100 pounds of Fentanyl precursor chemicals seized in a Tucson Az home raid.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Here we go. Fentanyl is so profitable, the Cartels are setting up shop in the US. They are starting to ship the China-based precursor chemicals into the states where they can more easily distribute the fast acting poison to Americans.

Here we go. Fentanyl is so profitable, the Cartels are setting up shop in the US. They are starting to ship the China-based precursor chemicals into the states where they can more easily distribute the fast acting poison to Americans.

Precursor chems ? Like tylenol and fluoride ? Roundup ? Aspartame ? KMN04-h202 ? M.O.U.S.E ?
Sooner or later this poison will find its way into Hunter's crack pipe and then what will Joe say.....
The vast majority of those chemicals, as well as all other illegal drugs come into the US through normal points of entry, and are not carried across the desert on immigrant's backs. If you want to stop it, put more border patrol agents at those normal points of entry instead of out in the desert.
Here we go. Fentanyl is so profitable, the Cartels are setting up shop in the US. They are starting to ship the China-based precursor chemicals into the states where they can more easily distribute the fast acting poison to Americans.


Stupid fucks are following the flawed business model of the medical industrial complex.

Kill your customers.

The vast majority of those chemicals, as well as all other illegal drugs come into the US through normal points of entry, and are not carried across the desert on immigrant's backs.
That is so ridiculous... you got that from CNN... why would they risk drug dogs and inspections at the border when they can just drive over the border at night in the middle of nowhere....
We have seen pickup trucks bringing drugs across at night... where I lived in CA we would find empty boats on the beach with evidence of drugs being the cargo... the cartels know when and where they can bring them across while the Border Patrol are busy with migrants in another sector....
Bottom line BULLDOG ... the border must be controlled and its not... Biden has the barn door wide open....
That is so ridiculous... you got that from CNN... why would they risk drug dogs and inspections at the border when they can just drive over the border at night in the middle of nowhere....
We have seen pickup trucks bringing drugs across at night... where I lived in CA we would find empty boats on the beach with evidence of drugs being the cargo... the cartels know when and where they can bring them across while the Border Patrol are busy with migrants in another sector....
Bottom line BULLDOG ... the border must be controlled and its not... Biden has the barn door wide open....

MARTIN: So, first of all, just walk me through it. How do most illegal drugs enter the U.S.?

KERLIKOWSKE: So the drugs that are actually taking the lives of people here in the United States - methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl - almost universally come through the ports of entry along the southern border - so that is people that carry them on their bodies or even in their bodies or cars or vehicles. And then the second way is through the international postal mail service.

MARTIN: And when you say most, what do you mean? Like, 50 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent?

KERLIKOWSKE: Oh, well over 90 percent. People don't backpack or try to sneak those drugs across the border between the ports of entry because, one, they could be caught by the Border Patrol. Number two, they don't really trust those people to do that. So it's much better for them to have somebody that is taking the drugs through a port of entry where they're met on the other side of the port here in the United States, and those drugs are immediately taken.

MARTIN: So you're saying, basically, virtually all of it comes through legal ports of entry.

MARTIN: So, first of all, just walk me through it. How do most illegal drugs enter the U.S.?

KERLIKOWSKE: So the drugs that are actually taking the lives of people here in the United States - methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, fentanyl - almost universally come through the ports of entry along the southern border - so that is people that carry them on their bodies or even in their bodies or cars or vehicles. And then the second way is through the international postal mail service.

MARTIN: And when you say most, what do you mean? Like, 50 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent?

KERLIKOWSKE: Oh, well over 90 percent. People don't backpack or try to sneak those drugs across the border between the ports of entry because, one, they could be caught by the Border Patrol. Number two, they don't really trust those people to do that. So it's much better for them to have somebody that is taking the drugs through a port of entry where they're met on the other side of the port here in the United States, and those drugs are immediately taken.

MARTIN: So you're saying, basically, virtually all of it comes through legal ports of entry.

NPR supports open borders... so of course they will parrot CNN....
I wanna try some. Does the FDA/IRS/CIA/DHS/ADA/FBI/ATF have a recommended dose or should... yo buscando una consulta con MS13
In the meantime lemme check DHL for my delivery of LSD25.
The vast majority of those chemicals, as well as all other illegal drugs come into the US through normal points of entry, and are not carried across the desert on immigrant's backs. If you want to stop it, put more border patrol agents at those normal points of entry instead of out in the desert.
But then he won't have anything to be poutraged about.
There is nothing funny about fast acting lethal poison being disguised as skittles candy.
Didn't say there was. What "chemicals" were supposedly "precursive" ?
I have 1000 feet of copper tubing and some silver solder.
It is a precursor for making contraband liquor.

There's a box of razor blades and a mirror in my toolbox
Precursor for snorting coke ? " We had reason to believe he had cocaine, so we trashed the place"
36x Leupold scope in back seat "reason to believe he may have been a sniper?"
Here we go. Fentanyl is so profitable, the Cartels are setting up shop in the US. They are starting to ship the China-based precursor chemicals into the states where they can more easily distribute the fast acting poison to Americans.

Are the precursor chemicals already laced with xylazine, or is it added later inside Mexico or U.S.?
Notes from the Field, Sep 2021 Xylazine
'The majority of deaths were among males (73.1%), non-Hispanic White persons (75.4%), and from states in the Northeast Census region (67.0%). Cocaine and heroin were listed as a cause of death in 32.1% and 26.0% of xylazine-positive deaths, respectively, and in 29.6% and 28.4% of xylazine-involved deaths, respectively.'
So while JoeXi's crime family continues on with impunity, the fentanyl question deflects to China :

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