Yes, I'm rootin for Putin

Sunni Man I think you set him off this is the last time he posted anything. LOL.

It turns out Putin has a fan base in America’s right-leaning evangelical politicians and pundits.

Lauren Witzke, a GOP candidate for the Senate in Delaware, said: “Here’s the deal. Russia is a Christian nationalist nation. They’re actually Russian Orthodox. ... I identify more with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”

This isn’t an uncommon stance among some Republicans and white American evangelicals today, who have previously admired Putin because of the alignment of their beliefs with his about homosexuality, authoritarianism and fealty to former President Donald Trump. Many believe Putin’s nationalism, coupled with their Christian belief, is the way America should be.

Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed that Putin is “being compelled by God” to invade Ukraine — his take on Putin’s motivations is questionable at best, but his support for Putin as part of a divine plan is notable.

Evangelicals are a long way from how they historically thought about Russia and communism. Back in the 1950s, white evangelical leaders like Billy Graham preached against the evils of communism and called then-Soviet states “godless” and a threat to Christianity and America.

Fast-forward to the 21st century, and today’s evangelical leaders, as well as Republicans, have embraced Russia — and, more specifically, Putin. In 2014, Putin made the cover of the evangelical magazine Decision in a piece in which Graham's son Franklin lauded his handling of the Winter Olympics and his protection of Christians. Franklin visited Russia in 2015, and ever since, has promoted Putin as a godly leader. A few days before the invasion of Ukraine, he asked people to “pray for Putin” but not for Ukrainians, creating a decent amount of backlash.

But whether or not American evangelicals try to distance themselves from Putin in this current news cycle, they have long gravitated toward the Russian president for his hard-line stance against Muslims and, most importantly, his anti-LGBTQ agenda. Putin’s rhetoric about the nation, the family and the church (in this instance, the Russian Orthodox Church), has captivated many and spurred them to embrace similar kinds of political action here in America. Consider all of the anti-gay and anti-transgender laws that are cropping up in states like Texas and Florida. These laws are part of a constellation of family-focused conservative religious ideals also embraced by Putin and other Eastern European leaders who have clung to a hard line against any so-called “anti-family” ideology.
Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure in place as president. Started turning around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest at lavish White House state dinners. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He then started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin then became public enemy #1 of the Obama administration. Every since then Russia has been a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to slowly box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nation's demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and will emerge victorious.

Humiliated? Preposterous.

I’ve mentioned this before. But Soviet Era Rocket Motors were amazing. And this is but one example of the respect paid to Russians and their advancements.

Yes. It is an hour and it is long. But that was one example. The Mig 29 is a fantastic fighter. Able to out turn F-18’s.

There are some areas which see better products from the West. And some which see incredible achievements from Russia and former Soviet Bloc nations.

I have lamented the destruction of the AN-225. One of a kind, the aircraft was astonishing. The AN-124 is a similarly impressive aircraft.

Russian automobiles are terrible. They built an “improved” version of the Fiat 124 for nearly fifty years. The Lada Riva was terrible.

Soviets were the first in Space.

Reagan famously loved the jokes told by the average Russian Citizen. The jokes told between the people themselves.

After the Soviets fell apart. The rest of the world provided loans and grants. This was intended to soften the landing after the fall. And it helped jump start the free market economy.

Planning began almost immediately for the ISS. Much of the technology would be Russian.

All of this predates Putin.

Now. My problem isn’t with Russian People. I’ve said before I like the Russian People. They’re crazy, but it’s a good kind of crazy.

Putin is a thug. And if anything proves the brilliance of the American system of Term Limits.

But for the sake of argument. Let’s say that you are right. Putin started out doing good things. Fine.

Invading Georgia was not good. Invading Ukraine is not good. Lying daily about it is really bad.

Putin has proven the truth of the statement. Even granting that Putin started doing good things, which is debatable. But he has proven that Power Corrupts. And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

Because Putin has become worse than those he opposed.
Some people accuse me of being in Putin's corner because I'm a Trump supporter. Which is nonsense because I've been an admirer of Putin every since he became the President well over a decade ago. Long before Trump threw his hat into the political arena and ran for office.

I liked how Putin, after he was firmly secure in place as president. Started turning around the Russian economy by arresting the billionaire jewish oligarchs who were robbing the country blind, and sending them either to prison or exile.

The average Russian citizen felt humiliated by the western nations treatment of their country after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the chaotic events afterwards. Putin felt the same way, and began to restore public order and revitalize the moribund economy. He then proceeded to modernize and build up the military, and restore the Russian Orthodox Church back to its historic cultural place in society.

Putin had become a darling of the U.S. leadership first with Bush and then Obama, as an honored guest at lavish White House state dinners. But when the winter olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. President Putin banned all LBGT posters, flags, and homo pride parades. He then started taking flack from the western media for the banning. But later he refused to legalize sodomite marriage. Putin then became public enemy #1 of the Obama administration. Every since then Russia has been a prime liberal loon Demtard target, and blamed for all kinds of crazy things. Such as Hillary' loss and Trump's 2016 presidential victory.

The EU and the U.S. has been using NATO for decades to slowly box in Russia and make it subservient to the western nation's demands. Putin a man of action, finally had to take matters into his own hands in order to resolve the situation of a lawless criminal government on his border becoming a member of NATO

So yes, Putin is a remarkable and resourceful leader who will weather the political storm of Russia's humanitarian peacekeeping foray into Ukraine and will emerge victorious.

As long as we're coming out of the closet tonight, I will take the lead and make an announcement too.














I'm still not gay. There, I said it.
What are you then, for fuck's sake? I can't figure out if you're a man, a woman or some hermaphrodite Americans like to trans into nowadays.

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