You White Folks Are Gonna Benefit...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...from the Trump victory.

Democrat Rule #1: Principle is nothing: winning is everything!
Democrat Rule #2: See rule #1

1. Having made the unforgivable mistake of eschewing the white working class voter, based on an appeal to blacks, and Barack Obama's skin color, the Democrats will now regroup, and stop blaming everything on whites, and blaming everything on some imaginary racism in this country.
There is no institutional racism.
It's time to drop direct, or even peripheral, affirmative action.
Stop excusing rioters and thugs.

a. The slow-witted of their Janissaries will have to be re-trained, and lots of this board's Leftists will carry on their 'training' for a few years....but the Democrats will make every effort to regain the votes of whites.

2. Here, from the NYTimes, back in 2011, we saw this admission:
"For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

3. Now....a different song:

Senator Schumer:
"When you lose an election like this, you can't flinch," Schumer said. "You can't ignore it. You need to look it right in the eye and ask why, analyze it and learn from it. One thing we know is that we heard the American people loud and clear." Senate Democrats elect Chuck Schumer of New York as new minority leader

4. They're gonna reverse course, and stop blaming whites....Kinda like racist Democrat (is that redundant?) LBJ passing a civil rights bill...after blocking every anti-lynching bill that came to the Senate.....and for exactly the same reason.

After all, they own the media, so the hypocrisy won't be highlighted.

5. With their allies, the establishment Republicans, they may be able to put up the smoke screen.
The fly in the ointment is the other institution that the Left owns....the school system. If it doesn't improve, the product will still never be more than second-rate......meaning that those good jobs for the Rust Belt may be ephemeral.

My peeps will remain the most educated, most law-abiding, and most wealthy.
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We'll see shortly whether or not the Coastal Party....the Democrats....learned a lesson or not.

Will the arch-villain, Pelosi-galore, be voted as speaker???

"....Trump’s message drew droves of white, working-class voters to the polls, bolstering down-ballot Republicans while leaving Pelosi and the Democrats to ponder what went wrong and plot a path out of the minority wilderness.

Ryan’s challenge hinges largely on the argument that Pelosi, a San Francisco liberal widely despised in conservative circles, simply projects the wrong image for a party hoping to broaden its appeal to the Rust Belt voters who flocked to Trump."
House Dems brace for Wednesday’s secret ballot
"Rural Democrats: Party Ignored Us, Suffered the Consequences : Strategists and party officials say their warnings about the party’s lackluster outreach to rural voters went unheeded by Democratic leaders for years, culminating in this month’s shock defeat to Donald Trump. A presidential candidate who actually performed poorly in many cities and suburbs nonetheless scored an upset victory because of a surge in support from small towns and rural areas. - See more at: Rural Democrats: Party Ignored Us, Suffered the Consequences
Rural Democrats: Party Ignored Us, Suffered the Consequences

"....Barron say many in their party mistakenly see rural America as only one type of voter: white people who work on farms."

And the Democrats openly planned to abandon white working folks.

How'd that work out?
Elijah Cummings recently said that Democrats gave blacks the right to vote must be true!
Look at this, Northeastern Illinois University.....

Dems thought transgender bathroom access was THE issue of 2016
It's not Dems who started the many thousands of topics about gays and transgenders on this forum.

The VAST majority of topics about gays and transgenders were started by people like you, whining and gnashing your teeth. It was a regular obsession.
Dems thought transgender bathroom access was THE issue of 2016
It's not Dems who started the many thousands of topics about gays and transgenders on this forum.

The VAST majority of topics about gays and transgenders were started by people like you, whining and gnashing your teeth. It was a regular obsession.
It was never even on anyones radar until Obama decided to stake his legacy on letting men into the ladys room.
Dems thought transgender bathroom access was THE issue of 2016
It's not Dems who started the many thousands of topics about gays and transgenders on this forum.

The VAST majority of topics about gays and transgenders were started by people like you, whining and gnashing your teeth. It was a regular obsession.
It was never even on anyones radar until Obama decided to stake his legacy on letting men into the ladys room.

You speak of the titular head of the LGBT Movement???

Obama has a personal stake in the LGBT movement because he himself is gay. Michelle is a transexual man. I have no idea how they have children, but they must be adopted.
Obama has a personal stake in the LGBT movement because he himself is gay. Michelle is a transexual man. I have no idea how they have children, but they must be adopted.

I don't know if anything in your post is true or correct....but it is telling that in his autobiography....and evidence weighs heavily in favor of Bill Ayer having written the 'autobiography'.....

...the love of his life before Michelle is a thinly hidden copy of Bill Ayers girlfriend.
None could be found in Obama's early life.

1. In Dreams, Obama talks of his love life on only one occasion…. a white woman back in New York. “She was white,” he tells Auma. “She had dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes.” This nameless young woman had grown up on a sprawling estate in the country.

2. Could Obama’s mystery woman have been drawn fully from the memory of Bill Ayers and based on the great love of Ayers’s life, the late Diana Oughton. Physically, the woman of Obama’s memory with her “dark hair, and specks of green in her eyes” evokes images of Oughton. As her FBI files attest, copies of which my correspondent sent me, Oughton had brown hair and green eyes.

a. The two women shared similar family backgrounds as well. In fact, they seemed to have grown up on the very same estate. “The house was very old, her grandfather’s house,” Obama writes of his girlfriend’s country home. “He had inherited it from his grandfather.”

b. Oughton had “brought Bill Ayers and other radicals” to the family homestead in Dwight, Illinois. Oughton’s father’s grandfather built the main house on the estate, a 20-room Victorian mansion.

c. The carriage house, in which Diana lived as a child, now serves as a public library. It may have already seemed like one when Ayers visited, an impression that finds its way into Obama’s words as a library “ filled with old books and pictures of the famous people [the grandfather] had known--presidents, diplomats, industrialists.” Jack Cashill - National Articles:
This is what happens when anger and disappointment clouds one's ability to think clearly, politically.

Instead of seeking ways to regain the white working class vote, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, says this:

"President-elect Donald Trump “doesn’t know much,” former President Bill Clinton told a local newspaper earlier this month, but “one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”
Bill Clinton: Trump knows how to get 'angry, white men to vote for him'
You White Folks Are Gonna Benefit...

But not the yellow PC..Awwwwah, not get at the back of the line...

Pop quiz, you imbecile....
Which race has the highest income, most education, and lowest crime rate in this nation?

Even with your one brain cell, you can figure this one out.

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