Yes or no? NATO PTOVOKED this war.

The U.S. did not carpet bomb "most of North Korea".

Except for early in the Korean War, the U.S. didn't even bomb North Korean cities wholesale
You’re uninformed. Maybe this will help.
Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea

That act was this: In the early 1950s, during the Korean War, the US dropped more bombs on North Korea than it had dropped in the entire Pacific theater during World War II. This carpet bombing, which included 32,000 tons of napalm, often deliberately targeted civilian as well as military targets, devastating the country far beyond what was necessary to fight the war. Whole cities were destroyed, with many thousands of innocent civilians killed and many more left homeless and hungry.

For Americans, the journalist Blaine Harden has written, this bombing was "perhaps the most forgotten part of a forgotten war," even though it was almost certainly "a major war crime." Yet it shows that North Korea's hatred of America "is not all manufactured," he wrote. "It is rooted in a fact-based narrative, one that North Korea obsessively remembers and the United States blithely forgets."

And the US, as Harden recounted in a columnearlier this year, knew exactly what it was doing:

"Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population," Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed "everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another." After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops.
bomb volume is NOT what defines something as "carpet bombing"
Yeah what defines it is what they called it at the time. Carpet bombing. Do you have any idea the number of civilians our military murdered?

Much like was done to the Germans and Japanese in WWII and the Vietnamese and Iraqis and…

See a pattern yet?
Yeah what defines it is what they called it at the time. Carpet bombing. Do you have any idea the number of civilians our military murdered?

Much like was done to the Germans and Japanese in WWII and the Vietnamese and Iraqis and…

See a pattern yet?

Killing large numbers of civilians during a war is not necessarily a bad thing.
Stick with the subject. Personal comments about each other can be taken to the basement area to be hashed out.
psychopathy hasn't a thing to do with it.
Seems to me purposely targeting civilians would be a serial killer's dream. Many troops that have witnessed or killed people during war have serious mental health problems directly caused by it.
Seems to me purposely targeting civilians would be a serial killer's dream. Many troops that have witnessed or killed people during war have serious mental health problems directly caused by it.

You're wrong on more levels than I can count.

Killing civilians is largely the entire point of war

My dad purposely killed civilians during the Korean War and he was none the worse for wear due to it.
Somehow a majority of Americans are unaware of the war crimes their government has committed, but they know all about war crimes of nations their government opposes.
Yes, I understand. It's the power of superior propaganda, censorship, inferior educational system & geographic isolation .... and of course, dupes prepared to spread their lies for a price and/or coercion. There are only a few examples where the US has been "the good guy" but Americans don't know that. How can they know? They are indoctrinated to believe that any opposing view of the US is dangerous. Their fear hasn't subsided since WW II Hollywood films because the rhetoric hasn't changed to this very day.
NATO authorized Bill Clinton to bomb Yugoslavia ...
NATO has no international jurisdiction. Without UN authorisation the bombing of Yugoslavia was illegal. Anyway, NATO is American based so you could say, "Bill Clinton gave himself the authorization to bomb Yugoslavia".
... to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual adventures so anything is possible if the media justifies it.
True, for sure.
the first one? Since I am a veteran myself let us begin with Vietnam.

Why do people carp about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.? The U.S. and South Vietnam were both members of SEATO (Southeast Asian Treaty Organization) so arguably the U.S. had an obligation to fight on behalf of South Vietnam from the beginning.. Not to mention the North Vietnamese attack on the U.S. destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin (unlike the later August 4, 1964, attack which never actually happened the earlier August 2, 1964 attack most certainly DID HAPPEN as it was admitted to by the North Vietnamese at the time).

By any possible stretch of explanations, U.S. military action against North Vietnam was clearly justified.

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