1.25 Million Arabs Live and Worship in Israel

Calm down, Laney...

Challenger's posts are tremendously insightful but he always likes to add a bit of humor... They are more or less, 50% tongue-in-cheek.

He wasn't promoting the expulsion of the european population after the peaceful dismantlement of the jewish state.

He was just ridiculing the mentally retarded penguin who was accusing the palestinian people of the same crime they were victims of... ethnic cleansing.
I don't support Zionist Israel.
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.
I don't support ethnic cleansing, that's what Zionists have done since 1947 and continue to do in the present day. I've no objection however, when it comes to removing illegal Zionist squatter colonists from Palestine.

No one is squatting on the land and the reality is your side lost the damn war and with it you lose land and must either assimilate into the new regime that rules the land or leave.

Now let be factual and understand that your beloved Palestine would not exist even if there was no Israel because Nations like Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt would invade and occupy the region and enslave the children of Palestine.

Those like you hate Israel because of the Jewish population within it borders and this is the cycle of life seeing your kind has hated the Jewish Society since the first Jew took it breath in this God Forsaken World we live in and your hatred will never stop until your last breath.

So as you write about the squatter the reality is Israel is like the Anglo-American that won wars against the native population here in this part of the world and let me make this clear no American is going to give their land back to the Native Population and the same goes for the Israel when it come to the Palestinian people.

Win a war or live under the regime that defeated you!

The UN Charter was not in effect when the Europeans invaded the New World and the primary goal of the Charter was to prevent the acquisition of territory by conquest and associated enslavement/oppression/eviction of its inhabitants. The Zionists, inhabitants of another place, another continent actually, invaded Palestine with the intention to conquer, from another continent
Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.
I don't support ethnic cleansing, that's what Zionists have done since 1947 and continue to do in the present day. I've no objection however, when it comes to removing illegal Zionist squatter colonists from Palestine.

No one is squatting on the land and the reality is your side lost the damn war and with it you lose land and must either assimilate into the new regime that rules the land or leave.

Now let be factual and understand that your beloved Palestine would not exist even if there was no Israel because Nations like Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt would invade and occupy the region and enslave the children of Palestine.

Those like you hate Israel because of the Jewish population within it borders and this is the cycle of life seeing your kind has hated the Jewish Society since the first Jew took it breath in this God Forsaken World we live in and your hatred will never stop until your last breath.

So as you write about the squatter the reality is Israel is like the Anglo-American that won wars against the native population here in this part of the world and let me make this clear no American is going to give their land back to the Native Population and the same goes for the Israel when it come to the Palestinian people.

Win a war or live under the regime that defeated you!

The UN Charter was not in effect when the Europeans invaded the New World and the primary goal of the Charter was to prevent the acquisition of territory by conquest and associated enslavement/oppression/eviction of its inhabitants. The Zionists, inhabitants of another place, another continent actually, invaded Palestine with the intention to conquer, from another continent

Now that's pretty darn funny. Monty likes to endlessly cut and paste UN opinions when he believes they can be used to promote his Jew hatreds but he islamo-tap dances around the UN being a participant in the establishment of the Jewish National Home.

Strange how Monty is ignorant of the Arab-Moslem invasion of the geographic area he claims was the "country of Pal'istan" as well as the Christian Crusaders and Roman invaders. Yet, his whining is directed solely at The Zionists™ who had a specific mandate to immigrate there.
In any case, don't change the subject or try to deflect. There are several synagogues on the West Bank, contrary to what the poster implied.

Give me a break! There are over 400 mosques in Israel. There are 300 imams on Israeli government salaries.

There are a handful of synagogues in the West Bank and none at all in Gaza. Of the half dozen in the West Bank, near as I can understand, two are ruins, one has been converted to a mosque and three are under direct Israeli control in order to prevent attacks and destruction.

Its not even close.
montelatici, Bruce_T_Laney, Weatherman2020, Challenger, et al,

This is non-sense. Absolute non-sense!

Tell us why one Jew must not be allowed to live next door to a Palestinian.

Ask the European Zionist colonists that drove the Palestinians out. They lived side by side without much trouble until the Zionists came along.
Why do you refuse to answer why you support ethnic cleansing?
You afraid of the answer we already know?
You should.
I don't support ethnic cleansing, that's what Zionists have done since 1947 and continue to do in the present day. I've no objection however, when it comes to removing illegal Zionist squatter colonists from Palestine.

No one is squatting on the land and the reality is your side lost the damn war and with it you lose land and must either assimilate into the new regime that rules the land or leave.

Now let be factual and understand that your beloved Palestine would not exist even if there was no Israel because Nations like Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt would invade and occupy the region and enslave the children of Palestine.

Those like you hate Israel because of the Jewish population within it borders and this is the cycle of life seeing your kind has hated the Jewish Society since the first Jew took it breath in this God Forsaken World we live in and your hatred will never stop until your last breath.

So as you write about the squatter the reality is Israel is like the Anglo-American that won wars against the native population here in this part of the world and let me make this clear no American is going to give their land back to the Native Population and the same goes for the Israel when it come to the Palestinian people.

Win a war or live under the regime that defeated you!

The UN Charter was not in effect when the Europeans invaded the New World and the primary goal of the Charter was to prevent the acquisition of territory by conquest and associated enslavement/oppression/eviction of its inhabitants. The Zionists, inhabitants of another place, another continent actually, invaded Palestine with the intention to conquer, from another continent

The Allied Powers and the British Mandate Authority helped by encouraging and facilitating Jewish immigration to aid in the establishment of the Jewish National Home (JNH). It was not the introduction of an armed force to enter and displace the inhabitants.

The implementation of the Balfour Agreement was made by the Allied Powers. The Reconstitution of the JNH was a principle objective.

Jewish Immigration to Ottoman Empire Souther Syria (later called Palestine) began in ≈ 1882 with the first significant number of European Jews immigrating to Palestine.

The Arabs of Palestine disapproved of the British Mandate because it created obstacles to for self-government, and Jewish immigration because it threatened their position in the country.

Almost immediately after the British handoff from the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration to the British Civil Administration (1920/1921), disturbances began to break-out between Arabs and Jews. The Arab claims that the Jews stole the land; but in reality it was the Jewish National Fund that purchased large tracts of land from absentee landowners, the Arabs living in these areas were evicted. And so it began.

Similarly, the Arabs of Palestine claim that the Israelis occupied Arab Palestinian Territory in 1967; when in fact, the territory was either occupied by the Egyptians or sovereign Jordanian territory.

Most Respectfully,
In any case, don't change the subject or try to deflect. There are several synagogues on the West Bank, contrary to what the poster implied.

Give me a break! There are over 400 mosques in Israel. There are 300 imams on Israeli government salaries.

There are a handful of synagogues in the West Bank and none at all in Gaza. Of the half dozen in the West Bank, near as I can understand, two are ruins, one has been converted to a mosque and three are under direct Israeli control in order to prevent attacks and destruction.

Its not even close.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

There are far more than "a handful" synagogues in the West Bank. You just don't want to count those in the settlements.
In any case, don't change the subject or try to deflect. There are several synagogues on the West Bank, contrary to what the poster implied.

Give me a break! There are over 400 mosques in Israel. There are 300 imams on Israeli government salaries.

There are a handful of synagogues in the West Bank and none at all in Gaza. Of the half dozen in the West Bank, near as I can understand, two are ruins, one has been converted to a mosque and three are under direct Israeli control in order to prevent attacks and destruction.

Its not even close.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

There are far more than "a handful" synagogues in the West Bank. You just don't want to count those in the settlements.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

That's a valid point. The Islamic terrorists in Gaza maintain an apartheid state that is Jedenrein, (free of Jews).
Everyone knows how the Arabs treat Christians and Jews in the mid-East and some people say Israel is just as bad. Here's a perspective by a Jew who celebrated Christmas in Jerusalem along with members of other world religions celebrating Christmas. People who have set notions about Israel's treatment of other religions will come away with a different view after reading this mans narrative.

Coming from a traditional Jewish family, I have never celebrated Christmas at home. While I have always had friends who celebrated the holiday, I never had the opportunity to experience it firsthand back in New York. Moving to Jerusalem, a city sacred to three major religions, brought with it the opportunity to further explore the holiday and its traditions. It may sound paradoxical that I would first have these experiences in the Jewish state rather than majority Christian America, but then again, Jerusalem is not what most people expect.
Many peoples’ perception of Jerusalem is that of a war-torn city. In actuality, the converse is true. While the conflict’s negative effects have included terror attacks and tension among the city’s residents, it is at places like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre – where Jesus is believed to have been crucified – that I found multi-culturalism and tolerance at their finest, two traits that I believe are representative of the atmosphere prevalent in Jerusalem.
Where cultures meet: Christmas in Jerusalem | Varsity Online
Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

There are far more than "a handful" synagogues in the West Bank. You just don't want to count those in the settlements.

Dude! What is the point here? What is the POINT of this entire thread?! It is to demonstrate the difference in acceptance of different religious and ethnic groups in Israel when compared to "Palestine".

There are NO active, in-use, vibrant, fully functional synagogues in the Palestinian-controlled areas. None. Zero. Why? For exactly the reason you gave: who would those synagogues serve?

And yet there are 400 active, in-use, vibrant, fully functional mosques in Israeli-controlled areas. And Muslims have exclusive use of the Temple Mount.

So which group is inclusive and which is exclusive? Which respects all cultures and religions and which does not? Which is ethnically diverse and which is ethnically cleansed?

The answers are so black-and-white there is no argument to be made against it.
In any case, don't change the subject or try to deflect. There are several synagogues on the West Bank, contrary to what the poster implied.

Give me a break! There are over 400 mosques in Israel. There are 300 imams on Israeli government salaries.

There are a handful of synagogues in the West Bank and none at all in Gaza. Of the half dozen in the West Bank, near as I can understand, two are ruins, one has been converted to a mosque and three are under direct Israeli control in order to prevent attacks and destruction.

Its not even close.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

There are far more than "a handful" synagogues in the West Bank. You just don't want to count those in the settlements.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

That's a valid point. The Islamic terrorists in Gaza maintain an apartheid state that is Jedenrein, (free of Jews).
It is Israel who controls who can and who cannot live in Gaza.
P F Tinmore, et al,

OK again --- one more time.

The Arabs of Palestine disapproved of the British Mandate because it created obstacles to for self-government, and Jewish immigration because it threatened their position in the country.
This was a violation of their rights and the LoN Covenant.

The Arab Palestinians (as well as the Lebanese, Syrians, or Jordanians) were not a party to the Covenant. That said, the Arab Palestinians cannot use Article 22 as a basis for a non-compliance complaint. None of the parties to the Covenant owed the Arab Palestinians an obligation.

The obligation is between the members of the Covenant.

Most Respectfully,
In any case, don't change the subject or try to deflect. There are several synagogues on the West Bank, contrary to what the poster implied.

Give me a break! There are over 400 mosques in Israel. There are 300 imams on Israeli government salaries.

There are a handful of synagogues in the West Bank and none at all in Gaza. Of the half dozen in the West Bank, near as I can understand, two are ruins, one has been converted to a mosque and three are under direct Israeli control in order to prevent attacks and destruction.

Its not even close.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

There are far more than "a handful" synagogues in the West Bank. You just don't want to count those in the settlements.

Who would the synagogues in Gaza serve?

That's a valid point. The Islamic terrorists in Gaza maintain an apartheid state that is Jedenrein, (free of Jews).
It is Israel who controls who can and who cannot live in Gaza.

I'm afraid you're not making sense. Israel made a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza without conditions. Your comment suggests you're once again attempting to promote a conspiracy theory.

The Islamic terrorist enclave / apartheid mini-caliphate of Gaza is controlled by Hamas. Let's not pretend that Israel can, as you claim, "control who can and who cannot live in Gaza".

You insist on making your Islamic terrorist heroes the perpetual victims of others when quite clearly, they are their own worst enemies.
And then one reads the news, from an Israeli newspaper:

"The illusion of normalcy in Jesus' birthplace is shattered at the sight of the wall that chokes the city and the Jewish settlement astride the nearby hill."

Gideon Levy and Alex Levac Dec 16, 2016 11:22 AM
read more: A bleak Christmas in Bethlehem evokes the disaster that befell it

There have been articles from Christians living in Bethlehem, like the bookseller carrying Christian books. Anyhow, here is an article about the Christians in Bethlehem. My article was about Jerusalem. Do you have any comments about that, Monte? I am sure that many readers would enjoy a story like that instead of your copying and pasting the same stuff over and over.

Palestinian Treatment of Christian Arabs
They serve in the Israeli military and are elected members of the Israeli government.

Number of Jews Palestinian Authority allows to live in Jewish settlements in Palestinian Authority: 0

Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Old Testament: over 700
Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Koran: 0

Number of Jewish countries: 1
Number of Jewish democracies: 1
Number of Arab countries: 19
Number of Arab democracies: 0

Number of terrorist attacks by Israelis or Jews since 1967: 1
Number of terrorist attacks by Arabs or Muslims since 1967: thousands

Number of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3
Number of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 0

Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning Israel: 322
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning an Arab country: 0

Why I Am Not a Zionist

By Scott Lazarowitz

As I have mentioned here before, I am Jewish. In fact, I’m an anguished Jew. But I am not a Zionist. I’m an individualist and an advocate of private property and voluntary association.

But because the words Zionism and Zionist are oftentimes thrown around carelessly and ignorantly, I want to clarify what that means.

Since the late 19th Century, Zionism has been a political movement promoting a national homeland for Jews, with the mystical “Land of Israel” as God’s “Promised Land” to the Jews, according to the Bible. However, the more influential Zionists would not consider any other territory but Israel (or Palestine as it was known before 1948) as the “safe homeland for Jews.” But as Murray Rothbard pointed out, Israel was already inhabited. Thus, the resettling of Jews to that one small territory involved not voluntary contracts and property title transfers but involuntary land takings that were carried out not by private individuals but by government bureaucrats and their armed enforcers.



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