
  1. deanrd

    Do USMB Republicans feel it's OK for the Trump family to profit BIGLEY from US Government policy?

    We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666. We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs. We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China...
  2. deanrd

    Why USMB GOP haven't compared Trump's 1/2 billion from China to the Clinton Foundation donations?

    China gives half billion to build Trump golf course This is what the Clinton Foundation claims to do: Creating Economic Opportunity. Improving Public Health. Inspiring Civic Engagement and Service. The Clinton Foundation This is what they do at a Trump Golf Course: I guess it's called...
  3. deanrd

    Don't worry, Trump's Son In Law, Jared Kushner hasn't been forgotten.

    Kushner’s company subpoenaed by federal jury after filing false paperwork The Kushner Cos. received a federal subpoena on Thursday as investigators look into whether the real estate company repeatedly filed false paperwork that incorrectly claimed it served zero rent-regulated tenants. Kushner...
  4. longknife

    President Trump Wins "Trade War" with China?

    It would appear so. Raised tariffs on Chinese products seems to be having the desired effect. Seems they are drastically reducing tariffs on US goods going to China. They're still playing it coy but the US stock market has improved because of it. The Chinese Just Announced Decreased Tariffs And...
  5. L

    Hitler/China Destroys Another Synagogue/Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews/Christians

    Introduction - added Jan 2018 Hitler/China Destroys Another Synagogue/Church, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews/Christians Imagine these headlines in the "free world" in 1936, just before the Berlin Olympics: Hitler Torches Another Synagogue, Sparking Fears of Campaign Against Jews. They...
  6. Litwin

    Great news, Putin´s Kleptocracy sold Siberian Gold to China!!

    "Moscow agreed with Beijing on the conditions of gold mining" LOL, :banana: Great news, Putin´s Kleptocracy sold Siberian Gold to China!! look like situation in Muscovite empire even worst than i thought ...whats next? Oil, Gas, women (Muscovites sold woe men even in 19c)? " Moscow agreed...
  7. Markle

    President Trump announced today that China is halting all their banks from dealing with North Korea

    President Trump announced today that China is halting all their banks from dealing with North Korea This was just announced at a lunch attended by President Donald Trump, South Korea, and Japan. This was a stunning, totally unexpected announcement. President Donald Trump continues to stand...
  8. Litwin

    China says only electric cars will be on the road in 2040

    Bad , Bad news for Vova Putler and his ' gas station masquerading as a country' , which of a gas station masquerading as a country goes down first? My guess it will be Muscovy, Nigeria is the next one , what do you think? " China’s green energy initiatives are going into the fast lane. The...
  9. Litwin

    Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

    once again "Nigeria in snow" tries to attack US financial system. Rightists always say that Obama was a weak leader, what "a strong " leader like Trump is gonna do in response ? "" Putin: BRICS Ready to Challenge US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency Putin says BRICS is ready to "overcome...
  10. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Communist Chinese Govt.'s plan to bring ethnic minorities out of poverty: make them learn Mandarin

    Chinese government advisor says more Mandarin needed to fight poverty BEIJING (Reuters) - Not enough effort is being put into teaching China’s ethnic minorities standardized Mandarin Chinese during Beijing’s fight to eradicate poverty, a top advisor to the government said on Saturday. Chinese...
  11. A

    China's Financial Missteps Continue

    The financial missteps in China have continued and corruption runs wild. China is no small underdeveloped backwater with an insignificant economy and it is important to remember that "what happens in China does not stay in China." Growth in China has been fueled by its government expanding the...
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Chuck Schumer and other Dems support Trump going after one of their party's biggest donors: China

    In rare bipartisan display, Democrats back Trump on China trade probe WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three top Democratic senators, in a rare show of bipartisanship, on Wednesday urged U.S. President Donald Trump to stand up to China as he prepares to launch an inquiry into Beijing's intellectual...
  13. AsianTrumpSupporter

    U.S. to list China among worst human trafficking offenders: sources

    U.S. to list China among worst human trafficking offenders: sources WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to place China on its global list of worst offenders in human trafficking and forced labor, said a congressional source and a person familiar with the matter, a step that could...
  14. American_Jihad

    Foreign Student Visas: Educating America’s Adversaries

    Foreign Student Visas: Educating America’s Adversaries Guess who Obama’s State Department issues hundreds of thousands of student visas to? December 22, 2016 Michael Cutler It has been said that if you give a man a fish you will feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you will...
  15. MindWars

    Communist Chinese suppress Christians, reap profits from Christmas exports

    Communist Chinese Suppress Christians, Reap Profits From Christmas Exports While the atheist, communist Chinese government cracks down on Christians domestically, the country profits heavily from Christmas decorations exported to the United States. The Chinese government exported approximately...
  16. MindWars

    Trump understands China is the real threat

    Trump Understands China is the Real Threat Today China threatened trade sanctions against American automakers GM & Ford as pictures show them weaponizing artificial islands they created in the South China Sea to seize control of international waters. But the Washington political establishment &...
  17. MindWars

    Christians in China being targeted and killed for Organ harvesting

    Christians in China Being Targeted and Killed for Organ Harvesting In 2006, two Canadian nationals began a journey that would reveal information so dark, it is deeply troubling to ponder, let alone believe. But in a world controlled by money, man is capable of doing anything to get it, including...
  18. MindWars

    W.H. claims China hacked election, calls Bolton Conspiracy Theorist

    W.H. Claims “China” Hacked Election, Calls Bolton “Conspiracy Theorist” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declared that a cyber attack by “China” was responsible for disrupting the U.S. presidential election, before slandering former ambassador John Bolton as an “irresponsible conspiracy...
  19. L

    Fake pope Francis in genocide scripts: abortion, refugees gassed in Europe's death camps

    Fake pope Francis in genocide scripts: abortion, refugees gassed in Europe's death camps Nov 21, 2016 Genocide of refugees in Europe's death camps: 7 and half months after illuminati released milestone video Video Greece: Refugee children fight barbed-wire with flowers and tears in Idomeni was...
  20. anotherlife

    Why do societies survive?

    Statistics show, that family fortunes dissipate by the 3rd generation. Also, the life cycle of countries seems like ~ 200 years. But there are a few that seem to go on forever. For example, here is our home country, France. Not only has France weathered 2000 years of war and population...
  21. MindWars

    Pentagon Stunned As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War

    The Kremlin have announced that China are to send 5,000 of its most elite military forces into the Levant War Zone to help Russia in the fight against ISIS, which has left the Obama administration and the Pentagon “horrified”. Pentagon Stunned As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War...
  22. MindWars

    URGENT DEVELOPMENT — China Joins Russia In Syria Air Raids… (Buckle Up Folks…)

    URGENT DEVELOPMENT — China Joins Russia In Syria Air Raids… (Buckle Up Folks…) China has told Moscow that they will join in the bombing in Syria from their Aircraft Carrier. This has HUGE implications folks. HUGE...
  23. MindWars

    US on edge over new powder keg in the South China Sea

    China and the Philippines could begin exploiting long-untapped energy reserves in the South China Sea, according to reports coming out of this week's meeting between Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte and high-ranking Chinese officials — including a Thursday sit-down with ChinesePresident Xi...
  24. MindWars

    DEFCON 3 & An Unprepared US Military-Do You Have a Place To Hide?

    DEFCON 3 & An Unprepared US Military-Do You Have a Place To Hide? The American military is posturing for war as best as it can. Of course I am referencing the tremendous handicap that Obama and his left win subversives have imposed on America. America is supposed to lose and our current Pr...
  25. Y

    China is running out of workers

    The PBS News Hour showed today a fascinating feature about China which tells us that China is running out of workers. Their baby boom is about 5 years younger than the massive US bump in the snake and many will be retiring soon, by the end of 2019. When they do then China will be in dire...
  26. A

    China’s Economic Collapse Could Spark Stock Market Crash in 2016

    Predicting that China’s economy is heading towards a stock market crash, reaching that unfortunate destination in 2016, is certainly risky. It may even be presumptuous and premature to suggest the notion of China’s economy falling to pieces.Excluding gold, China has an estimated $3.8 trillion in...
  27. G

    What are Trump's positions on Russia (their current sanctions) and China (the current island...)?

    What are Trump's positions on Russia (their current sanctions) and China (the current island dispute)?
  28. Maggdy

    East-world and Government of Hungary relations (current events)

    Only a few continuity, Five-fold increase recorded in Turkish-Hungarian bilateral trade volume July, 2014 ".… Turkey is Hungary’s fifth largest non-EU trade partner and bilateral trade turnover increased five-times since 2003. Last year, trade turnover growth was as much as 26 percent."...
  29. Anonymous1977

    Closer to Armageddon?; China talking war with the US

    Quote from article: “I advise the US not to make a fool out of themselves in trying to be smart” - China foreign ministry spokesperson South China Sea: Beijing 'not frightened to fight a war' after US move
  30. Anonymous1977

    Is it cowardice for the U.S. to run away from fighting Russia LOL?

    Russian Broadcaster Warns of Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' Some have alleged that Russia is a part of the Abrahamic scriptures Gog & Magog but is it cowardice for us Americans to RUN FROM fighting Russia (run from volunteering for military service) if they could seriously damage our...

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