007: The C+ Game [Melania's D.C.]


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a patriotic terrorism-parable inspired by Spy Game, and it's dedicated to First Lady Melania Trump who it seems will rise in popular approval-ratings.

So what about her husband?



A terrorist attack on Trump Tower in United Nations Plaza in New York City prompted security officials to prepare for a potential threat on the life of U.S. First Lady Melania Trump. Melania was at the White House enjoying an episode of the trivia-prize game-show The $25,000 Pyramid (hosted by Dick Clark). Mrs. Trump was escorted to a private room where she was told of new security procedures to ensure her safety in this time of great sociopolitical intrigue related to terrorism threats following the devastation of Trump Tower.


Melania was given her own security-personnel, including a highly-skilled sharp-shooter named Evans who always patrolled around Melania's bedroom window late at night wearing a dark uniform and black ski-mask to be nearly-invisible at night-time. Evans had trained with the CIA and was a first-rate guardsman for White House purposes and made sure Melania felt secure at night and even during the day. Melania began to admire Evans greatly, though he remained somewhat eerily private, but Melania assumed it was because he was generally a 'strange' person.


Melania probed inside Evans' private personnel-quarters by the White House and noticed he had a complete model set of the Transformers (Hasbro) A.I. robot-toy Bruticus, an impressive 'super-robot' comprised of smaller robots (that assembled to construct the 'Bruticus-being') who could transform into military-vehicles/combat-vehicles. Melania wondered why Evans interested in this 'combat-robot' and the noticed he had a computer disk on his desk labeled "ISIS Policy." Melania went home and reported these 'findings' to her husband (President Trump) who found such 'clues' rather intriguing. Why was Evans interested in Bruticus and why'd he have an 'ISIS' labeled computer-disk?


The next day, Evans was gone. He simply disappeared. When security officials at the White House ransacked his room, all they found was his Bruticus model-toy, but the ISIS-disk was gone. Meanwhile, there was a CNN news-story about Hollywood (USA) actress Gal Gadot, attractive celebrity who had portrayed the beloved American superheroine Wonder Woman (DC Comics) in two films, had been kidnapped. Melania saw the news-story and immediately told her husband she thought Evans was responsible for the kidnapping.


Two days later, the White House received the following e-mail: "I worked for the First Lady for a brief time and noted her activities during the day and privacy-procedures at the White House. I also noted that she was a big fan of The $25,000 Pyramid game-show. I've designed the enclosed video-game file of the maze-infiltrator 'Video-Man.' The purpose of the game is to escape the maze before Video-Man catches you, and if you can, Melania will be unharmed by ISIS." Security officials concluded the sender of the email was indeed Evans, and now the CIA referred to his top-secret security-file by using his newly-afforded terrorism-alias '007.'


Melania was enclosed in a secret basement-chamber of the White House during Halloween Eve, since a terrorist-threat was sent to the President which read, "Since you failed to escape Video-Man during your sample-run of the sent video-game, ISIS agents will kidnap the First Lady tonight while kids are trick-or-treating at the White House!" Melania sat in her basement-room, surrounded by jack-'o-lanterns and candles and dressed festively as a witch, trying to privately celebrate Halloween on an otherwise terrorism-shrouded evening of angst.


The next day came, and Melania Trump was safe and secure at the White House. President Trump ordered the CIA to perform a nationwide manhunt for Evans, the mysterious security-employee Melania tried to warn him about, and the CIA and Secret Service assured Mr. Trump. Suddenly, a pirate-TV broadcast was sent and aired on CNN. The broadcast was sent by Evans who was an agent of ISIS. During the broadcast, while sequences/scenes from the American comic book adapted film The Incredible Hulk was playing, Evans stated, "You Americans are obsessed with Golems/toys signifying war and combat such as Bruticus and Hulk, which is why we suspect that political security regarding the First Lady's safety has completely made you neglect the welfare of actress Gal Gadot and consider why she'd be kidnapped by ISIS instead of the First Lady. You have 1 year to improve the ethics of your hierarchy-hypnotized culture!"


Actress Gal Gadot was returned safely to U.S. authorities one year later and First Lady Melania Trump was still safe from terrorist-threats. Gadot was interviewed by CNN and explained that Evans and other ISIS agents had kept her in a secure room somewhere in Virginia while they monitored the activities of the First Lady as they were presented on the news. Evans would take notes about concern for Melania's safety and the apparent lack of concern for the safety/welfare of Gal Gadot (since she was 'simply' an actress and not Melania Trump!). When asked by the CNN interviewer if Gal thought she was 'some kind of hero,' she ominously stated, "My ordeal has taught me that in some minor way, every American woman in this 'consumerism-society' of ours is a hero!"


TRUMP: At least the First Lay is safe...
CARTER: Did you see Gal Gadot's televised interview?
TRUMP: Yes, I did; it was interesting!
CARTER: We're certain Evans is still an active terrorist.
TRUMP: How'd he infiltrate the White House personnel-employment structure?
CARTER: Terrorists always find a way, Mr. President...
TRUMP: I wonder what they meant by that '1-year ethics' threat.
CARTER: They were 'critiquing' our preoccupation with the First Lady while Gal was hostage.
TRUMP: I see; they wanted to 'prove' that our 'security-prestige' would create bias!
CARTER: Precisely; I imagine these terrorists aren't fans of Hollywood Squares.
TRUMP: I love that game-show; it featured celebrities competing with contestants.
CARTER: Yes, well, these neo-terrorists seem to think America is 'etiquette-blind.'
TRUMP: Change Evan's security-file and make sure his new alias is 'Mysterio.'
CARTER: Mysterio (Marvel Comics) is a 'game-of-death' avatar, but why him?
TRUMP: I don't want the media to get a hold of stories that we called Evans '007.'
CARTER: I see; if they say Evans was a 'James-Bond-misnomer,' they'll slander Melania.
TRUMP: Right; they'll say, "Mrs. Trump couldn't anticipate that a security-officer was spying."
CARTER: Mysterio (Marvel Comics) always gave me goosebumps; my kid loves him.
TRUMP: New age terrorism is all about 'couture-algorithms.'




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