
  1. Divine Wind

    Twitter sues US gov't over anti-Trump account

    This should be interesting for freedom of speech rights. Wouldn't it be ironic if Twitter ends up banning Trump off Twitter? Twitter sues government over attempt to unmask anti-Trump account
  2. protectionist

    Muslim Ban - Proper or Not ?

    Liberals have made it a consistent practice to align themselves with minority groups of all sorts. In so doing, they add on voting blocs to empower themselves politically. What we as conservatives should do is be aware of everything we must do to defend ourselves from harm. If this includes...
  3. P@triot

    It is so thrilling to see constitutional government again

    It's a sad indictment on what the left-wing patriots have done to this nation that we get thrilled about seeing those rare moments when we have constitutional government - but this is one of them. Of the federal governments 18 enumerated powers, controlling restrooms across the nation is...
  4. F

    Trial By Jury

    The Constitution of the United States of America Article III. Section 2.3. Trial of crimes to be by jury. [But when not committed within any State the trial shall be directed by Congress by law]. I argue that no crime has been committed within any State unless Congress has directed by law...
  5. Chuz Life

    CDZ Abortion laws should be left up to the States

    I don't have time (again) for a lengthy intro to this subject so I have to be brief. A lot of comments are being made from all sides of the abortion issue - that the legality of abortion would be or should be a decision reverted to or left up to the States, if or when Roe V Wade is overturned...
  6. ding

    President Trump's Vision for the next Supreme Court Justice

    Constitution Appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold our laws and our Constitution. The replacement for Justice Scalia will be a person of similar views and principles who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Defend the rule of law and the...
  7. Chuz Life

    CDZ Can There be Exceptions?

    Can there be Exceptions? According to this article from "Pro-Life Wisconsin," the answer is No! The article says; "Totally banning abortion makes some people uncomfortable. We've been told time and again that there are unique situations for which abortion is the best option. If a lie is...
  8. P@triot

    Democrats - can we finally come together now?

    Now that all of you on the left are freaking out and completely losing your shit because of a Donald Trump presidency, will you finally admit that the unconstitutional, unlimited power that you built and celebrated for the Oval Office isn't so great after all? The Donald Trump administration...
  9. Chuz Life

    CDZ Why President Trump will have no 'Choice' but to ban Abortion.

    First of all, let's be clear. It is understood that the President alone does not have the power nor the authority to "ban abortion" on their own. Please don't read too far into the title of this thread. That said, on inauguration day, January 20, 2017 - When President Elect Donald Trump is...
  10. ding

    The 2nd Amendment (Why we our Founders wrote it)

    The Right to Bear Arms (i.e. the 2nd Amendment) was seen by our Founding Fathers as the last check against tyranny. They knew that the best line of defense against a standing army was an armed populace. "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource...
  11. ding

    The Founding Fathers intended for Slavery to Perish

    Our Founding Fathers believed that slavery was against the Law of Nature but did not know how to end it at the time of founding but did intend for slavery to perish. The Constitution was ratified in 1789. ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 1 states, "The Migration or Importation of such Persons as...
  12. ding

    CDZ The 2nd Amendment

    The Right to Bear Arms (i.e. the 2nd Amendment) was seen by our Founding Fathers as the last check against tyranny. They knew that the best line of defense against a standing army was an armed populace. "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource...
  13. P@triot

    ENOUGH....Time for Liberty....NOW

    Sorry, liberal's time for my constitutional rights to trump all of your fears. I'm sorry if the U.S. is just too "scary" for you. I'm sorry you live your lives like cowards - paranoid of an inanimate object. But as Patrick Henry said: "Give me liberty or give me death". If neither...
  14. P@triot

    Federal government frustrated that technology is restoring constitutional rights

    It's a sad indictment on how far we've fallen as a nation that James Comey and other are frustrated that encryption is protecting constitutional rights. Those are the people who should not only be protecting our constitutional rights - but celebrating anything that further secures them for the...
  15. P@triot

    This is why liberals have replaced the Constitution with the Supreme Court

    The Constitution legally restricts the communist desires of the liberal ideology - and they know it. However, if they can stack the Supreme Court with like-minded communists that ignore the Constitution, and the proclaim that the Supreme Court is the highest law in the land instead of the U.S...
  16. American_Jihad

    'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make'

    That's how rude they are, load them into buses and take them straight to the border... Rep. King to Angry Immigrant Activists: 'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make' "Are you an example of the America we can expect?" 4.18.2016 News Trey Sanchez Rep. Steve...
  17. T

    Micronation creation: Generating a draft constitution for a new republic

    With all the years of continual manipulation by external agents and from corruption within, our once great nation of the United States is crumbling at our feet as we step out into the unknown of the ever changing future. It had come to my realization that the federal powers had over run our...
  18. KokomoJojo

    Liberty, Rights and the Constitutionally Constipated.

    This is for those that never really understood the underlying law governing rights, privileges and liberty. That said normally I do not use wiki for a reference but in some cases if its close enough and saves people from ready court cases I post it as a reference. This is one of those cases...
  19. Chuz Life

    I am "Chuz Life" - Ask me Anything

    I tried this once in another thread with mixed results. I left that site in a never ending search for something better. I thought I would try the same here to see how it goes. Fire away!
  20. S

    CDZ Apple vs FBI

    Where does the government get the authority to order Apple to hack one of it's customer's phones? Why do Republican candidates who claim to support a strict interpretation of the Constitution and limited government side with the government on this issue?
  21. American_Jihad

    Obama vetoes bill to repeal signature health care law

    We gave a black man a chance to do something great, but he's destroying the planet instead. The healthcare plan don't effect me and never will... Obama vetoes bill to repeal signature health care law Associated Press DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press 2 hrs ago ... House Speaker Paul...
  22. couch protester

    Kids shooting guns at this ok? for 2nd Amendment?

    Kids right to bear arms? They shoot better than they drive. But they can't own a gun until 18th birthday. It doesn't look like their trying to do mass shootings except maybe the Columbine Massacre , but more teens kill with cars than guns. Take the keys away?

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