12 Minutes Of Democrats Threatening Our 'Democracy'

The funny thing Democrats will never admit is THEY CREATED TRUMP -- Democrats, Washington Establishment RINOs, & the fake news media.

Through their pompous, Arrogant, corrupt, criminal, 2-sets-of-rules / laws, treating Americans like they were stupid, self-serving, America last bullshit they - and yhe inbeatzble, transparent fake news nedia - created the perfect storm / atmoshere/ need for Trump.

Trump came along and said everything Americans longed to say and stuck it to the Democrats, stuck it to the Washington Establishment GOP, & stuck it to the fake news media.

CNN and other media were exposed for the liars and partisan propagandists they are. CNN went from the top of the media mountain to in the shitter now.

To try to keep their power Democrats engaged on the single most corrupt, criminal political scandal in US history & were exposed for it.

The GOP USED TO TELL THEIR VITERS, 'F* you - this is what we offer, now STFU & vote for us or give the election to the commie-crats.'

Trump came along & said, F* that, America 1st-, and gave most Americans what they wanted.

Ameticans had had enough and fled the Democrats and to Rrump's remaking of the GOP.

It's great Democrats are focusing on Trump now, buy they still have not addressed how Democrats, Latinos, blacks, etc ... are fleeing the Democrat Party.

The Red Wave I'd real and coming...and Democrats are lazer-focused on 1 thing -- Trump...THEIR CREATION.


Let the Democrats get steamrollered in both the Mid-Terms AND the next General Election...

So long as they permanently sideline your Orange Baboon-God at-law before they go... :cool:

Metaphorically speaking, in a political context...

It will have been worth the kamikaze run, to accomplish that in order to preserve the Republic...

Let the Democrats get steamrollered in both the Mid-Terms AND the next General Election...

So long as they permanently sideline your Orange Baboon-God at-law before they go... :cool:

Metaphorically speaking, in a political context...

It will have been worth the kamikaze run, to accomplish that in order to preserve the Republic...

You and the other TDS-suffering clowns are funny.

I've told you over and over, O am 'America-1st',not individual or party.

I spent e4 years fighting for and defending this country all over the world for this nation and all of its citizens, not for a politician or party.

God, country, family ... but you guys just don't get it.

If the 6 Jan committee were to actually present evidence of Trump having perpetrated actual crimes I would side with Liz Cheney and want actual charges to he recommended...

...just as I frequently call for charges against Drmocrats like Pelosi who confessed to Insider Trading a month or so ago.

Remember the last scene from Seinfeld when it went off the air?

I am all for Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden, and Trump all being placed in a cell together in the bowels of DC Gitmo for a prolonged period if the country could just move on from all the bulshit and sxadal and work together to unfuck this country after these self-serving, criminal, seditious, treasonous scumbags have f*ed us and left us all in this mess.

That clear enough for you?
At this point, I'm completely against anything and everything the screeching leftist mob wants...

Example: If they screech that they love birthday cake, I hate birthday cake and no one has the right to a birthday cake anymore.

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