There's Nothing About Comey


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I can't wait for the blowback on the left and their media. They're already losing some of their own, cool more votes for us...

No criminal investigation, no obstruction of justice, nothing.
June 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Never has one man broken more leftist hearts than James Brien Comey Jr.


And the left shouldn’t get too caught up in its new romance with James Comey. Not when his on and off again relationship with the media is Washington’s biggest soap opera. Comey saved Hillary. Then he got the blame for costing her the election. He was a hero for supposedly investigating Trump. Then his Hillary testimony led to media outrage. Trump fired him and he became a hero again.


But that’s because there was no crime to begin with. The rest is innuendo. The drip drop of a scandal without one ever materializing. Comey’s testimony will be another drop from that leaky faucet. Its only substance is theatrical. Detailed documentation creates the appearance of wrongdoing. Constant hearings maintain the illusion that something is being uncovered. Even when nothing is.

The better question is why do the memos even exist?

The left would like to believe that Comey was gathering evidence on President Trump. But they don’t contain anything incriminating about him. Instead Comey was trying to preemptively protect himself. To understand that is to understand who Comey is and why he got into this mess.


James Comey won’t be the President of the United States. And he won’t bring one down either. Instead he will have his moment on the stage and then shuffle off into the darkness. The lefties who hoped he would destroy Trump will sigh wistfully and then go back to blaming him for losing the election.

There’s Nothing About Comey
Hopefully Crooked Hillary folks stocked up on more Preparation H. They are repeatedly butthurt and apparently enjoy it. :p
June 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Sadly, Comeystock or Comeymass doesn't seem to be working out for the media quite as expected.

You would think the left would have learned its lessons from recent Comey history. Or what would happen when its fake news anonymously sourced stories came up against specific questions to a real named former FBI director.


The agenda is to reverse the results of the election and return the left to power. Fake news is one of the media's tactics. And that becomes obvious in moments like this when the narrative crumbles.


There's no there there.

Comey: NY Times Trump-Russia Story was Fake News
So the question is, what is the next thing the demo-Rats/MSM going to try to do to undermine our President.
The fired FBI director tells a Senate panel he’s a well-meaning victim of Trump.
June 9, 2017

Matthew Vadum


Comey’s comments came as he testified for hours before the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of a massive fishing expedition against the Trump administration that should never have been launched in the first place. (A transcript of Comey’s testimony is available here.)


In a rush to “get” President Trump, almost all Democrat commentators have “willfully ignored these realities,” Dershowitz said, and in so doing “have endangered our civil liberties and constitutional rights.”

“Just as the president would have had the constitutional power to pardon Flynn and thus end the criminal investigation of him, he certainly had the authority to request the director of the FBI to end his investigation of Flynn.”


As commentator Sean Davis of The Federalist website tweeted, “Comey has worked for three presidential administrations. He's trashed each one [with] narratives in which he was the only honest man around.”

He added, “At some point, it might be time to consider the possibility Comey's a scheming coward who only comes clean when he has nothing left to lose.”

Comey Unmasks Himself As Leaker
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The show’s over, now get to work.
June 13, 2017

Bruce Thornton

America’s longest running soap opera is not General Hospital. It’s the Congressional Hearing, usually a venue for pontificating, show-boating, histrionics, preening for the cameras, insulting political enemies, and accomplishing little of value. Meanwhile the real work of the Republic either gets neglected or proceeds in silence at a glacial pace.

James Comey was the star of last week’s latest episode of the eternal DC soap. The one-time FBI director stayed true to his character, preening morally, striking Boy Scout poses, indulging faux-folksy interjections like “Lordy,” pretending to be sober and judicious, but all the while revealing the instincts of a bureaucratic cartel sicaria. He was obviously thirsting for revenge against the hated DC outsider and “liar” who unceremoniously fired him, so much so that he admitted to cowardice on multiple occasions, from failing to immediately confront Trump over his supposed sinister “direction” (Comey’s translation of Trump’s “hope”) that Mike Flynn get let off the hook; to his groveling obedience to AG Loretta Lynch’s politicized, justice-obstructing order to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton a “matter.” He displayed a brazen arrogance in admitting to leaking a memo, written in his professional capacity, to the New York Times through a cut-out, perhaps one of numerous other leaks emanating from this self-proclaimed pillar of professional rectitude even before he was fired.


Many Congressmen assure us that they are hard at work below the media’s radar. I hope that’s true, because if the Republicans and Trump fail to deliver on his promises with substantial change, we might see in our country a reprise of what just happened in England’s snap election, where a hard-left buffoon perhaps fatally wounded the Tories’ government. Trump promised to win so much the people will get sick of winning. He’d better make it happen, or else the people who put him in office will get sick of him. And our own country has plenty of hard-left buffoons itching to take his place.

Congressional Hearings and Witch-Hunts


"you're a socialist" "and you're a communist"

Both are hard-left buffoons...:eek-52:
Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
CandyAss you mean like obongo, clintons, holder, lynch, etc, etc that's good...:biggrin:

More than likely to Kushner, Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manfort, Kelly Anne Conjob, Mike Dubke, Ivanka Trump for starters.
CandyAss, I'M glad to see this thread got under your skin, now what do I think about your typical PLWL post --- progressive left-wing liberal pipe-dream...
Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
By who, one of Comey's former employees?

I think the US Marshal Service is the body that serves the federal subpoenas. I know it is they take people into custody who don't cooperate.

Who will issue them, one of Comey's former employees?


Well, he was director of the FBI.
The Marshal Service is different.
Are you dense?
Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
CandyAss you mean like obongo, clintons, holder, lynch, etc, etc that's good...:biggrin:

More than likely to Kushner, Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manfort, Kelly Anne Conjob, Mike Dubke, Ivanka Trump for starters.
CandyAss, I'M glad to see this thread got under your skin, now what do I think about your typical PLWL post --- progressive left-wing liberal pipe-dream...

Under my skin? Now that's funny. Watching you guys flail around and try to convince everyone "theres nothing to see here" is really quite humorous. As for you personally, the difference between you and a bucket of shit...the bucket.
Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
By who, one of Comey's former employees?

I think the US Marshal Service is the body that serves the federal subpoenas. I know it is they take people into custody who don't cooperate.

Who will issue them, one of Comey's former employees?


Well, he was director of the FBI.
The Marshal Service is different.
Are you dense?

The Marshal Service might serve them, they don't issue them. Why are you dodging the question?

Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
By who, one of Comey's former employees?

I think the US Marshal Service is the body that serves the federal subpoenas. I know it is they take people into custody who don't cooperate.

Who will issue them, one of Comey's former employees?


Well, he was director of the FBI.
The Marshal Service is different.
Are you dense?

The Marshal Service might serve them, they don't issue them. Why are you dodging the question?


Oh. A federal judge issues a subpoena. Sorry. I don't think any federal judges worked for James Comey. It wouldn't matter if they did...Comey is no longer there thanks to his unwillingness to drop an investigation.
Meanwhile back in reality, the subpoenas are going to be served any day now.
CandyAss you mean like obongo, clintons, holder, lynch, etc, etc that's good...:biggrin:

More than likely to Kushner, Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manfort, Kelly Anne Conjob, Mike Dubke, Ivanka Trump for starters.
CandyAss, I'M glad to see this thread got under your skin, now what do I think about your typical PLWL post --- progressive left-wing liberal pipe-dream...

Under my skin? Now that's funny. Watching you guys flail around and try to convince everyone "theres nothing to see here" is really quite humorous. As for you personally, the difference between you and a bucket of shit...the bucket.
It's going to be so SWEET when all this shit gathers up all your left-wing heroes...

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