World Democratic Index 2018

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.

You can rationalize it any way you want.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.

You can rationalize it any way you want.

You're the one doing the rationalizing. Why should my neighbors have the right to tell me how much to contribute to this cause of that cause? Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the population.
Good. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic.
You are a fuicking idiot. WE are a representative democracy and a consitutional republic.

How fuckling dumb are you assholes?

Trump is killling this country & you dipstick play semantics.

This from the WaPo: "I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too."

You say something as stupid as “Trump is destroying this country” and then try to pretend that others are ignorant? That’s rich.
He has opted to allow more pollution of our air & water, more dangerous workplaces, taken us backward on global warming, pissed off every one of our allies, picked a trade war with Mexico & Canada, trying to start a nuclear war with NK, Mocked our intelligence agencies, mocked our veterans, trashed every preceding President, Lied every fucking day of his term in office, restarted the nuclear arms race.

Now what the fuck do you think he has done for us? Borrowed money to give the wealthy & well off corporations piles of money that will just inflate stock prices? Really? You think that has made America stronger?

Doubling down I see. Good luck with that tactic.
Good. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic.
You are a fuicking idiot. WE are a representative democracy and a consitutional republic.

How fuckling dumb are you assholes?

Trump is killling this country & you dipstick play semantics.

This from the WaPo: "I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too."

You say something as stupid as “Trump is destroying this country” and then try to pretend that others are ignorant? That’s rich.
He has opted to allow more pollution of our air & water, more dangerous workplaces, taken us backward on global warming, pissed off every one of our allies, picked a trade war with Mexico & Canada, trying to start a nuclear war with NK, Mocked our intelligence agencies, mocked our veterans, trashed every preceding President, Lied every fucking day of his term in office, restarted the nuclear arms race.

Now what the fuck do you think he has done for us? Borrowed money to give the wealthy & well off corporations piles of money that will just inflate stock prices? Really? You think that has made America stronger?
What he has done is good for America not our enemies who's ass he kissed. Moron. Time to slow down the envirocommie movement anyhow.
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Norway was invaded by the Nazis. What should they have done ?
Fought back

They did, there was a very active underground counterforce who sabotaged the Nazi's and slowed Nazi movements unlike Sweden who just rolled over.

For whatever reason Tommy Tainant the Troll, has posted this tripe dozens of times for no good reason other than being a good little Troll. The citizens of Norway don't even know why they are supposed to be so happy, or whatever. They have no opportunity to move up in class and the one they are born into is where they will stay.

Tommy just thinks everyone should be told what to do and when and for the government to support him in the manner in which he would like to become accustomed.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.
You are talking about the Trump base. Uneducated white people.
Good. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic.
You are a fuicking idiot. WE are a representative democracy and a consitutional republic.

How fuckling dumb are you assholes?

Trump is killling this country & you dipstick play semantics.

This from the WaPo: "I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too."

You say something as stupid as “Trump is destroying this country” and then try to pretend that others are ignorant? That’s rich.
He has opted to allow more pollution of our air & water, more dangerous workplaces, taken us backward on global warming, pissed off every one of our allies, picked a trade war with Mexico & Canada, trying to start a nuclear war with NK, Mocked our intelligence agencies, mocked our veterans, trashed every preceding President, Lied every fucking day of his term in office, restarted the nuclear arms race.

Now what the fuck do you think he has done for us? Borrowed money to give the wealthy & well off corporations piles of money that will just inflate stock prices? Really? You think that has made America stronger?

Doubling down I see. Good luck with that tactic.

FACTS are my tactic.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.
You are talking about the Trump base. Uneducated white people.
Racist prick. Same old lame libtard spill, and all lies.
Norway's convoluted socialist/monarchy is based on ....gasp....oil reserves in the North Sea. Norway's GDP was about 1.7% in 2017 while the GDP under President Trump was around 3%. The U.S. takes care of more illegal aliens than the entire population of the former WW2 Nazi regime of Norway.
Norway was invaded by the Nazis. What should they have done ?
Fought back

They did, there was a very active underground counterforce who sabotaged the Nazi's and slowed Nazi movements unlike Sweden who just rolled over.

For whatever reason Tommy Tainant the Troll, has posted this tripe dozens of times for no good reason other than being a good little Troll. The citizens of Norway don't even know why they are supposed to be so happy, or whatever. They have no opportunity to move up in class and the one they are born into is where they will stay.

Tommy just thinks everyone should be told what to do and when and for the government to support him in the manner in which he would like to become accustomed.
Its an index on democracy not social mobility.
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Why is that the case ?
Good. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic.
You are a fuicking idiot. WE are a representative democracy and a consitutional republic.

How fuckling dumb are you assholes?

Trump is killling this country & you dipstick play semantics.

This from the WaPo: "I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too."

You say something as stupid as “Trump is destroying this country” and then try to pretend that others are ignorant? That’s rich.
He has opted to allow more pollution of our air & water, more dangerous workplaces, taken us backward on global warming, pissed off every one of our allies, picked a trade war with Mexico & Canada, trying to start a nuclear war with NK, Mocked our intelligence agencies, mocked our veterans, trashed every preceding President, Lied every fucking day of his term in office, restarted the nuclear arms race.

Now what the fuck do you think he has done for us? Borrowed money to give the wealthy & well off corporations piles of money that will just inflate stock prices? Really? You think that has made America stronger?

Doubling down I see. Good luck with that tactic.

FACTS are my tactic.

Maybe you should start utilizing them then.

US in at 21. Norway number 1 again. Western Europe leads the way.

The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

NK rated at 1 and Norway 9.something.Sort of rings true.

Democracy is under pressure.

That won't bother conservatives. They hate democracy, because it gives the common man too much power.
You mean because it gives stupid people too much power. That would be correct.
You are talking about the Trump base. Uneducated white people.
I'm talking about you, moron.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Why is that the case ?

The name on my government photo ID card (I don’t drive), isn’t the same as the name on my birth certificate.
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Why is that the case ?

The name on my government photo ID card (I don’t drive), isn’t the same as the name on my birth certificate.
Yeah, I get that but it looks like its just an admin issue. Easy to sort out.If it isnt then it is clearly discriminatory.
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Why is that the case ?

The name on my government photo ID card (I don’t drive), isn’t the same as the name on my birth certificate.
Yeah, I get that but it looks like its just an admin issue. Easy to sort out.If it isnt then it is clearly discriminatory.

Republicans fought against amending this in any way, all the way to the Supreme Court.
Nobody has asked why they rate the US/UK below Western Europe or Australia or Uruguay or even Mauristias .

I dont think at that level there is a great deal of difference. Or any real reason the UK should be graded higher than the US and less than,for example, Eire.
For the Uk we have an unelected second chamber which would affect our score. We have also had human rights issues from successive tory Home Secretary..
What are the issues in the US ?
Guantanamo ? Lack of choice ? Electoral college ? Funding issues ?

Gerrymandering, voter suppression laws making it difficult for the poor, rural and elderly to obtain “acceptable” forms of government ID.

In Texas their voter ID law said the name on the birth certificate must match the name on their drivers license. For a married woman who took her husband’s last name, that’s impossible and she’s barred from voting.

When proving my ID/citizenship, I provide my Birth Certificate, a copy of my first marriage license, divorce decree and my second marriage certificate, but if I lived in Texas, I couldn’t meet that requirement.
Why is that the case ?

The name on my government photo ID card (I don’t drive), isn’t the same as the name on my birth certificate.
Yeah, I get that but it looks like its just an admin issue. Easy to sort out.If it isnt then it is clearly discriminatory.

Republicans fought against amending this in any way, all the way to the Supreme Court.
Because married women should not vote ?

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