10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

It's PJMedia. What do you expect?

Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

People need to stop saying this

Of course there is evidence of voter fraud

There is not evidence it was substantive enough to swing the election.

People are so obscenely naive about how accurate our votes are to believe there is NO voter fraud. Absurd. Be careful with your language people
Well then, I guess you aren't opposed to audits and hand recounts of the election in 6 states that illegally without reason, simultaneously shut down the counting of votes on election night, because President Trump was running away with it.

Waste of time and money. There are safeguards built in to ensure the integrity of the vote. And the count isn't close enough to warrant it. GA is already automatically going to a recount.
Would have been much more warranted four years ago when the vote totals were much closer...and I don't recall any Democrat griping about the election being "rigged".

Oh yeah, that's right, four years ago, your guy WON...and this year, he LOST.
"In December 2019, Pennsylvania’s Auditor General, Eugene DePasquale, determined that there are more than 50,000 cases of potentially inaccurate voter records in the state’s system."

Not really a good case. Nearly two years ago and "potentially inaccurate" are hardly real evidence of anyone casting an illegal ballot.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

It's PJMedia. What do you expect?

Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
You are attacking the messenger while try to blow smoke over the message......

Baseless smears shouldn't be allowed.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

Ain't gonna happen.

Alt-right Newsmax/PJMedia/OAN/EpochTimes wet dreams don't matter outside of fantasy land.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

People need to stop saying this

Of course there is evidence of voter fraud

There is not evidence it was substantive enough to swing the election.

People are so obscenely naive about how accurate our votes are to believe there is NO voter fraud. Absurd. Be careful with your language people

It's bullshit. I calls it as I sees it. He lost. So his supporters are pissed. Because with this many white people voting for him, how can he not be re-elected?
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

It's PJMedia. What do you expect?

Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
You are attacking the messenger while try to blow smoke over the message......

Baseless smears shouldn't be allowed.

Then everyone in Trump's campaign and his supporters, including Trump himself should accept the results of the election, commit to a peaceful transition of power, go home, lick his wounds and hope you don't end up in prison so you can try again in four years. Baseless smears??? Please, they've been non-stop from the right wing for the last few days.
10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’

10 Nov 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump filed a mammoth lawsuit accusing Pennsylvania Secretary Kathy Boockvar and county elections boards throughout the state of violating the U.S. Constitution by unilaterally revising the law in a manner that deprives some voters of their rights to a free and fair election.
“In a rush to count mail ballots and ensure Democrat Joe Biden is elected, Pennsylvania has created an illegal two-tiered voting system for the 2020 General Election, devaluing in-person votes,” the lawsuit alleges.
“For voters that appeared at the polls, those citizens were required to sign voter registrations, have those signatures checked against voter rolls, vote in a polling place monitored by statutorily-authorized poll observers, and have their votes counted in a transparent and verifiable open and observed manner. By contrast, due to the arbitrary, unauthorized, and standardless actions of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Kathy Boockvar, nearly 2.65 million votes were cast through a ‘mail-in’ process that lacked all of the hallmarks of transparency and verifiability that were present for in-person voters,” the suit claims.
The Trump campaign and two Pennsylvania voters allege that Boockvar “refused to require adequate verification of the voter’s identity. Rather than require votes to be received on the day of election, the Secretary permitted ballots received up to three days after the election to be counted without any evidence of timely mailing, such as a postmark. Finally, contrary to the in-person voting that is open and transparent to the parties and the candidates, Defendants permitted the review and counting of mail-in ballots largely in secret with no monitoring.”
“This two-track election system not only violates Plaintiffs’ rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, but also violates the structure of the Constitution that elections in the States must be carried out as directed by their respective legislatures,” the lawsuit claims.
The lawsuit seeks an emergency order preventing Pennsylvania from certifying the election results or one prohibiting the election officials from certifying any results “that include the tabulation of absentee and mail-in ballots which do not comply with the Election Code,” such as ballots which the Trump campaign’s watchers were prevented from observing or ballots that lack requirements of state law such as a secrecy envelope or a voter’s signed declaration. The lawsuit also seeks an injunction ordering election officials not to count ballots in cases where election officials contacted voters to give them an opportunity to “cure” improperly cast ballots.

If the votes cannot be verified, they are invalid, cannot and must not be counted.
Does anyone else see this cheating as anything less than an assault on our democracy?? Our way of life? This is TREASON,nothing less and those involved need to be imprisoned for at least 20 years. Those who conspired to commit this treason should be hung or executed by firing squad. This would be the only way to stop this kind of thing forever.
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
Attempts to change the votes of citizens is treasonous at best...
Undermining the constitution and the country as a whole is treason as defined by the constitution. You must think treason only occurs in a hot war, i.e. bullets flying. There are more type of war than that and this is treason.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left declared war on America and it's citizens decades ago.

That's a lot of bullshit. Let me boil it down for you. There's no evidence of voter fraud. Just a lot of sour grapes.

It's PJMedia. What do you expect?

Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
You are attacking the messenger while try to blow smoke over the message......

Baseless smears shouldn't be allowed.

When the messenger has a clear record of baseless conspiracy theory pushing, you can't take him seriously.

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