You may have to sue your kid's school to stop the CRT indoctrination


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
We all thought school leaders had gotten the message around the last midterm election that parents didn't want schools to indoctrinate their children on CRT and other similar subjects. Some schools insist on being part of the liberal propaganda machine.

---Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids---

We all thought school leaders had gotten the message around the last midterm election that parents didn't want schools to indoctrinate their children on CRT and other similar subjects. Some schools insist on being part of the liberal propaganda machine.

---Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids---

Maybe we should sue all the schools that whitewash history.
We all thought school leaders had gotten the message around the last midterm election that parents didn't want schools to indoctrinate their children on CRT and other similar subjects. Some schools insist on being part of the liberal propaganda machine.

---Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids---

Schools are doubling down. Whenever they lose one they have to try even harder.
If CRT is hurting your type of Christianity, you are worshipping 'whiteness.'
If your religious principles oppose CRT, you are worshipping white.
NWO shillbots/NPCs are promoting a new catch phrase today... "worshipping whiteness"

CRT is nothing but NWO propaganda. It's wrong, it's racist, and it's stupid.

Notice how NWO shillbots also attack Christianity. They are also turning the Muslims against them. The NWO shillbots/NPCs God is government and they aim to destroy their God's competition.
We all thought school leaders had gotten the message around the last midterm election that parents didn't want schools to indoctrinate their children on CRT and other similar subjects. Some schools insist on being part of the liberal propaganda machine.

---Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids---

You mean you want them to teach your kids about His-Story, instead of History.
yeah like leaving out that 1200 free blacks owned slaves and that blacks sold other blacks into slavery,,,

OH cant forget the first slave owner in the americas was a black man,,
That is all history you wrote, the problem with slavery wasn't just the slaveowners, most whites saw black folks as underneath them no matter how poor they were. Whites were indoctrinated into believing that they were better than any other group of folks on this planet. Blacks were viewed as less than human, so that the treatment of them would be acceptable in the eyes of white folks and the Bible was used to do it.
That is all history you wrote, the problem with slavery wasn't just the slaveowners, most whites saw black folks as underneath them no matter how poor they were. Whites were indoctrinated into believing that they were better than any other group of folks on this planet. Blacks were viewed as less than human, so that the treatment of them would be acceptable in the eyes of white folks and the Bible was used to do it.
so youre saying blacks never owned slave and blacks didnt sell slaves??

FFS blacks own more black slaves today than all the history of america,,

at some point you need to stop claiming to be a victim of others and realize youre a victim of your own thinking,,
How is it not? Do not play semantics. Racists are the foulest individuals in our society,


I asked a question is all. I wasn't sure how disliking crt means someone worships whiteness so I asked for clarification and for you to explain what you meant so I understood your point of view before replying. I don't think you understand what semantics means.
We all thought school leaders had gotten the message around the last midterm election that parents didn't want schools to indoctrinate their children on CRT and other similar subjects. Some schools insist on being part of the liberal propaganda machine.

---Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids---

Where is the term CRT in the article?

Did you just make that up?
yeah like leaving out that 1200 free blacks owned slaves and that blacks sold other blacks into slavery,,,

OH cant forget the first slave owner in the americas was a black man,,
The largest slave owners of blacks were chieftains on the continent who had total control of thousands at once to sell, kill or abuse. Why has that been WHITEWASHED?

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