10/17/2022 Congressman Jordan Announces Pelosi Removal Today

Leftist goals of bringing America to its knees with inflation, poison 110,000 Americans with death by fentanyl that comes across the open border, and taxpayer hikes due to spending $31,000,000,000,000.00 in less than 2 years, which adds insult to the injury of inflation with higher taxes that will be through the roof unless Pelosi cannot be there to do dirt to the American taxpayer,
Wait a second, who spent 31 trillion dollars in two years?

Whatever the fuck you're smoking, I want some for next weekend!

Nice rant though.
No I don' think so. He was the guy who announced he was going to paraphrase what the Trumpybear said, and the Rabid Right saw Red, bright Red blood, and got so hungry for it that they lost all sense of reason and claimed all sort of things, mean things about poor Adam.......LOL.... for paraphrasing the King of Doublespeak. It's a sin, apparently.
You really do need to submit a sample of your wonderful dramatic writing to these folks.

Turns out Obama did Spy on President Trump, did Weaponize The IRS, and FBI, and did give Millions of Dollars to his Terrorist friends, and even tried to help Iran get Nukes, and sold Russia 20% of our Uranium. He also lied about emailing Clinton on the illegal secret server.

So much for Obama Bin Lying.
How much is twenty percent of three percent?
Turns out Obama did Spy on President Trump, did Weaponize The IRS, and FBI, and did give Millions of Dollars to his Terrorist friends, and even tried to help Iran get Nukes, and sold Russia 20% of our Uranium. He also lied about emailing Clinton on the illegal secret server.

So much for Obama Bin Lying.

Of course all of that is bull shit. But lets take the sold Russia 20% of our uranium stinker.

In reality, a Canadian firm who owned the mining right to several uranium mines in the US, wanted to sell those mining rights to a Russian firm. The rights to mine. Not a right to export the ore those mines produce. Only any idiot would think that Russia would export tons of that ore back to Russia......to process.
Wasn't he one of the carnival barkers who investigated Obama for 6 years, making all kinds of wild accusations that he was never able to prove? A forerunner of the Neo-GOP squid?
Wasn't this Pelosi bitch one of the filthy ass Democrats that helped The Worthless Negro and Potatohead destroy this country? The same one that belongs to the filthy Party of Moon Bats that stole the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots, counted by the goddamn thieving Democrats, in Democrat controlled swing districts?
Of course all of that is bull shit. But lets take the sold Russia 20% of our uranium stinker.

In reality, a Canadian firm who owned the mining right to several uranium mines in the US, wanted to sell those mining rights to a Russian firm. The rights to mine. Not a right to export the ore those mines produce. Only any idiot would think that Russia would export tons of that ore back to Russia......to process.
Try a better lie little commie cocksucker. Obama, Holder, Mueller, Comey, Clinton, McCain, and Joe Biden all KNEW Putin was waiting in the wings for The Uranium One Deal to go through.

The moment it did, Uranium One went up for sale and Putin's company Rosatom purchased it. All your friends got their Russian Kickbacks and payoffs through their fake charities.

We've been over this before with your commie lying asses, and everyone of you regurgitates the same lies and deflections every time.

Tell your Troll Farm supervisor you failed again.
She's not going anywhere. Not until the GOP takes control, if they take control. And even then she'll still hold her seat.
She is already booed by people on both sides of the aisle, Mr. Mick. She has the option to resign, which remains to be seen because she might not do America the favor since she has never favored we the people for taking all her spare time trying to look like she's 30 instead of 82 years old..
Wait a second, who spent 31 trillion dollars in two years?

Whatever the fuck you're smoking, I want some for next weekend!

Nice rant though.
You missed my National Debt Clock link? It's clicking off millions of dollars being spent every minute by the Democrats. And by the time I brought the exact amount here it would be up several million more dollars the way the Democrats are spending money we do not have in the treasury. It's at the "*" asterisk at the bottom of my post that you took out. I'm sorry you used the f word. That means to be even steven about this, I have to put you on my ignore list like other ill-bred men on the lying left who can't think of more original slurs than the taboo speech you used. Bye!
Of course all of that is bull shit. But lets take the sold Russia 20% of our uranium stinker.

In reality, a Canadian firm who owned the mining right to several uranium mines in the US, wanted to sell those mining rights to a Russian firm. The rights to mine. Not a right to export the ore those mines produce. Only any idiot would think that Russia would export tons of that ore back to Russia......to process.

Bullshit. The uranium was transferred to Russia by way of a third party. This is common knowledge.

"In June 2010, Rosatom proposed purchasing a majority share in Uranium One, thereby triggering a review by the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States. The very same month, Bill Clinton was offered a $500,000 speaking fee by Renaissance Capital, an investment bank with Kremlin ties that was selling Uranium One stock.

Clinton’s previous Moscow speech was five years earlier for less than $200,000. In 2005, when Bill Clinton last gave a speech in Moscow, Hillary Clinton was only one of one-hundred US Senators. In 2010, she was the sole US Secretary of State. The Uranium One-Rosatom deal received the Committee for Foreign Investment approval and the purchase was completed in December 2010. Telfer then made his first contribution to the Clinton Foundation for $1 million.

By 2013, when the rest of Uranium One was sold to the Russians, Telfer and entities directly tied to him had given the Clinton Foundation about $2.35 million. All totaled, Giustra, Telfer, and several other individuals who profited from the various UrAsia, Uranium One, and Rosatom deals gave about $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.[vi] None of these donations were disclosed by the Clinton Foundation as Hillary had promised in the 2008 memorandum of understanding she signed.

After the initial Uranium One sale to Rosatom was approved, Congress became deeply concerned that the Russian government now controlled one-fifth of all US uranium assets. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) assuaged their concerns by repeatedly claiming neither Rosatom nor its subsidiary, ARMZ, would be given a license to export uranium from the US mines to a foreign country. The NRC promise allayed concerns that the Russians would drain the United States of valuable uranium assets.

However, there was some regulatory sleight-of-hand taking place. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission secretly modified an existing license by a third party to transport abroad US uranium on behalf of Rosatom."

When Russia Bought US Uranium Mines
Ding! Dong! The Witch Will Be Removed!

No more dirty tricks! No more Gold Pens Celebrating Fake Impeachments! No More Destroying State of the Union Speeches! No more setting Presidents up based on lies!

Lol, good old Conman Jordan spouting shit he can not do and some of the idiots will even believe it. Hilarious
She's not going anywhere. Not until the GOP takes control, if they take control. And even then she'll still hold her seat.
Oh, no doubt she'll keep her place. Her voters would NEVER replace her but the question is, will she be willing to step down with a near sure knowledge she'll never have that gavel again?

She's decrepit and likely an alcoholic. If she chooses to die in that job I hope she gets on with it soon.
Why oh why did Pelousy direct that the national guard was to remain off the Capitol Grounds?

Not one good reason has ever been offered for that imbecility except some crap about “optics.”

She will only get booted from her speakership when the GOP reclaims the House. Midterms hopefully give the GOP the majority and then we hide out time for swearing in of the new Congress.

Change is coming.

Even if republicans take back the house and senate with a corrupt DOJ/FBI there's little they can do, not that they would actually do anything beyond talking tough and writing any letters.
She is already booed by people on both sides of the aisle, Mr. Mick. She has the option to resign, which remains to be seen because she might not do America the favor since she has never favored we the people for taking all her spare time trying to look like she's 30 instead of 82 years old..

You don't have to tell me and you don't have to convince me. I lived in California for 34 years, I was there when she was first elected. I didn't like her then, I don't like her now. But the fact of the matter is, after a nuclear strike on the U.S., it'll be her and the cockroaches that survive...