collective Punishment

The United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all say that Israel has committed war crimes by targeting civilians.

Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians is also a war crime.

Over 150 international legal experts – including two Former UN Special Rapporteurs on human rights situation in Palestine – have also signed a declaration stating:
◾Israel has targeted civilians
◾Israel has inflicted collective punishment on the Palestinians
◾These are war crimes
◾The matter should be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC)​
Indeed, a French lawyer filed a complaint with the ICC on July 25, 2014 on behalf of the Palestinian justice minister. The complaint alleges that Israel committed war crimes – citing Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian territories, Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip and the ongoing military operations there.
And Netanfuckyou is crying to the US to stop the spanking.
Where is their report on Hamas' crimes against humanity?

Smells of bias. Is it legal to consistently bombard rockets into civilian metropolises?
The clock is ticking for the pariah state know as Israel.

It is going headlong into the same fate Nazi Germany received at the Nuremberg Trials.

150 + International Legal Experts: Israel Has Committed War Crimes

Should be Referred to the International Criminal Court

Legal Experts Say Israel Is Targeting Civilians and Inflicting Collective Punishment

The United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch all say that Israel has committed war crimes by targeting civilians.

Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians is also a war crime.

Over 150 international legal experts – including two Former UN Special Rapporteurs on human rights situation in Palestine – have also signed a declaration stating:
◾Israel has targeted civilians
◾Israel has inflicted collective punishment on the Palestinians
◾These are war crimes
◾The matter should be referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC)​
Indeed, a French lawyer filed a complaint with the ICC on July 25, 2014 on behalf of the Palestinian justice minister. The complaint alleges that Israel committed war crimes – citing Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian territories, Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip and the ongoing military operations there.
And Netanfuckyou is crying to the US to stop the spanking.


The ICC has said that it does not have jurisdiction over Israeli war crimes in Gaza, because the Palestinians have not yet accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction (perhaps because they are worried that Hamas has also committed war crimes).

Where is their report on Hamas' crimes against humanity?

Smells of bias. Is it legal to consistently bombard rockets into civilian metropolises?

The ICC has said that it does not have jurisdiction over Israeli war crimes in Gaza, because the Palestinians have not yet accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction (perhaps because they are worried that Hamas has also committed war crimes).


Yeah the irony, Can you explain to me why ISIS is protesting in Hauge Billo?
international law , not impressed and I hope Israel isn't impressed either .
Pariah state?? Billo do you even know what that is??
Wigger, please!

Pariah state

A pariah state is a nation whose conduct is considered to be out of line with international norms of behavior by either the rest of the international community (such as the United Nations), or by some of its most powerful states. A pariah state may face International isolation, sanctions or even an invasion by nations who find its policies or actions unacceptable. The term is closely related to the phrase "Rogue state".
well, we can conclude billo has a huge hardon for Israel

this is 4 or 5 thread on them

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