Platinum Member
First we had the bogus 15th Congressional District in Arizona, now this.....pathetic.
These same morons now want to control your healthcare.....Phantom zip codes also found in Virginia | Washington Examiner
Phantom zip codes also found in Virginia
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
Local Opinion Editor
01/06/10 10:40 AM EST
As much as $9.5 million in federal stimulus dollars went to 14 zip codes in Virginia that dont exist or are in other states, Old Dominion Watchdog (Old Dominion Watchdog) reports. The fake zip codes were listed on, the federal Web site that is supposed to track how the stimulus money is being used.
The phony zip codes are a new wrinkle in Recovery.govs increasingly tattered credibility. In November, Ed Pound, director of communications for the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, said a rash of phantom congressional districts found on the website were the result of confusion by fund recipients, who apparently didnt know who their congressman was.
But who would give millions of dollars to somebody who doesnt even know their own zip code?