13 Reasons Why Newt Will Never Be the GOP Nominee


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Tim Murphy

Newt Gingrich is flying high. The former speaker of the House has rocketed to the top of the Republican polls, taking a 30-point lead in Florida and giving one-time GOP front-runner Mitt Romney a run for his money in New Hampshire. What's more, the competition around him seems to be collapsing. Herman Cain is history; Romney has slowly but steadily lost support nationwide; Rick Perry is still making fun of himself for a gaffe everyone else stopped talking about last month; Michele Bachmann fell in a crowded primary forest and never made a sound. Gingrich, for one, is ready to declare victory. As he told ABC's Jake Tapper on Thursday, "I'm going to be the nominee."

Well, Gingrich may be on a roll, but he's overlooking the one truly formidable candidate who stands between him and the nomination: former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. He is in many ways the perfect foil for the current GOP front-runner. Here, in 13 episodes, is much of the baggage you're likely to see aired soon in anti-Gingrich attack ads. For him, it won't be Christmas in Iowa.

During his 1974 campaign, a former aide described "approaching a car with Gingrich's daughters in hand, only to find the candidate with a woman, her head buried in his lap."

More: 13 Reasons Why Newt Will Never Be the GOP Nominee | Mother Jones
If you can support obama you can support newt. If you can support obama without supporting Newt there is only one thing it could be you are a racist. Because obama and newt are mirror images of each other.
We hear all the time from the Right that America is a center/right country, that conservatives far outnumber liberals, etc., etc.,

and yet Newt?? Newt is the best you can do ?? It's fucking bizarre.
We hear all the time from the Right that America is a center/right country, that conservatives far outnumber liberals, etc., etc.,

and yet Newt?? Newt is the best you can do ?? It's fucking bizarre.

I keep thinking the same thing. Its like they actually go looking for the absolute lowest, dumbest, least qualified and call them "candidates"??

Every single one of them would be the immediate demise of the United States.

(Except for Roemer, Huntsman or, best, Johnson. But, pubs don't want capable or intelligent or educated. They want idiots.)
We hear all the time from the Right that America is a center/right country, that conservatives far outnumber liberals, etc., etc.,

and yet Newt?? Newt is the best you can do ?? It's fucking bizarre.

I keep thinking the same thing. Its like they actually go looking for the absolute lowest, dumbest, least qualified and call them "candidates"??

Every single one of them would be the immediate demise of the United States.

(Except for Roemer, Huntsman or, best, Johnson. But, pubs don't want capable or intelligent or educated. They want idiots.)

Really... You said Gary Johnson but not Ron Paul? Really? The two guys agree on like everything... Oh wait, you just wanted to talk shit. lol. Yeah, Paul is running second in Iowa, better lump them all together and trash talk when you're full of shit.
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We hear all the time from the Right that America is a center/right country, that conservatives far outnumber liberals, etc., etc.,

and yet Newt?? Newt is the best you can do ?? It's fucking bizarre.

I keep thinking the same thing. Its like they actually go looking for the absolute lowest, dumbest, least qualified and call them "candidates"??

Every single one of them would be the immediate demise of the United States.

(Except for Roemer, Huntsman or, best, Johnson. But, pubs don't want capable or intelligent or educated. They want idiots.)

Really... You said Gary Johnson but not Ron Paul? Really? The two guys agree on like everything... Oh wait, you just wanted to talk shit. lol. Yeah, Paul is running second in Iowa, better lump them all together and trash talk when you're full of shit.

As I have said several times before, I worked with Dave Nolan back in the 70s in Denver. I was proud to call him my friend. I have great respect for true Libertarians. Ron Paul is not a true Libertarian, IMO. And his kid is proof that the crumbs don't fall far from the fruitcake. Both of them are Libertarian right up until its time to decide whose pocket the money goes into and I have no respect for that.

I expect snotty and rude from the rw's because they really don't have anything else to fall back on. I don't expect it from libs, progressives, Dems. More important, as far as I am concerned is that I don't answer it from either. If you want to call names and make accusations, take it someplace else. Thanks.

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