10 Most Outrageous Examples Of Governmental Intrusion In Our Lives


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
10 Outrageous Examples of Government Regulators Invading Our Lives

As 2014 comes to a close, it is enveloped in red tape. From the breakfast table to the night light, government regulators invaded nearly every moment of our lives. Here’s our take on the 10 worst examples of the past year:

10. Federal Censorship Commission. The FCC began considering a petition to revoke the broadcast license of a Washington, D.C., radio station for using the name of the city’s football team, the Redskins. FCC chairman Tom Wheeler declared the moniker “offensive” and urged owner Dan Snyder to change it “voluntarily.” The agency has yet to rule on the petition.

>>> Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. April Fool’s Rule. The Volcker Rule prohibits banks from trading securities on their own accounts. The 1,000-page regulation crafted by five federal agencies over three years supposedly remedies one of the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. But there is no evidence to support that claim. That the rule took effect on April Fool’s Day is thus entirely appropriate.
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8. The Environmental Protection Agency’s power grab. In its quest to replace cheap and reliable fossil fuels with costly and unreliable “renewables,” the EPA in June unveiled new restrictions on so-called greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. These hugely expensive regulations are all the more maddening for accomplishing virtually nothing to affect the climate or protect human health.

7. Uber regulation. The popular ride-sharing service Uber is changing the way Americans get around town. Its fleet of independent drivers offers an efficient alternative to traditional taxis. Yet Uber faces significant hurdles as local regulators try to stop its expansion, claiming that the service is “unfair” to the excessively regulated cab drivers. So far, though, Uber and its loyal customers have fought off those opposing competition, but many hurdles remain.

6. Choking Justice. Woe to any business disfavored by the Department of Justice. Under “Operation Chokepoint,” federal regulators have been leaning hard on banks to end ties with enterprises that the government doesn’t like, including payday lenders, firearms dealers and credit repair services. These businesses are perfectly legal, but the DOJ’s efforts to close them down are not.

5. Halting home financing. New regulations on mortgage financing took effect in January, compliments of Dodd-Frank. Virtually every aspect of financing a home – including mortgage options, eligibility standards, and even the structure and schedule of payments – is now governed by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. Alas, critics’ predictions about the restrictions are proving correct: Mortgage lending is running at its lowest level in 13 years, and 2014 will be the worst year for mortgage volume since 2000.

4. Force feeding calorie counts. Knowing the number of calories in various food products does not change our menu choices, several studies have shown. But in keeping with government’s insatiable appetite for control, the Food and Drug Administration in November finalized rules requiring calorie counts to be posted on restaurant menus, supermarket deli cases, vending machines and even in movie theater concessions. Compliance will require tens of millions of hours each year, which is sure to thin consumers’ wallets.

Edited to comply with copyright rules - see link for remainder.

10 Outrageous Examples of Government Regulators Invading Our Lives
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After the 2012 election Obama shoved a stack of new regulations down our throats 8 feet thick. This year his new wave of regulations will cost us an extra $181 billion dollars.

Just when things were beginning to look up… .
Looks like a rightwing whine list to me.
You bring the cheese.

I never understand. DEMOCRATS. They complain about everything and when you point to the causes they forget what it was they were complaining about. After all... Nothing Democrat politicians do is inherently evil. Only what Republicans do. I could have started the same list and blame Republicans for it and they would be in full agreement.
Choking Justice. Woe to any business disfavored by the Department of Justice. Under “Operation Chokepoint,” federal regulators have been leaning hard on banks to end ties with enterprises that the government doesn’t like, including payday lenders, firearms dealers and credit repair services. These businesses are perfectly legal, but the DOJ’s efforts to close them down are not.

OMG, the dastardly thugs. Trying to keep the poor and the lower middle class persons from being ripped off by some the of biggest legal thieves out there. HOW FUCKING DARE THEY try and keep someone from paying 125% annual interest rates and shit. Good god how dare they.

And then to want to curtail the idea that there is a company out there that can fix your 560 credit score. If you will only pay them x number of dollars. It's a fucking scam you stupid shit.

Why shouldn't the Justice Department stop scams from being committed against the least sophisticated consumers out there?
Choking Justice. Woe to any business disfavored by the Department of Justice. Under “Operation Chokepoint,” federal regulators have been leaning hard on banks to end ties with enterprises that the government doesn’t like, including payday lenders, firearms dealers and credit repair services. These businesses are perfectly legal, but the DOJ’s efforts to close them down are not.

OMG, the dastardly thugs. Trying to keep the poor and the lower middle class persons from being ripped off by some the of biggest legal thieves out there. HOW FUCKING DARE THEY try and keep someone from paying 125% annual interest rates and shit. Good god how dare they.

And then to want to curtail the idea that there is a company out there that can fix your 560 credit score. If you will only pay them x number of dollars. It's a fucking scam you stupid shit.

Why shouldn't the Justice Department stop scams from being committed against the least sophisticated consumers out there?

Says the far left drones that hire illegals as slave labor..

What you can do when the far left does not care about the rules, even the ones they make?
Looks like a rightwing whine list to me.
You bring the cheese.

I never understand. DEMOCRATS. They complain about everything and when you point to the causes they forget what it was they were complaining about. After all... Nothing Democrat politicians do is inherently evil. Only what Republicans do. I could have started the same list and blame Republicans for it and they would be in full agreement.

Transpose Democrat and Republican and ....you would have the same thing.

I don't think either are inherently evil. I think most truly want what is best for the country - they just have different views on how to get there. More regulation, less regulation, government interference vs market self regulation etc.

But some of this stuff - honestly. I am damn glad that calories need to be reported. Does it make a change in my behavior? You bet. If I see that something is 3 times my daily allotment - I may choose to have it or not have it - but at least I'm informed and am making an informed choice and if by doing so I require two airline seats on a flight - then it's my own choice because I was given the information. It's that kind of stuff that makes me nuts when the right gets all in arms about. I mean they are all about personal responsibility right? Well how can you have that without the information needed to make responsible choices?
Looks like a rightwing whine list to me.
You bring the cheese.

I never understand. DEMOCRATS. They complain about everything and when you point to the causes they forget what it was they were complaining about. After all... Nothing Democrat politicians do is inherently evil. Only what Republicans do. I could have started the same list and blame Republicans for it and they would be in full agreement.

Transpose Democrat and Republican and ....you would have the same thing.

I don't think either are inherently evil. I think most truly want what is best for the country - they just have different views on how to get there. More regulation, less regulation, government interference vs market self regulation etc.

But some of this stuff - honestly. I am damn glad that calories need to be reported. Does it make a change in my behavior? You bet. If I see that something is 3 times my daily allotment - I may choose to have it or not have it - but at least I'm informed and am making an informed choice and if by doing so I require two airline seats on a flight - then it's my own choice because I was given the information. It's that kind of stuff that makes me nuts when the right gets all in arms about. I mean they are all about personal responsibility right? Well how can you have that without the information needed to make responsible choices?

You're nitpicking.

Selecting trivial issues while ignoring the elephants in the room.

Obama doesn't like this messy Democracy so he decides to demonize the opposition so he doesn't have to abide by the rules. Instead he forces unpopular regulations down our throats. The last election was an attempt to prevent him from becoming a dictator. You're claiming his fuzzy little feel-good nonsense is a fair trade for massive debt and over taxation.


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