**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?

And the person who is stomping on the flag becomes an animal because you say they do? lmao

No. They become an animal because they are desecrating a symbol that this nation (and I) holds dear. Just like they become an animal the instant they enter my home without my permission or decide they want to take my car or wallet from me on the street. Human beings follow the rules. Animals choose not to.
And the person who is stomping on the flag becomes an animal because you say they do? lmao

No. They become an animal because they are desecrating a symbol that this nation (and I) holds dear. Just like they become an animal the instant they enter my home without my permission or decide they want to take my car or wallet from me on the street. Human beings follow the rules. Animals choose not to.

And you think God gives a damn about a piece of cloth that you hold in reverence, despite the fact that you hate what it stands for? Does God call them animals? No.
And the person who is stomping on the flag becomes an animal because you say they do? lmao

No. They become an animal because they are desecrating a symbol that this nation (and I) holds dear. Just like they become an animal the instant they enter my home without my permission or decide they want to take my car or wallet from me on the street. Human beings follow the rules. Animals choose not to.

I guess you haven't read what the Bible says about it?

"‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.’"

I think murdering someone over a flag is not what God expects of your morality and sense of decency.
Give me a heads up too. I'll hop on a plane for that party. I'll bring matches and a pair of scissors. Well make some flaming bikinis for Anathema to model for us.

I'll let you know too; but I guarantee that one way or another I will not be wearing a bikini made out of an American flag.

Don't think one would fit over your Depends?
Right. You just keep saying that.

A coward fears pain and death. I embrace both. Pain is something that has been a part of my life for pretty much my entire 40 years on this planet.... physical and otherwise. Death is something I do not fear. He will come for me one day; ;robably soon; and I will embrace Him like a long-lost brother.
Right. You just keep saying that.

A coward fears pain and death. I embrace both. Pain is something that has been a part of my life for pretty much my entire 40 years on this planet.... physical and otherwise. Death is something I do not fear. He will come for me one day; ;robably soon; and I will embrace Him like a long-lost brother.

Yeah yeah.

You are just another wannabe internet badass. While I disagree with the idea that abusing the flag should be a criminal offense, I have some respect for some of the people who feel that way. They are so enamored of the freedoms of this nation, they feel a need to protect any symbol of it.

But you don't want freedom, and wish others didn't have it. You are just another hate-monger who wants the rest of the world to be as miserable as you are.
But you don't want freedom, and wish others didn't have it. You are just another hate-monger who wants the rest of the world to be as miserable as you are.

Misery is the natural state of human existance. Always has been and always will be. It's the reason we're here.
But you don't want freedom, and wish others didn't have it. You are just another hate-monger who wants the rest of the world to be as miserable as you are.

Misery is the natural state of human existance. Always has been and always will be. It's the reason we're here.

Misery, like happiness is a choice and a way of looking at your life. I am not miserable and I will not be miserable. There will be times when things happen that make life tougher. But that only makes your life miserable if you choose to allow it.
Misery, like happiness is a choice and a way of looking at your life. I am not miserable and I will not be miserable. There will be times when things happen that make life tougher. But that only makes your life miserable if you choose to allow it.

You make the common mistake of believing that there is actually personal choice in life. I know better. FATE contols our lives much more than most care to believe, and our only purpose here is to be tested on how we deal with the misery that is the core of human life.
Misery, like happiness is a choice and a way of looking at your life. I am not miserable and I will not be miserable. There will be times when things happen that make life tougher. But that only makes your life miserable if you choose to allow it.

You make the common mistake of believing that there is actually personal choice in life. I know better. FATE contols our lives much more than most care to believe, and our only purpose here is to be tested on how we deal with the misery that is the core of human life.

There are personal choices in how we face what life gives us. I know people who have been born with a silver spoon and had every possible break and are still miserable. I also know people who have had every bad break known to man, and are still happy. I know people who have been paralyzed, lost spouses and children, been thru hell with various illnesses, and they still live life with a smile.

No, you don't get to choose what life throws at you. But you DO get to choose how you face it and whether you are happy or miserable. You choose miserable.

The core of human life is about love, laughter and serving others. It is not about crawling into a hole and bitching about everyone else.
No, you don't get to choose what life throws at you. But you DO get to choose how you face it and whether you are happy or miserable. You choose miserable.

The core of human life is about love, laughter and serving others. It is not about crawling into a hole and bitching about everyone else.

You get to choose how you deal with it. Happy or Miserable isn't part of that. RIGHT and WRONG are.

The core of human life is about proving your soul knows RIGHT from WRONG so you can move on after this life, and not be kicked back to this disgusting plane of existiance to try again.
No, you don't get to choose what life throws at you. But you DO get to choose how you face it and whether you are happy or miserable. You choose miserable.

The core of human life is about love, laughter and serving others. It is not about crawling into a hole and bitching about everyone else.

You get to choose how you deal with it. Happy or Miserable isn't part of that. RIGHT and WRONG are.

The core of human life is about proving your soul knows RIGHT from WRONG so you can move on after this life, and not be kicked back to this disgusting plane of existiance to try again.

Knowing right from wrong is not what you were talking about. You were describing life as misery. You were claiming life is misery and we have no control or choice except to be miserable.

Happy or Miserable is the single most important choice you make. Both can be contagious. If you live your life as though it were meant to be misery, you can spread your misery to others. If you live your life as though Happiness were the point, regardless of what the Fates throw at you, you will spread that happiness to others. And THAT counts far more than whether or not you stomp on a flag or accept the rules of other or kiss the ass of the landed gentry.

And if your life is about love, laughter and service, you will always do the right thing.

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