You want war , well now you got it

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Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is the biggest political mistake I have seen in my life by the left..
This is the biggest political mistake I have seen in my life by the left..

Uuuhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm OK.................. "This", is it.

Always good to keep talking to the voices in your head.

Good point though. Yanno I was just over "there" talking to "them" about "this". "They" seemed set on doing/not doing/playing/not playing "this" game. I tried to talk them out of "it" but "they" pointed out some "stuff". So "there" "it" "is".
A television show being axed is the biggest political mistake you’ve seen in your life!? Get a grip, Bear. :lol:
So, repeating yourself ad naseum in the Roseanne thread wasn't enough - you felt the need to start an entirely new thread to repeat yourself in?

No more threads on this. One is enough - and this is #12.
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