Trump Could Solve All His Problems, Simply Fire Mueller


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Why doesn’t the idiot trump simply fire special counsel Robert Mueller? It would solve all his problems. He claims he has the power to end Mueller's probe, and House Republicans along with the Republican majority in the Senate would do nothing to stop him.

Had the idiot trump fired Mueller after the first few weeks of his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, the GOP wouldn’t have lost any congressional seats in special elections late last year and in the early months of this year.

Sure, there would have been some complaining and a few special reports by the media when Mueller's investigation was halted, but everyone knows voters are quick to forget. So, had the idiot trump abused his power early on, congressional Republicans would be in a much stronger position now to cover up all wrongdoing during the idiot trump’s presidential campaign and the rampant corruption in his administration.

The idiot trump’s approval rating would be in the high fifties to middle sixties, if not for his refusal to fire Mueller before his investigation got up and running and began indicting the criminals and making agreements to plea deals.

Any number of Republicans have warned the idiot trump not to fire Mueller. Some law experts have gone as far as to say it could be seen as obstruction of justice.

Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said, “ ‘I think the less the president says about this whole thing, the better off he will be. I think Mueller is a person of stature and respected and I respect him. Just let the thing go forward.' "

Grassley then opined that firing the special counsel would be “suicide” for the idiot trump. Which, is easy for Grassley to say, he hasn’t been targeted by the Mueller inquiry.

However, the longer the idiot trump waits to fire Mueller, the closer the country gets to the mid-term elections.

And, with June just around the corner, perhaps it is too late for the Republicans to rely on the faulty memory plaguing most moderate and undecided voters, which typically assures their support for the GOP. After all, those undecided and moderate voters can't be expected to forget everything with time so short.

Trump believes Mueller investigation has 'gone too far,' White House says


Looks like Trump is just too much of a pussy to fire Mueller. It's not like he can help being a coward. All he can do is whine, and finally admit Obama was stronger fighting for his goals than Trump will ever be.
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??
Looks like Trump is just too much of a pussy to fire Mueller. It's not like he can help being a coward. All he can do is whine, and finally admit Obama was stronger fighting for his goals than Trump will ever be.
LOL good grief...
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??

How long ago was that? Doesn't USMB have a history section for those discussions?
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??
We sure as hell did, super duper. The it she was talking about was your ridiculous GOP propaganda... None of the Benghazi attackers were interviewed so being sure of their motives was ridiculous.
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??
We sure as hell good, super duper. The it she was talking about was your ridiculous GOP propaganda... None of the Benghazi attackers were interviewed so being sure of there motives was ridiculous.
Now of course our intelligence agencies know it was triggered by the video and was an act of Terror.
The investigation makes leftists look dumber and dumber every day.

Why doesn’t the idiot trump simply fire special counsel Robert Mueller? It would solve all his problems. He claims he has the power to end Mueller's probe, and House Republicans along with the Republican majority in the Senate would do nothing to stop him.


Well, this was one area where he actually got (and believe it or not) has thus far listened to good advice in not firing Mueller.

In the first place, it solves nothing. Here is what would take place--from Fresh Air 2/1/18:

GROSS: But this leads to something I've been wondering. If the president terminates the investigation, you know, or fires Robert Mueller or has somebody else fire Robert Mueller, Robert Mueller knows a lot. He has gathered thousands and thousands of documents. What happens to what he knows? The documents, I assume, would not travel with him if he is forced out. But if the investigation ends or if it's taken over by somebody else, what happens to what's in Robert Mueller's brain? Are there any legal restrictions for him to tell what he knows?

GRAFF: There are legal restrictions, obviously, around the dissemination of classified information, but it's important to think of this not as what is in Robert Mueller's mind, which is, of course, important. But these are in FBI investigative files, so those files don't go away. Those agents don't go away. This was an investigation that began before Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel. I mean, remember, actually, the guilty pleas of George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn both stem from lies that they told to FBI agents, you know, months before Robert Mueller stepped into this probe. And so those investigators would presumably continue investigating, and there might even be a - you know, a new special counsel appointed who steps in.

And even if that's not true and that the - sort of the special counsel's office is disbanded entirely, the prosecution of those open investigations would likely transfer back to the U.S. attorney's office in D.C. or the U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia - in Alexandria, Va., and that those investigations might just continue apace absent a special counsel. You know, people sort of forget or don't know the - when you open an FBI investigation, that's actually a very formal process that goes through sort of several different stages of an investigation before you end up with what's known as a full field investigation. And by the time you get there, you have to have shown evidence of a potential criminal act in order to get to that formal OK to continue an investigation.

And then sort of similarly, there's a formal process to shut down an investigation that requires prosecutors to review the evidence with agents and to decline an investigation and charges. And so this is not something that is sort of quite as simple as, you know, if Bob Mueller is fired, he walks out the door, locks the office behind him, and everything just disappears into the ether.

Essentially, you fire Mueller and you just get another investigator.

Secondly, you get what you have with James Comey X10. Mueller could do the talk show circuit with a book exposing what he knows but he has too much integrity for that. He could testify before the Congress in which the Democrats would certainly welcome him and answer their questions which are going to be very probing.

Lastly, it confirms how scared the pervert is of Mueller.
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??

How long ago was that? Doesn't USMB have a history section for those discussions?
Ben ghazi hearing is when Hilly said "at this point what does it matter".
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??

How long ago was that? Doesn't USMB have a history section for those discussions?
Ben ghazi hearing is when Hilly said "at this point what does it matter".
And what would have been your answer to that question? Go on...let's hear it..
Well aside from you calling the billionaire who is the President an idiot, I have to agree that Trump has really messed up by listening to those (for whom I think they themselves thought he may have been guilty), then giving him some very bad advice that sadly he listened to.

He needs to do what Hilly would have done before now, where as she would have said "at this point, what the hell does it matter" ??

The left didn't have anything to say about that one did they ??

How long ago was that? Doesn't USMB have a history section for those discussions?
Ben ghazi hearing is when Hilly said "at this point what does it matter".
And what would have been your answer to that question? Go on...let's hear it..
At this point it dam sure matters, and it's time to come clean if you have anything to tell us NOW.

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