Would god be against free Health care?

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I think that if there really was a god, he'd be appalled that americans, who think they're so godly, let their government spend something like $700 BILLION per year on weapons and killing, and spend ZERO, repeat ZERO on helping the sick OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY. Truly shameful, don't you think?
Gins over healthcare, your country is run by the NRA.

In the US, the goverenment already pays over $1 trillon toward the healthcare of a great many through programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Schip. The argument is how much more do we want the goverenment to control. They already control 45% of all healthcare spending.

The longterm questions are how to reduce spending or limit its growth without jeapardizing good quality care, and how do we or do we at all, cover the care of those who cannot afford it but fall through the cracks through no fault of their own.
There is no doubt that our medical system needs to be reformed. Insurance companies and Pharmacutical companies have not done people any favors. In fact they have driven the price of medical care beyond the reach of the average citizen. It is to their advantage to do this. Every time cost goes up their profit margin goes up. I believe these giants needs to be dismantled and communities should be able to form co-ops for the people in their communities.
The US should stop making war and spend that money on healthcare for its citizens. You the people should vote for that and stop kissing the NRA's butt.

What we should do is stop subsidizing the military expenditures of most other countries throughout the world.
Nothing is free, period. There is always a cost, just which cost are you willing to pay, that's the only real question. Health care would be less expensive if we had the lower amount of regulation Canada has instead of allowing our government to determine which treatments and companies are allowed to peddle their wares, also if so many people were not damned hypochondriacs the prices would drop to.

I wish I had been more of a hypochondriac. I didn't see a doctor for 26 years and ended up with cirrhosis of the liver. Had I just had some blood tests done when I was younger, I wouldn't have the issues I have today.
yea dude... JESUS sure would have been a giver of a great many "government can't have control" speeches....

It's still fucking hilarious that so called christians, the very BROTHERS KEEPERS of messianic faith, would be the ones trying to minimize the motivation and direction given by their god. Clearly, love and concern for common humanity is only as important as it's cost on the personal budget. After all, again... we sure did see the 5% markup on loaves and fishes during that specific socialist manifesto moment.

Nothing is free, period. There is always a cost, just which cost are you willing to pay, that's the only real question. Health care would be less expensive if we had the lower amount of regulation Canada has instead of allowing our government to determine which treatments and companies are allowed to peddle their wares, also if so many people were not damned hypochondriacs the prices would drop to.

I wish I had been more of a hypochondriac. I didn't see a doctor for 26 years and ended up with cirrhosis of the liver. Had I just had some blood tests done when I was younger, I wouldn't have the issues I have today.

Extremes on either side are bad, but most people, you cough a little ... gotta go to the hospital.
yea dude... JESUS sure would have been a giver of a great many "government can't have control" speeches....

It's still fucking hilarious that so called christians, the very BROTHERS KEEPERS of messianic faith, would be the ones trying to minimize the motivation and direction given by their god. Clearly, love and concern for common humanity is only as important as it's cost on the personal budget. After all, again... we sure did see the 5% markup on loaves and fishes during that specific socialist manifesto moment.

Clearly many Christians do not like the idea of some office gurus collecting an extra few hundred a month off of them for the scams they have going on.
Nothing is free, period. There is always a cost, just which cost are you willing to pay, that's the only real question. Health care would be less expensive if we had the lower amount of regulation Canada has instead of allowing our government to determine which treatments and companies are allowed to peddle their wares, also if so many people were not damned hypochondriacs the prices would drop to.

I wish I had been more of a hypochondriac. I didn't see a doctor for 26 years and ended up with cirrhosis of the liver. Had I just had some blood tests done when I was younger, I wouldn't have the issues I have today.

Extremes on either side are bad, but most people, you cough a little ... gotta go to the hospital.

most people, you cough a little ... gotta go to the hospital.

You really hate people in general don't you. Why do you say stupid shit like this?
I wish I had been more of a hypochondriac. I didn't see a doctor for 26 years and ended up with cirrhosis of the liver. Had I just had some blood tests done when I was younger, I wouldn't have the issues I have today.

Extremes on either side are bad, but most people, you cough a little ... gotta go to the hospital.

most people, you cough a little ... gotta go to the hospital.

You really hate people in general don't you. Why do you say stupid shit like this?

If you want to flame, you know the place.
Nor did He charge another for services He rendered to the sick.

Take that one step further and answer this. At any time did He say to force others to pay for your personal medical issues or anyone elses care?

Would God lay sickness on one and make another pay his debt?

Actually, He said to "render unto Cesar (i.e. the government) what is Cesar's", which means pay your taxes.

Most rich people have accountants and lawyers to help them get out of taxes.

So, the rich aren't paying their fair share, and that is where the main part of the problem is.

And YES, God or Yeshua (if they were in the White House) WOULD support free health care.

But.........given the current climate in Washington right now, I don't think either of them would have even half a chance at getting elected dogcatcher.
Tell me ABikerSailor, Did God send you out from heaven to speak for Him?

Nope.......HaShem doesn't need me to speak for Him, as Yeshua already did that. However.......I AM echoing the sentiments that both of Them stated.

Besides.......you know I'm right when I state that Yeshua wouldn't be elected to any government office, as the restrictions of what we determine to be "presidential" or not has gotten so out of whack. Shit.........JFK himself wouldn't be elected in today's political climate, and that was only 25 years ago!

And........one should remember what it states in the Torah when it talks about each persons soul being a small piece of God Himself that He carved off with the blade of self-will. So........we are all a small piece of God, but nobody IS God. Kinda like your fingers are a part of you, but they are not you, and when you speak via the computer, your fingers "speak" for you.

We should also remember the words of Yeshua when He stated "the Kingdom of God is within". That concept is also referred to in Zen and Buddhism, as it states that everyone who follows The Way is capable of becoming the highest being, which is Buddha in their belief system.

And........if you read in the Bible (and study the OT with the help of a Torah Scholar or Rabbi), you would see that God DOES support universal healthcare. After all.......people before the Mabul (Flood) originally lived around 1,000 years and were healthy all the way through.
Now Congress is going to give us a bullshit alternative:

Washington Post is reporting that a new health care proposal may be gaining support in the Senate that could defeat Obama's plan.

The proposal would create a series of small, regional "co-op" insurance plans that would be too weak to really compete with private insurers and bring down prices. And these "co-op" plans would mostly be privately run, so they wouldn't be accountable to voters or Congress.2 A "co-op" is not an acceptable substitute for a strong public health insurance option.
Sometimes politics is like the arcade game Whac-A-Mole. Just when you beat one bad idea down, another one pops up.

Last week, Conservative Democrats in Congress -- they call themselves Blue Dogs -- recently released a joint statement detailing their support for the "trigger", which is simply a sneaky way of killing a public healthcare option.

DFA members and our progressive partners responded with phone calls, congressional meetings and hand-delivered messages demanding they drop the "trigger" and support real reform. One by one, the majority of Blue Dogs abandoned their coalition statement. To top it off, even Rep. Jim Cooper (Tenn.), the vice chairman of the Blue Dog Health Care Task Force, announced his support for a public option without a "trigger."

Thanks to your work, it looks like the "trigger" idea is dead. But that hasn't stopped Republicans and insurance companies from finding a new way to kill a public healthcare option, they call it the "Co-Op proposal."
Actually, He said to "render unto Cesar (i.e. the government) what is Cesar's", which means pay your taxes.

Most rich people have accountants and lawyers to help them get out of taxes.

So, the rich aren't paying their fair share, and that is where the main part of the problem is.

And YES, God or Yeshua (if they were in the White House) WOULD support free health care.

But.........given the current climate in Washington right now, I don't think either of them would have even half a chance at getting elected dogcatcher.
Tell me ABikerSailor, Did God send you out from heaven to speak for Him?

Nope.......HaShem doesn't need me to speak for Him, as Yeshua already did that. However.......I AM echoing the sentiments that both of Them stated.

Besides.......you know I'm right when I state that Yeshua wouldn't be elected to any government office, as the restrictions of what we determine to be "presidential" or not has gotten so out of whack. Shit.........JFK himself wouldn't be elected in today's political climate, and that was only 25 years ago!

And........one should remember what it states in the Torah when it talks about each persons soul being a small piece of God Himself that He carved off with the blade of self-will. So........we are all a small piece of God, but nobody IS God. Kinda like your fingers are a part of you, but they are not you, and when you speak via the computer, your fingers "speak" for you.

We should also remember the words of Yeshua when He stated "the Kingdom of God is within". That concept is also referred to in Zen and Buddhism, as it states that everyone who follows The Way is capable of becoming the highest being, which is Buddha in their belief system.

And........if you read in the Bible (and study the OT with the help of a Torah Scholar or Rabbi), you would see that God DOES support universal healthcare. After all.......people before the Mabul (Flood) originally lived around 1,000 years and were healthy all the way through.

At no time did God or Jesus ever say to force another to pay for your bills.

What is being done now by politicians and corporations a like is called theft by deception and force.

Since you and so many others seem to miss the mark I put it in my signature line for y'all!

This ain't the good guy Daniel is speaking about.
No........but, with the way that Israel was set up, as well as all the customs and laws (remember the grain that was set aside for the poor?), just based on what the OT states, as well as what Yeshua did, I'm pretty sure that They would both be for free health care.
No........but, with the way that Israel was set up, as well as all the customs and laws (remember the grain that was set aside for the poor?), just based on what the OT states, as well as what Yeshua did, I'm pretty sure that They would both be for free health care.
Setting aside for the poor and making it a mandatory payment for all are two different things.

Only in heaven is everything free. Here on earth all men work for what they get. Jesus said you will have the poor always. He did not say make the majority poor in order to satiate the greed of the few.

By faith believers are healed. Nothing is taken by forcing one party to pay for another party's loss unless that loss was created by the first party. That is in the scriptures also.

Truthfully it would be best to leave this decision to a vote of the people and leave God out of the mix. The OP is a farce.
You know........considering that there are lots of doctors, who charge very large sums of money (just because they can), would there be anything wrong with making it affordable for EVERYONE?
You know........considering that there are lots of doctors, who charge very large sums of money (just because they can), would there be anything wrong with making it affordable for EVERYONE?
No. Then I ma not going to tell those greedy ones what they can or cannot do. Like I said earlier. I have a family doctor that is the type that stills takes chickens in trade. The doctors are not the ones driving the cost of care up.

My daughter had to pay $1,800.00 for immunization shots for her youngest. That is up from $3.00 per shot when she was a babe. Who drove the price of those immunizations up? It was not the doctors. Insurance companies and pharm companies claim it was because of lawyers. Do you buy that story? I don't. The large companies drove the smaller companies out of business. Those majority of those immunizations are generally paid for by the state now days. Who's fault is that? It's not the doctors and it is not just a few lawsuits either. Profit margins. All the guys with money want them. Now they want to convince the tax payer they are working to do them a favor by getting everyone covered.
Actually.......you're right. It is the pharm companies and the lawyers that are boning everything up.

But........to be fair, my roomie works in a hospital at the Surgery Desk, and she's told me about a few over there who are in it for the money only.
We all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against Nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in Gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would God be against nationalized heath care?

Maybe God understands some truths that you don't.

1) There's no such thing as "free".

2) It's immoral to steal.

3) Everyone dies, no matter what you do.

4) Death is not the ultimate evil.
We all know that the right winged folks are in the majority when it comes to being religious. Yet it is the righters that are so against Nationalized health care. So here is the irony. How can someone be of god, yet seek to destroy a program that may help in Gods purpoose, sustaining life? Would God be against nationalized heath care?
Red herring.

I'm not so presumptuous to speak for or project politics onto people I don't and cannot know, let alone God.

Not really. How could someone believe in God, and not seek to make sure all of God's children are taken care of.

Insofar as Christians are in the vanguard of efforts to DIRECTLY help the downtrodden around the world, and always have been, you have got a Hell of a goddamned nerve, self-righteously setting up your desire to foist your obligations to your fellow man onto some faceless bureacracy as more lofty and moral.

If you REALLY want to tout yourself as moral and righteous, try "making sure all God's children are taken care of" yourself, for real, with your own hands.
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