World Democratic Index 2018

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Disgusting propaganda. Nato: Democratic, rest: authoritarian.
Terror supporting regimes ain´t democratic. It is an exclusion criterion. Regimes controlling the masses via allegedly free media ain´t democratic as well.
You dems are so dumb it's priceless. Their system is NOTHING like ours. Their population is NOTHING like ours.
Your brain is NOTHING like ours (functional).
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Norway was invaded by the Nazis. What should they have done ?
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Norway was invaded by the Nazis. What should they have done ?
Fought back
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Norway was invaded by the Nazis. What should they have done ?
Fought back
The Brits were just a bit late, so the Germans took it.
Why are you dumb arses focusing on Norway ? All of Scandanavia,Canada, Australia and um Uruguay is rated higher.
Why not consider why the US is slipping ?

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.
“World Democrat Index.” Barry Sotoro, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Saunders, and liberal media.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.
It pretty obvious you never worked a physical labor job in your life. You don’t know shit about anything you lazy, liberal bastard. When you live it...come talk to me...otherwise...shut the fuck up!
Syria is dark red like Saudi Arabia but Syria has free elections and a constitution that grants all the rights our constitutions grant. Ukraine is yellow although they are a illegitimate regime that murders people. In elections, only pro-western parties are allowed. The actually elected Party of Regions is not allowed.
And so on..
One of the owners of the Economist Group is the elite wealthy Rothschild family, who along with George Soros, are key players in globalism and the "One World Order."

Just thought I'd throw that out there, so you can arrive at your own conclusions about the motives behind the article at the top of the page...

"The Board currently comprises nine non-executive directors and two executive directors. The non-executive directors have a breadth of successful commercial and professional experience and they exercise independent judgment. Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild and her spouse, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, as well as John Elkann, are each interested in a significant number of shares. The Board is chaired by Rupert Pennant-Rea."

Governance | Economist Group

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.
It pretty obvious you never worked a physical labor job in your life. You don’t know shit about anything you lazy, liberal bastard. When you live it...come talk to me...otherwise...shut the fuck up!
What has this got to do with anything you dumb fuck ?
The owners of massive private wealth long for a type of socialism? What, so they can share their wealth?

The Economist is intended for a highbrow, well-educated, upper-class audience, and it shows. Most of its writers (who don't attach their names to articles, but rather hide behind pseudonyms or don't give a name at all) are young and fresh graduates of Oxbridge. Because of the serious tone of the magazine, readers may be deceived into thinking they must be experienced and distinguished journalists. Therefore, the magazine steers clear of vulgar libertarianism, but tends towards espousing free markets and privatization as a solution to almost every problem. Having said that, The Economist staff are by no means free-market fundamentalists; they just have a strong bias towards market solutions, though they also support state intervention for some things (like healthcare). On foreign policy, they have a mixed record and notoriously were chickenhawks when it came to the Iraq War, a position they later regretted.

Despite all this, their highly liberal positions on social policies and rational opinions when it comes to science mean a left-leaning reader can peruse the magazine without their head exploding. Indeed, the magazine, oddly enough, has a small cult following among radical leftists, much like Al Jazeera America does.

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