10 inches of snowfall


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
8-10 inches of Snowfall in ND and Mn.. The weather channel refers to cold Canadian air but wait a minute, if the Canadian air is freezing how can the ice be melting in the Arctic? Global warming is "bigfoot" science. They leave out a couple of critical details and fudge statistics and even rig data but they put some hype together and claim the monster exists.
Omawgawd the sky is falling!

Recently read and posted an article about increased water vapor in the air being the cause of "extreme weather" we are currently experiencing.

The article appeared quite sound and scientific until the part about how Mankind was the cause of all of it! Nothing about increased volcanic activity spewing billions of tons of gases into the atmosphere. And yes, there is a correlation for the increase in human habitation that is reducing Nature's filtering factors.

We've had this kind of weather in the past and will have more of it in the future.

8-10 inches of Snowfall in ND and Mn.. The weather channel refers to cold Canadian air but wait a minute, if the Canadian air is freezing how can the ice be melting in the Arctic? Global warming is "bigfoot" science. They leave out a couple of critical details and fudge statistics and even rig data but they put some hype together and claim the monster exists.
A person of your age and having no knowledge of the seasons...
8-10 inches of Snowfall in ND and Mn.. The weather channel refers to cold Canadian air but wait a minute, if the Canadian air is freezing how can the ice be melting in the Arctic? Global warming is "bigfoot" science. They leave out a couple of critical details and fudge statistics and even rig data but they put some hype together and claim the monster exists.
A person of your age and having no knowledge of the seasons...

Thank God the left still acknowledges the seasons that indicate cold in the winter and warm in the summer. I expect they would blame it on Bush if they had the chance.
You stupid Deniers! Of course it snows more! That's what Global Warming does!

More snow and melt ice

More flood and More drought

Turn on the Weather Channel right now and that's Global Warming!
"One day Chicken Little [Whitehall] was walking in the woods when -- KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell on her/his head

"Oh my goodness!" said Chicken Little [Whitehall]. "The sky is falling! I must go and tell the king [Fox talking heads]."

On her way to the king's palace, Chicken Little [Whitehall] met Henny Penny [Oddball]. Henny Penny [Oddball] said that s/he was going into the woods to hunt for worms [or a brain].

"Oh no, don't go!" said Chicken Little. "I was there and the sky fell on my head! Come with me to tell the king."

You guys are too funny. If it is hot one day you'll obviously come to another conclusion, but if it turns cold the following day..... and so goes the dance of whirling idiots of denial.

PS the earth is still flat, just looked out the window.


Jill Sobule sings to Al Gore | Video on TED.com
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It is October 4, pumpkin season, and Central NJ feels like a goddam rain forest! 80f with 87% humidity.

I hate the summer! Hate it! Summer is for insects. Mid-July thru September are hell for me. I love the winter so the climate in Russia would suit me just fine.
8-10 inches of Snowfall in ND and Mn.. The weather channel refers to cold Canadian air but wait a minute, if the Canadian air is freezing how can the ice be melting in the Arctic? Global warming is "bigfoot" science. They leave out a couple of critical details and fudge statistics and even rig data but they put some hype together and claim the monster exists.
A person of your age and having no knowledge of the seasons...

Thank God the left still acknowledges the seasons that indicate cold in the winter and warm in the summer. I expect they would blame it on Bush if they had the chance.

Blame the seasons on anyone? Why? They are wonderful.
To their credit, most of denialists understand how dumb whitehall's thread here is, and are thus staying away from it. There are limits to the stupidity they'll embrace. Except for Frank and Oddball. No limits there.
Frank and oddball must defend fellow Right winger no matter how off key they are.
Party first truth is irrelevant.
There's a data set of 600,000 consecutive years that says the Warmers are full of shit, lying and making it all up.

This is from a Warmers site. See how some moron with a crayon drew a blue line at the end as it that's really supposed to mean something?


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Frank and oddball must defend fellow Right winger no matter how off key they are.
Party first truth is irrelevant.
I don't defend jack shit.

All I need to know is the overall thematic structure -that being basically the story of the Garden of Eden, the Luddites, Galbraith, Ehrlich, etcetera- to know that the warmer cultists are full of shit.

Their narrative is basically the same as every other "the end is nigh" nutjob misanthrope throughout history.
Observe, the scientific method in action ...

The observation:

Denialist "facts" almost always come straight out of their rectums.

The theory, based on the observations:

Denialists get their "facts" from their rectums.

The prediction, based on the theory:

In the future, denialists will continue to pull their "facts" from their rectums.
There is a scatological similarity to the Warmers responses, I can't imagine what an AGW meetup must look like

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