
  1. L

    Liberty at Hand

    My way to honor President Donald J. Trump I hear the cries of the people, I feel Lady Liberty as she extends her hand to me The Lady she needs help as she is all amuck and stuck in a very bad situation She is in pain, she really needs help in standing strong, the way she used to be I captured...
  2. guyfawkestruepirate

    CDZ Will Trump really fix America?

    Lets be honest here how many of you actually think Trump is going to fix America and do you people really expect him to do great things because i don't.
  3. T


    3 weeks ago i watched fox, Hannity talked about how a homeless women defended the Trump star agianst black lives matter thugs. I feelt så bad for the women and i knew had to do something, a homeless woman that was beaten up for protecting our President Trump. i knew i had to do something, so i...
  4. MindWars

    ELECTORAL college set to make Trump official

    Electoral College set to make Trump official The republic works once again Far from being an anachronism, the Electoral College is an important feature of the American republic. Political mildness is scarce nowadays, so it has been pleasantly surprising that post-election denunciations of the...
  5. MindWars

    Putin says he is prepared to meet President Elect Donald Trump at anytime

    Putin Ready to Meet Trump ‘At Any Moment’ Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is prepared to meet President-elect Donald Trump at any time. When asked by journalists about the possibility of arranging a meeting with Trump, Putin said “we are ready at any moment. There are no problems from...
  6. Divine Wind

    The costs of Air Force One

    Air Force One aircraft, there are two, are more than big airliners with a Federal paint job. It's a flying White House with a full (but classified so don't tell Hillary!) command and control center. Most here are old enough to recall that after 9/11, President Bush flew around in Air Force...
  7. Fiero425

    Cory Booker Trying Save Our Souls!

    An uncle sent me this: "This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational." Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th. "This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up. It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause...
  8. MindWars

    Bill Clinton Inc: hacked memo reveals intersection of charity & personal income

    When top Bill Clinton aide Douglas Band wrote the memo, he was a central player at the Clinton Foundation and president of his own corporate consulting firm. Over the course of 13 pages, he made a case that his multiple roles had served the interests of the Clinton family and its charity...
  9. MindWars

    Obama Talks 'Martial Law' And 'Conspiracy Theory' As US Army Insider Warns Globalists Using Chaos

    According to former US President Ronald Reagan, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. "We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our...
  10. MindWars

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton The most important revelation in the WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta’s emails has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. The messages go all the way back to 2008, when Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s...
  11. B

    We Do Not Need a New President To Restore the Economy

    I wrote these about 8 years ago. I want to create a new set based on creating new industries that are very low risk, like electric car conversions from used cars, planting more fruit and nut trees in people's yards, helping seniors get into music by creating more old style turntables (there was...
  12. JD Case

    Who's better at dealing with the issues?

    I'm conducting a survey on the Presidential election and gauging which candidate is better at dealing with today's issues. If you have 5 minutes available, please follow the link below and share your opinion. You can also request to have the results emailed to you, if you'd like. Thanks...
  13. C

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the Anti-Christ!

    Check gematria values! King James Bible Used! Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin **************************************** Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined...
  14. L

    The TRUTH behind why Donald Trump rallies are violent

    It's time for some truth kiddos. It's the Bernie fans that bring the violence.
  15. Slade3200

    Trump boycotting Thursday debate

    Trump as been holding out on committing to attend Thursdays Fox debate because he didn't think Megyn Kelly would treat him fairly. He has been making multiple statements and tweets asking his followers if he should attend... alas Roger Ailes, Fox owner, released the following statement earlier...
  16. Slade3200

    Pros/Cons of Presidential Candidates... Is Bloomberg the answer?

    Fact of the matter is... none of the top candidates show strong promise. Trump is great at firing people up and is by far the most entertaining candidate to listen to, however, he is so off the wall with his extreme ideas for immigration/national security and so reactionary with his defensive...
  17. Slade3200

    Trump and Palin?? Please Explain...

    Does anybody really respect Sarah Palin on a political level? I know she got popular with the VP nomination that ended up bombing McCains campaign, then used her popularity to start a reality TV show, however, I hear many conservatives talking about this influence that she has... I just don't...
  18. E

    100 Percent Renewable Energy in 20 Years

    From a friend and business partner - Ken Fields as Independent Presidential Candidate for 2016 running on a single platform, more or less, of 100% Renewable Energy in 20 Years. Happy to hear complaints or praise either way, since this is a discussion forum I expect to get quite a lot. E
  19. GOPgeoff

    A couple of questions.

    Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot. Geoff
  20. GOPgeoff

    A couple questions.

    Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot. Geoff

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