1.5 Years Into Biden's Term Democrats Can't Stop Talking About / Focusing On Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

Biden served his purpose of not being Trump in the same way that Donald served his purpose of not being Hillary. On the plus side, whoever wins next inherits such a low bar, that a lesbian special needs transgendered frog will leave office with better poll numbers than those two chumps.
The United States faces difficult problems that lack easy or obvious solutions. In many cases, like global warming, the solutions are nearly as bad as the problems. America's best years are in the past. Neither party can turn the situation around. Because neither party can compose programs that will make life better for most Americans each party chooses to attack the other party.
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

and 4 years into Trump's term you sheep were still talking about Obama.
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

Blah, blah blah...I'm a maga fuckup and I'm following the Yellow Brick Road to kiss the ring.
Trump is still the leader of the GOP and expected to run for office again. When the right stops putting him at the head of their line, he will fade into the past. Till then, it's your problem to deal with.
What the ring taste like easy?

Does it have all the orangey goodness that you like?
You tell me, dumbass - you were the one who just confessed to being 'a maga fuckup and I'm following the Yellow Brick Road to kiss the ring'.
The United States faces difficult problems that lack easy or obvious solutions. In many cases, like global warming, the solutions are nearly as bad as the problems. America's best years are in the past. Neither party can turn the situation around. Because neither party can compose programs that will make life better for most Americans each party chooses to attack the other party.

Things were good under Trump. Full employment, no inflation, low gas prices, all the things that matter.

The fucktard Democrats only took THIRTY DAYS to screw everything up.
You tell me, dumbass - you were the one who just confessed to being 'a maga fuckup and I'm following the Yellow Brick Road to kiss the ring'.
Aw, don't want to say.

That's so cute.
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

Not counting this thread...here is a small sampling of the right wing loons starting threads about the blob...from the last 30 days. A title search for Mara-Lard-Ass's name reveals 11 pages of threads about the blob.

Two years of the neo Democrats in charge has much to do with it I’m sure. I can almost see the spittle flying now as the Left freak out.
The key takeaway is that Trump is the least HATED. Time for the swamp creatures to get tar and feathers.
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Whoever spilled blood voting for Biden, you voted for it

Defund the police

Just think of the beauty of this. He could lead the effort to impeach the man who stole the election from him, and is now working feverishly - manipulated by radical left Marxists - into crashing our economy and destroying the country.

Then, after several weeks of the incompetent, cackling, affirmative action Harris speaking word salad and giggling when reporters ask questions, she can be 25th.

Who’s next to ascend? The Speaker of the House. Talk about poetic Justice!

How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

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Interesting take on a few issues here. Lots of good fokes around here these days have been talking about How Trump and republicans are promoting some sort of White Supremacist agenda or ... war against black Americans. Found this commentator who helps bring a few things to light. Question. Which is more important? words spoken which can be twisted to portray what some political hack group wants?
or actual actions?

In my estimation, in this very short clip this guy blows out of the water, much of the Leftist narrative .. Trump Racist

Is he finally realizing that there is a huge crisis at the border?

Is he taking baby steps to address the huge security issue at the border so that he can continue to lie and say the "border is closed" with the midterms upon us?

There is already a fence at Friendship Park. Replacing it with a 30'-tall wall seems rather symbolic, and unlikely to actually do much to reduce the record illegal crossings. Something seems suspicious.


Biden will FINISH section of Trump's border wall in California and close Friendship Park - one of the only points where separated US and Mexican families can see and touch each other​

  • The Biden administration has approved a Trump-era project to complete a section of the border wall in California
  • Project could see the permanent closure of binational Friendship Park
  • The park between San Diego and Tijuana allows separated families to meet and touch without a wall between them
  • Current plans do not have a spot for a door on the U.S. side, meaning pedestrians will not be able to get through to Friendship Park
Completion of this project will lead to the permanent closure of the U.S. side of Friendship Park, which is a binational spot between San Diego and Tijuana where separated families could meet and touch without a wall between them.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas approved the designs, which were initially authorized by the Trump administration in the budget for Fiscal Year 2018.

The project will replace existing barriers with two 30-foot walls across Friendship Park. These style walls started being added to the park during the Trump administration, but will be further extended through the park.

So obviously Friday Night Dance Night will either follow afterwards or be cancelled.

The timing of the release of covid is rather bizarre….right?
Trump was leveraging China big-time in a trade war, Democrats couldn’t remove him with a Russia hoax, impeachments or any of their shameless antics….Both China and Democrats were motivated and poised to stoop to any level to stop Trump.
Ask yourself……IS IT POSSIBLE?
Would Trump have lost in 2020 if it not for the scamdemic?
What would happen if this were to come to light?

Ivana jokes, which was clearly Howard Stern's doing in the interview. I noticed how that sick shit went away, now that Joe Biden showered with his daughter, nope, not a random bs question from Howard Stern, but he actualy showered with his daughter. You democrats are sick fucks and noone is saying anything.

For he's having another rally!! :D

Well, there goes the stoner vote.

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas​

"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."

"Speaking at the podium with his hands clenched, the ex-president called the United States a “failing nation,” citing rising crime rates in major cities and a wave of migrants at the southern border."

“If you look at countries around the world… The only ones who don’t have a drug problem are those who implement the death penalty for drug dealers.”

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas - S Chronicles


Things were good under Trump. Full employment, no inflation, low gas prices, all the things that matter.

The fucktard Democrats only took THIRTY DAYS to screw everything up.
400,000 covid deaths, bail-outs of already subsidized farmers, rioting in the streets, white nationalism being applauded, hate and violence everywhere.... I also left out a foreign policy that was a total failure.
and 4 years into Trump's term you sheep were still talking about Obama.
Were people talking about Obama? Other than his birthday party that violated all the COVID protocols? If they were it’s not like the Obama admin didnt blame the Bush Admin for any and all problems it had. I don’t remember if Bush blamed Clinton or Clinton the first Bush and if they did for how long.
400,000 covid deaths, bail-outs of already subsidized farmers, rioting in the streets, white nationalism being applauded, hate and violence everywhere.... I also left out a foreign policy that was a total failure.
And how many COVID deaths under Biden? The rest is just BS.
400,000 covid deaths, bail-outs of already subsidized farmers, rioting in the streets, white nationalism being applauded, hate and violence everywhere.... I also left out a foreign policy that was a total failure.
The former 1-term president saw around 445,000+ COVID deaths while saying they would be zero soon.

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