11-year-old girl tasered at school

LOL...am I an A-typical Texan or what? OR were you being sarcastic?

Fair enough, I respect your view, I'll just have to disagree and we'll leave it at that. You have your view and I have mine. But mine is right. (just kidding:cool: )

Just joking. It's just odd to find a Texan with manners.

Wow, that's just crazy. It's sad that people get so terrified and overreact in this fashion.


How is that overreacting? Or I guess Columbine was no big deal to you? Or the shootings at VA tech or in Ill?

My bad I guess you expect the shooter at YOUR kids school to just do the right thing and stand down when someone pleads for their life!

You are fuckin naive!
What are you talking about? Your comments do not even reflect anything I've posted. I've never said that the child should not be confronted or punished. And I have never stated that other children do not have the right to go to school safely, you're obviously not reading the posts, and if you are, you're reading them too fast instead of thoroughly. Since when does a child have to be punished while their in the middle of a ballistic rage? Why dont' we start punishing them before they do something....or if they think about doing something. Typically people are punished after they do something, not while they are in the middle of a fit.

They had already confronted the girl, that's what got her into the room where she was throwing frickin desks at them. Hindsights always 20/20 AngelFart, of course she didn't die, but how about these people that did:


People also get shot and live too, so does that mean we can start shooting people as a non-lethal means?

Since when has classroom had $50,000 dollars worth of stuff in it? Maybe in a rich school district, but I garuantee you that's not anywhere close to where I live. And I doubt that a ballistic student would not go around and make sure that he/she has destroyed every bit of every thing in a classroom. "Ooops, I forgot to destroy that over their, let me go do it real fast." yeah right....

And I would certainly be more willing to replace a "$50,000" dollar classroom than have to payout millions for a student's death, and live with the death of a student on my conscience.

WOW... Lowing yourself to name calling. :clap2: Great way to make your point.

$50,000 is about right. When you figure in books, chairs, desks, wall hangings, computers, etc etc that are in the average elementary school classroom it can. Heck my daughters classroom has a piano in it. My mom's a school teacher and she spends (out of her own pocket most of the time) $2-3000 a year just on her classroom. I'm not even figuring in the damage to the building that the child could of caused.

How is that overreacting? Or I guess Columbine was no big deal to you? Or the shootings at VA tech or in Ill?

My bad I guess you expect the shooter at YOUR kids school to just do the right thing and stand down when someone pleads for their life!

You are fuckin naive!

Could be. At least I'm not hiding in my cellar worrying about the very slim possibility that some whack job with an automatic rifle is going to get me.
So you must believe in carrying personal protection!
(In the form of weaponry, I mean).
I (tongue-in-cheek) assumed that if you're not afraid of loons with automatics, it was because you were armed yourself.
Nobody ever expects to be gunned down by a lunatic. I think it pretty much comes as a shock to anyone it's happened to.
True enough. No one ever expects most violent death. Doesn't mean I plan on living in fear, thank you very much.

I have a real problem with kids growing up being policed by armed teachers or cops. I don't think the benefit is worth the cost.
WOW... Lowing yourself to name calling. :clap2: Great way to make your point.

$50,000 is about right. When you figure in books, chairs, desks, wall hangings, computers, etc etc that are in the average elementary school classroom it can. Heck my daughters classroom has a piano in it. My mom's a school teacher and she spends (out of her own pocket most of the time) $2-3000 a year just on her classroom. I'm not even figuring in the damage to the building that the child could of caused.

I thought it was clever...:eusa_think:

Like I said, what's easier to replace...a room full of stuff, or a life? Or supposed $50,000 worth of stuff or several million in lawsuits? I can tell you that the majority of classrooms do not have $50,000 dollars worth of stuff in them. I talk to several teacher friends yesterday and they were blown away by your "estimate." Maybe rich school district, but certainly not the majority. And considering that every classroom is different, whose to say that they would have taken her into a classroom with $50,000 dollars worth of stuff. Did it say that in the article, or are you just assuming?

No matter which way you look it at it, it's easier to replace stuff than a life. If you want to be the one to tell a family that their kid was chosen to die or be injured for life because of the fear of losing a "$50,000" classroom, then you can live with that.
Except you're forgetting that tasing isn't a deadly tool. It has killed a few but over all it's a safe choice. Would you rather they use a gun?

Do you even read from this thread? That statement has already been addressed.

So you're saying that tasing is not as dangerous as isolating the girl?
Locking a kid in a room to isolate her isn't deadly tool either...what's your point? All you've done is made comments in response to my statements, what's your point?
Another thought.... Even if you where to leave her in the room to have her 'rant', at what point do you stop it? When she brakes through to another room and starts braking it up? How about if she catches the building on fire?

Honestly letting her throw her tantrum isn't an option. She's old enough to control herself and follow directions from adults.
Do you even read from this thread? That statement has already been addressed.

So you're saying that tasing is not as dangerous as isolating the girl?
Locking a kid in a room to isolate her isn't deadly tool either...what's your point? All you've done is made comments in response to my statements, what's your point?

Isolating a child DOES NOT send a message to them at all. How is that ensuring that this wont happen again? You just told the kid that what they did WONT have any consequences.
Another thought.... Even if you where to leave her in the room to have her 'rant', at what point do you stop it? When she brakes through to another room and starts braking it up? How about if she catches the building on fire?

Honestly letting her throw her tantrum isn't an option. She's old enough to control herself and follow directions from adults.

You've been watching the terminator too much. This 11-year-old girl will not break down a door to get to another room, nor break down a wall. I honestly doubt that she will not find two wooden sticks to rub-together to create a fire. I'm sure she doesn't carry a magnesium fire-starter in her pocket either.
So this little girl will be able to run-around ballistically for days on end without stopping, no food or water, and never get tired? Wow, she must eat her wheaties.

I agree with most things that you say, but I'm not incinuating that they should use isolation as a punishment. They should have isolated her until she finished throwing her rant. Then punished her. (now by what means I have no clue). The security guard didn't tase her for punishment. She tased her because the girl was going to attack them again (because they were still in the room). I agree that the girl should have been tased given the circumstances--she was about to attack them again. However, if they'd have locked the door and not opened themselves up for another attack by this girl, than she would have never been tased (assumed)

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