15 year old boy becomes face of traditional values in Poland with stand against degeneracy

God made homosexuality, so the kid's going against god.
You’re confused, God obviously uses everything for his purposes... including sin.
God made sin too. What are you trying to say?

Like I said you’re confused, God uses everything for his purposes... including sin.
God’s ways are not our ways… Thank God for that. LOL
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
God made homosexuality, so the kid's going against god.
You’re confused, God obviously uses everything for his purposes... including sin.
God made sin too. What are you trying to say?

Like I said you’re confused, God uses everything for his purposes... including sin.
God’s ways are not our ways… Thank God for that. LOL
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
Like I said you’re confused, God’s ways are not our ways and we will never understand them… Because we are no supposed to.
It’s a faith thing you may not understand...
A belief in Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. This kid is really sad. There is no heroism in what he did. Nobody can "destroy" someone else's faith, particularly when he doesn't even know any of them. Neither were the marchers "profaning" the Polish flag. If you can only find a sense of self-worth by scapegoating someone else, you are in sad shape. As more and more comes out about what the Catholic Church really is, the happier I am that I left it.
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
It's a genetic defect no different than hemophilia or albinism. Anything that hinders reproduction and the furtherance of a species is a defect.

It's a harmless defect in humans until it becomes a political issue in the hands of leftists who use it as a tool to break down society (such as recruiting young children to become transexuals or question their own normal sexuality).
Homosexuality per se is nothing to be concerned with, in my view. When it becomes organized and politicized however it is evil and sinister.
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
It's a genetic defect no different than hemophilia or albinism. Anything that hinders reproduction and the furtherance of a species is a defect.

It's a harmless defect in humans until it becomes a political issue in the hands of leftists who use it as a tool to break down society (such as recruiting young children to become transexuals or question their own normal sexuality).
Homosexuality per se is nothing to be concerned with, in my view. When it becomes organized and politicized however it is evil and sinister.
So you’re afraid of the homo political wing. :blowpop:
So you’re afraid of the homo political wing.
I think my point has been made and is clear: the anti scientific transexual movement, which is a wing of the LGBT movement, is a dangerous one because it seeks to influence children (a form of pedophilia) and to deny crystal clear biology. You can post all the little "funny" emojis you want. It doesn't change facts.
So you’re afraid of the homo political wing.
I think my point has been made and is clear: the anti scientific transexual movement, which is a wing of the LGBT movement, is a dangerous one because it seeks to influence children (a form of pedophilia) and to deny crystal clear biology. You can post all the little "funny" emojis you want. It doesn't change facts.
So if they're facts, you must have a proper link for us.
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
It's a genetic defect no different than hemophilia or albinism. Anything that hinders reproduction and the furtherance of a species is a defect.

It's a harmless defect in humans until it becomes a political issue in the hands of leftists who use it as a tool to break down society (such as recruiting young children to become transexuals or question their own normal sexuality).
Homosexuality per se is nothing to be concerned with, in my view. When it becomes organized and politicized however it is evil and sinister.
So you’re afraid of the homo political wing. :blowpop:

What's not wrong. The "third gender" debate costed billions to change all froms, data bases and sanitary facilities in Germany. In the end less than 100 people used the possility to be a member of the so called "third gender". 100 under more than 80 millions is just simple a measuring error and not reality. But in all schools and kindergarten the teachers have to take care about the sexuality of children and to believe them, when they tell they are gay or hetero or trans or have a third gender - although the children don't have any little idea, what they speak about in context of this strange game. That's mad.
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So if they're facts, you must have a proper link for us.
Males are males and females are females. It is the very definition of a self evident fact. Either it's daytime or it isn't.
Either it's raining or it isn't. Either it's black or it's white.

There is such a thing as gender dysphoria in a very small percentage of people but the mental illness of a very few does not change reality for the overwhelming majority of human beings.
Pretending that the two genders, male & female, are not reality for the human race is a form of insanity that the left promotes (as it seems you are trying to do) as it does the gay political agenda.

There are plenty of gays who don't want radicals speaking for them but they keep their heads down as they get attacked when they speak up. Dave Rubin is one who hasn't been bullied.
So what's god's purpose to have made homosexuality and then spread throughout nature?
It's a genetic defect no different than hemophilia or albinism. Anything that hinders reproduction and the furtherance of a species is a defect.

It's a harmless defect in humans until it becomes a political issue in the hands of leftists who use it as a tool to break down society (such as recruiting young children to become transexuals or question their own normal sexuality).
Homosexuality per se is nothing to be concerned with, in my view. When it becomes organized and politicized however it is evil and sinister.
So you’re afraid of the homo political wing. :blowpop:

What's not wrong. The "third gender" debate costed billions to change all froms, data bases and sanitary afaciliteis in Germany. In the end less than 100 people used this possiilities. 100 under more than 80 milions is just simple a measuring error and not reality.
Germany should have been nuked. :lol: