Jul 30, 2016
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King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!
Check gematria values!

King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!

How do know it is not Hilary Roddam Clinton?
If Putin is the antitrust then Trump is his false profet! :D
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Due to the research that I have done (to the tune of over 17,000 hours of due diligence) Putin has more honor and has shown more restraint while flexing his country's muscle to slap down USA.INC like he did the USS Donald Cook than any puppet like Barry. USA.INC and the international bankers that own USA.INC might want to tread lightly. Putin isn't wanting a fight but he has no intention of backing away from one.
Due to the research that I have done (to the tune of over 17,000 hours of due diligence) Putin has more honor and has shown more restraint while flexing his country's muscle to slap down USA.INC like he did the USS Donald Cook than any puppet like Barry. USA.INC and the international bankers that own USA.INC might want to tread lightly. Putin isn't wanting a fight but he has no intention of backing away from one.
We don't know what Putin wants.

Originally his grabbing of Crimea and East Ukraine were in response to the CIA operating in West Ukraine.

But now that he has a taste for battle he might want more.

I know the Russians love him. I have spoken with Russians who were visiting the US on business.
If Putin is the antitrust then Trump is his false profit!!! :D

"Prophet"....dumb fuck........"P-R-O-P-H-E-T".........learn, live....grow and evolve. If you are going to be a stupid, disgusting troll? At least try to be good at it.
Ahhhhhh, poor little Dale must not be getting his inner beauty sleep....

It's called a typo, Mr Dale Vulgar! Chill!!!
If Putin is the antitrust then Trump is his false profit!!! :D

"Prophet"....dumb fuck........"P-R-O-P-H-E-T".........learn, live....grow and evolve. If you are going to be a stupid, disgusting troll? At least try to be good at it.
Ahhhhhh, poor little Dale must not be getting his inner beauty sleep....

It's called a typo, Mr Dale Vulgar! Chill!!!

No, dumb ass....a typo is when you miss-spell a word.....you thought "profit" and "prophet" are the same thing......just how fucking stupid are you? (snicker)
If Putin is the antitrust then Trump is his false profit!!! :D

"Prophet"....dumb fuck........"P-R-O-P-H-E-T".........learn, live....grow and evolve. If you are going to be a stupid, disgusting troll? At least try to be good at it.
Ahhhhhh, poor little Dale must not be getting his inner beauty sleep....

It's called a typo, Mr Dale Vulgar! Chill!!!

No, dumb ass....a typo is when you miss-spell a word.....you thought "profit" and "prophet" are the same thing......just how fucking stupid are you? (snicker)

You should write a letter to the newspaper. I'm sure they will get it sorted out.
Due to the research that I have done (to the tune of over 17,000 hours of due diligence) Putin has more honor and has shown more restraint while flexing his country's muscle to slap down USA.INC like he did the USS Donald Cook than any puppet like Barry. USA.INC and the international bankers that own USA.INC might want to tread lightly. Putin isn't wanting a fight but he has no intention of backing away from one.
We don't know what Putin wants.

Originally his grabbing of Crimea and East Ukraine were in response to the CIA operating in West Ukraine.

But now that he has a taste for battle he might want more.

I know the Russians love him. I have spoken with Russians who were visiting the US on business.

"Grabbing" of Crimea???? Are you fucking KIDDING me? The people in Crimea simply decided to cast their lot with Putin than to be at the mercy of the E.U and the IMF. Do yourself a favor...read "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins...you can buy it on-line in PDF file or order it. USA.INC and it's cannon fodder military has been used as the hammer and every country that hasn't had the ability to defend their resources from this cabal of thieves have been the proverbial "nail". These globalist POS have exploited weaker countries and when they come across a leader that has some balls? They send in the CIA mercenaries to persuade him to play ball, if they can't bribe him or compromise him? They try to instigate a coup de 'etat...if that doesn't work? They have him assassinated and then they install a puppet. This disgusting corporate entity that is USA.INC has been doing this since they took out the duly elected leader of Iran in 1953.......yeah, I know my shit and I know more than most.
Due to the research that I have done (to the tune of over 17,000 hours of due diligence) Putin has more honor and has shown more restraint while flexing his country's muscle to slap down USA.INC like he did the USS Donald Cook than any puppet like Barry. USA.INC and the international bankers that own USA.INC might want to tread lightly. Putin isn't wanting a fight but he has no intention of backing away from one.

Dale, seems like Christopher is just another troll, who joined USMB to flood it with anti-Russian propaganda: this is his first thread and it is so dumb and using a very doubtful source. As always liberals blame Russia without any kind of evidence and other liberals are gladly buying it like a sheep herd. Putin is a faithful Christian, frequently goes to the church, takes communions and helps Russian orthodox church a lot.

BTW, looks like Christopher is not too familiar with God's Law and he doesn't know anything about the events preceding Anti-Christ arrival.

What a dumb and senseless thread.
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Due to the research that I have done (to the tune of over 17,000 hours of due diligence) Putin has more honor and has shown more restraint while flexing his country's muscle to slap down USA.INC like he did the USS Donald Cook than any puppet like Barry. USA.INC and the international bankers that own USA.INC might want to tread lightly. Putin isn't wanting a fight but he has no intention of backing away from one.

Dale, seems like Christopher is just another troll, who joined USMB to flood it with anti-Russian propaganda: this is his first thread and it is so dumb and using a very doubtful source. As always liberals blame Russia without any kind of evidence and other liberals are gladly buying it like a pack of sheep. Putin is a faithful Christian, frequently goes to the church, takes communions and helps Russian orthodox church a lot.

BTW, looks like Christopher is not too familiar with God's Law and he doesn't know anything about the events preceding Antichrist coming.
I love this christ stained kookery
Check gematria values!

King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!

Rome was anti "the anointed" (priesthood) thus created their own temple and blamed the Temple priests for what they Rome did, much like they did previously to the Veiians with the godess juno temple.
They created the 1 world religion (christianity)using the mask of an image of a man made perfect by and through an image of the many fallen false prophets. Putin has no intentions of building a 1 world religion, or any religion.

Using your numerology method lets look at who the anti christ is:

66 books of 'man'=6
on Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll Characters used to secret numbers from names:
THe text was called ( using ASCll Characters)
H=72+O=79+L=76+Y=89+B=66+I=73+B=66+L=76+E=69 = 666
THe holders of this Roman one world religion called:
Vaticanas (vatican Unity)=666 AsVatican (the vatican)=666

Hebrew numerics: ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom
R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
I = 10
TH = 400

And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man is-

R = 200
O = 6
waw (vav)
M = 40
I = 10
T = 400
I = 10
Check gematria values!

King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!

How do know it is not Hilary Roddam Clinton?

Because people are sexist pigs who just assume that the anti-Christ will be a man.
Check gematria values!

King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!
"To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn't too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it's your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?"
Check gematria values!

King James Bible Used!

Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined

His name is the mark! Read Revelation 13!

How do know it is not Hilary Roddam Clinton?

Because people are sexist pigs who just assume that the anti-Christ will be a man.

Ezekiel 28 calls the son of "perdition"(to fall to the pit) an "image of a man" made perfect and that's what Rome did, they created an image of a man made sinless using lies, mythologies, mixed real figures, Biblical characters plagiarized and stolen roles of major Biblical figures.

Sources: like Ezekiel 28 warned the son of perdition Jesus did fall to the pit by and in the hands of the seas (Rome) for being claimed a god.-Acts 2:27, 1 Peter 3:19 , Apostles creed=Jesus fell to Hades.
Was called the Anointed (Christ)
Cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) and made an image of Perfect beauty (sinless). -Ezekiel 28:14-15 warning about Lucifer that even Pastors use to teach about the anti Messiah. aka the Imposter Messiah who comes first claiming to be God.
The only ever prophet to be claimed perfect, messiah and a god is Jesus so only Jesus can be Anti Messiah aka Lucifer the FALLEN ONE.
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