
  1. The Original Tree

    James "The Sweeper" Comey: FBI & DOJ Handed Out Deals Like Candy At Halloween

    Nah, this doesn't smell like a cover up at all. Especially when you add in the fact Comey did nothing about Lynch's unethical, clandestine meeting with Clinton while he was under investigation, and the fact he completely rolled over when he was told not to call her Criminal Investigation an...
  2. Cellblock2429

    SPECIAL ALERT TO LIBTARD MOONBATS: Replace your I Hate Comey hat with the I Love Comey one

    Democrats & the Mainstream Media Have Changed Their Tune on Comey Democrats & the Mainstream Media Have Changed Their Tune on Comey While Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for her private email server, many Democrats and members of the mainstream media had nothing but contempt...
  3. The Original Tree

    Hope & Change

    It's Real. Obama kept true to his promise. So it is THE ONE THING HE ACTUALLY PROMISED AND CAME THROUGH ON. Let me cite his MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS! OBAMA'S LEGACY OF HOPE Like your party illegally WIRETAPPING President Trump for 18 months "HOPING" to find anything you can. Like your party...
  4. QSN

    Comey letter not leak

    The networks (CNN included) should refrain from calling a letter that is written as a memo of a personal conversation a leak. The Comey memo is not by defenition a "leak". To call the letter a leak creates a distraction from the important message. We are under attack and our leader (Trump) is...
  5. roypatterson

    Good News from the FBI, President Trump was never under Investigation

  6. American_Jihad

    There's Nothing About Comey

    I can't wait for the blowback on the left and their media. They're already losing some of their own, cool more votes for us... THERE’S NOTHING ABOUT COMEY No criminal investigation, no obstruction of justice, nothing. June 8, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Never has one man broken more leftist...
  7. RodISHI

    Love this News guy, Russia, Comey, Flynn and our president.....

    I love Bill Still's reports. He is very thorough and I think he nailed it on Comey and the Clinton crime family plans.... I think our president is much smarter than people are giving him credit for. GO Trump!!!!
  8. American_Jihad

    How fake news gets made

    These left-wing anchors are comedy gold... THE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OF WASHINGTON POST AND CNN FAKE NEWS How fake news gets made. May 18, 2017 Daniel Greenfield ... This isn’t journalism. It’s a joke. Last week, the Washington Post unveiled a story based on “the private accounts of more...
  9. roypatterson


  10. Markle

    Hillary took “absolute personal responsibility” for her losing, then blamed Wiki, Comey, her gender

    Is this any surprise? Identical to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, she simply cannot accept any blame, for anything, ever. She even blamed her gender. Strange she didn't mention her famous mention denigrating her opponents by calling them "deplorables" much the same as Mitt...
  11. Y

    Comey saves the Republic

    Director Comey may have saved the Republic. The U.S. Senate is probably now firmly going to be in GOP hands. And the race between Trump and Hillary is a dead heat and too close to call. Even if Donald still goes down in defeat for any of a number of reasons, such as he was not born with a...
  12. MindWars

    Is this why Comey broke: A stack of resignation letters from furious FBI agents

    Conspiracy theories have swirled in recent days as to why FBI Director James Comey reopened Hillary's email investigation after just closing it back in July concluding that, although Hillary had demonstrated gross negligence in her establishment of a private email server, that "no reasonable...
  13. Snouter

    OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

    Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server
  14. defcon4

    Why did Comey do it?

    Here are some possible scenarios: 1) It is a planned diversion by the DNC since they realized Trump's inevitable victory. This is for the sole purpose of blaming the emails and Comey for Clinton losing the election and diminishing the importance of the real reason for people voting against the...
  15. MindWars

    Anti Trump group files DOJ complaint against Comey for Interfering with Presidential election

    Anti-Trump Group Files DOJ Complaint Against Comey For ‘Interfering in the Presidential Election’ Anti-Trump Group Files DOJ Complaint Against Comey For ‘Interfering in the Presidential Election’ Oh they don't like it when their humanity killer is getting fkd over now do they. Yet they are...
  16. MindWars

    Report: Congress considering emergency hearing on repopened FBI investigatigation into Clinton Email

    Cameron Joseph, the Washington Bureau Chief for the New York Daily News,has claimed he has heard reports that the House Oversight Committee is considering an emergency hearing with FBI director James Comey next Friday, following the FBI’s decision to reopen the case into Hillary Clinton’s...
  17. paperview

    "This is the biggest load of bull..." Clinton on the emails.

    At a gathering of the Asian American Journalists Association Bill Clinton defended his wife regarding the email imbroglio: "First of all, the FBI director said when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day's statement that she had never received any emails that are...
  18. J

    Hillary gives 1st press conference in eight months . . . lies to minority reporters

    . See: Hillary Clinton holds rare press conference at minority journalist convention August 05, 2016 Fox News Latino ”At a press conference at a convention for Latino and African-American journalists, Clinton said: "Director Comey has said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful...
  19. excalibur

    Meet Bryan Nishimura

    Peak FBI Corruption? Meet Bryan Nishimura, Found Guilty For "Removal And Retention Of Classified Materials" | Zero Hedge

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