Yet Another Country Runs Out of Other People's Money


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013

We all know Greece is effectively bankrupt. Per reports Italy, Spain, and Portugal are close behind. Gee....isn't socialism great. :D

Apparently, our neighbor to the south....Puerto Rico is close to default.

"The governor warned that Puerto Rico can't pay its $72 billion public debt on the eve of a private Monday meeting with legislators, delivering another jolt to the recession-gripped U.S. island as well as a world financial system already worrying over Greece's collapsing finances.

Puerto Rico's situation has drawn comparisons to Greece, where the government decreed this weekend that banks would be shuttered for six business days and restrictions imposed on cash withdrawals. The country's five-year financial crisis has sparked questions about its continued membership in the 19-nation shared euro currency and the European Union.

Puerto Rico governor says island can t pay its public debt - Yahoo News
Just another scam. How long have they been predicting the collapse of Greece? Still hasn't happened. And it won't. They'll bail Greece out and life will go on. Just as it did in the U.S. when the banks got their $Trillions in Bailouts. The Banker Elites did just fine after the last U.S. economic crisis.

Greece's problems will likely result in it losing more sovereignty and the NWO Banker Elites seizing complete control of the country. Each Nation that joined the EU had to give up their sovereignty and Constitutions to join. Hopefully the EU will collapse altogether. It's just an evil NWO Globalist Elite cabal. The U.S. needs to avoid such alliances. It needs to secure and preserve its sovereignty and Constitution.

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