FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago

Well, we saw the paramilitary team live at MAL when this illicit raid was underway.

Folks, Biden and his junta did this, not Donald Trump.

Trump isn't a threat to our freedoms, Biden and the Democrats are.

Now you know why Jack Smith et al. are fighting to keep this stuff under seal.

and this is a bad idea how ??? are you telling me that the government is not allowed to use deadly force to retrieve very classified documents ... that they should walk into an inviroment and not protect themselves why "??? because of your idiot hero Donald trump
Clinton most definitely lied; she continued lying until State Department archives and the computer belonging to her chief of staff Huma Abedin was seized from her pervert husband the congressman and searched for illegal photos by the FBI proved that she had hundred of Top Secret documents on her private server. She lied about instructing aides to strip the classified headings off documents so they could be emailed to the non-secure server in her bathroom.
No, she did not lie. And you dropped Obama. Go back and do some readin.
Well, we saw the paramilitary team live at MAL when this illicit raid was underway.

Folks, Biden and his junta did this, not Donald Trump.

Trump isn't a threat to our freedoms, Biden and the Democrats are.

Now you know why Jack Smith et al. are fighting to keep this stuff under seal.

Good. And if any of Trumps criminals would have got in their way, they should have used it full force.
Trump was in legal possession of the documents. Biden stole documents and shared them with his ghost writer.

The biggest difference between the Trump case and the Biden case is that Biden was found incompetent to stand trial.

Doubt you guys will be able to keep the Herr tapes hidden.
Now we know that the top secret documents were just random papers that the fbi put in classified folders to stage the photo. And they brought those file covers w8th them.

You have no evidence but your worthless word. Does not fly.
It's literally in the report frrom the DOJ https://www.justice.gov/storage/report-from-special-counsel-robert-k-hur-february-2024.pdf

Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods. FBI agents recovered these materials from the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home.
Maybe you should take your own advice as you’ve proven by that statement that you’re uninformed as what the 14th actually says. Good try though may work on someone who is as mistaken as yourself.
I guess you don't understand the Equal Protection clause. Go back to high school. Maybe there will be a good teacher like me to fix you!
Well, we saw the paramilitary team live at MAL when this illicit raid was underway.

Folks, Biden and his junta did this, not Donald Trump.

Trump isn't a threat to our freedoms, Biden and the Democrats are.

Now you know why Jack Smith et al. are fighting to keep this stuff under seal.

It was a hit that went bad.

Now we know the "evidence" the feds planted and later manipulated was not the purpose of the raid, it was just a crime of opportunity.
The storage closet of Mar a Lago is not the proper location for highly classified documents.
But xiden’s garage or a file he labeled personal and keep hidden in closet in a UPenn office was?
Wait until the audio comes out. We know it exists but has already likely been given the Hammerin Hillary treatment
They were documents that the United States gave to him and trusted him with for years. Biden's DOJ treated him like he turned into a Russian spy over night. It's disgusting.

Yup, we all saw it, and we're all seeing the Stalin-esque "trial", which will create millions of new Trump voters regardless of the outcome. Every person who's ever been fucked over by a lawyer or a judge on a traffic ticket, divorce, tax issue, or property dispute knows this feeling.

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