Wow! Since Hollywood went on strike

I haven't even noticed. I'm sure at some point the lack of new input will become apparent but as of yet no I completely forgot they were striking at all.
Hmmm....what happens when AI takes over the script writing?

/---/ I discovered the shows I enjoyed watching, which I don't miss at all. There is fresh content on Youtube, including movies from the 1950s and 1960s I never saw or haven't seen in decades, so I have plenty to watch.
I just watched William Dafoe in "Inside" about a cat burglar who got trapped in his victim's penthouse for weeks trying to escape. I also started watching Liam Neesome who does two to three movies a year. Not one is a disappointment.
If people turned off the TV, read books, educated themselvesnd, found G_d, how much better would society be?
/----/ It would be the 1940s again. Can't have that.
I haven't even noticed. I'm sure at some point the lack of new input will become apparent but as of yet no I completely forgot they were striking at all.
Hmmm....what happens when AI takes over the script writing?


If AI took over the script writing, we'd see movie scenes like these..

"Donald Trump teaches a young Tiger Woods how to golf - 1979."


"Donald Trump teaches Aunt Jemima how to make pancake mix - 1888."


"Donald Trump builds the very first Apple computer in his parent's garage - 1975."


"Donald Trump poses in front of his latest creation, Stonehenge - 2500 BC."


"Donald Trump seen visiting John Fetterman’s swamp to tell him that he needs to dress with more class since he is a Senator and not a high-school basketball coach."


"Donald Trump was originally invited to be a first-class passenger on the Hindenburg airship, but after he inspected the Hindenburg, he deemed it unsafe and dangerous. In the photograph below, Donald Trump warns the designer of the Hindenburg that a leaking gas cell mixing with oxygen from the outside air and a spark could ignite the gas, resulting in a catastrophic fire. Trump was ultimately ignored, and the rest is history."


"God appears to Donald Trump as a burning bush. It was here where God would send Trump on a quest to free the Israelites and lead them out of Egypt - colorized"


More Trump history here...
I'm seeing a lot of quality Scandinavian content now.....It's amazing, it's like they can pull people off the street and make actors of them. Just common looking folks that do a great job, subtitles and all.
/---/ I discovered the shows I enjoyed watching, which I don't miss at all. There is fresh content on Youtube, including movies from the 1950s and 1960s I never saw or haven't seen in decades, so I have plenty to watch.
I just watched William Dafoe in "Inside" about a cat burglar who got trapped in his victim's penthouse for weeks trying to escape. I also started watching Liam Neesome who does two to three movies a year. Not one is a disappointment.
I've been watching old tv series on streaming for the last 6 months or so.

catching up on those I missed while overseas, or wasn't allowed to watch as a kid.
Nobody notices because most content comes from other places than Hollywood these days, and mostly non-union. People with educations and sense moved out of LA and California years ago. Nobody is going to miss the new version of Night Court or 'Hawaii Five-O', when the reruns of the old ones are on somewhere free every week. there is like 100 free local channels now, and they're packed with reruns of everything, even shows I never heard of from the 1950's and 1960's, all faggot and commie free content.
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/----/ Have you caught Green Acres? I still remember the jingle.

Likely won't. didn't care for it when it first aired.

Currently watching Pretender, the Rookies, Alfred Hitchcock hour, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Hogans Heroes, Remington Steele, Twilight Zone, Mission Impossible, Daktari, Steve Canyon

Already finished Bones, Scarecrow and Mrs King, Head of the Class, Grimm, and a number of others.

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