Workplace Discrimination based on Seual Orientation and Gender Identity Must End

…and yes , I did place kids for adoption with gay folks- when it was the best match for the kids.

What kind of sick freak are you, to think that it is ever “the best match for the kids” to put them in the hands of dangerous sexual perverts?

No need to answer that; as the answer is quite obvious, even if it's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it. You belong in prison, and so do the sick perverts to whom you handed over these innocent children.
Where did I say AA applies to adoption? Comprehension problems again? I’m just pointing out the several areas in which you are discriminatory, a bigot and a hypocrite. For example, you have demonstrated you are a Christianophobe, a Heterophobe, and Pro Racist Discrimination - unless it negatively impacts on you and your ilk.

He also hates children. He was quite willing to sacrifice their safety and well-being in order to promote the interests of sexual perverts.
I disagree GreenBean
Not ALL homosexual or transgender are mentally ill.

I believe these differences in identity and orientation
are spiritual, like why some people are atheist and others are Buddhist or Christian.

Not all atheists are just mentally biased against belief in a personified God.
Some are naturally nontheistic and just don't see the forces or laws of Life or Nature
in personified or symbolic terms as people do who respond to religious representations.

Some people are naturally or spiritually born where their
soulmates are incarnated as the same gender, or they
are mixed race, or of two different religions that normally don't harmonize.

Some of this spiritual process may be from bad karma, from unnatural
problems that need to change, or may be for good reasons that don't require change.

Now GreenBean I do agree with you that for people who feel for themselves
that their sense of gender or orientation is not natural for them,
and that there are unnatural or abusive conditions they want to resolve
first in order to reconcile with their real selves,
YES such people should be supported in seeking natural healing therapy
which works WITH them to resolve their issues so they find peace,
regardless what that turns out to be.

So yes I agree if people feel something is unnatural or unhealthy,
they should be able to seek therapy and treatment,
and not be pressured to be or act in ways they don't believe is right for them.

But that goes both ways GreenBean
It is equally wrong to suppress a person
whether that person comes out straight, gay, transgender or cisgender.

Labelling people mentally ill does not apply
to people who are naturally as they are, don't need to and aren't meant to change
because they are already spiritually at peace with themselves.

So it depends on the person if they are spiritually whole and at peace,
or if they are sick and suppressing their true nature
underneath some false conditioning.

Those are two different cases, and I don't see how
you can say mental illness applies to ALL unequivocally,
when every person is unique and has their own process.

People are atheist for different reasons, some are in denial
and not healthy while others are natural and at peace as they are.

And I find the same with homosexual and transgender people
that it depends on their spiritual identity and process
what's going on with them which is their responsibility to determine.

I find as long as they can forgive conflicts and make peace,
then whatever they turn out to be is going to be natural for them.

The unforgiveness and denial is what creates mental conflict, in ANY person,
where ALL people benefit from forgiveness and healing therapy,
regardless of our orientation or faith based identity.

Sorry, being spiritual has nothing to do with homosexuality. No one here is promoting treating homosexuals any different in fact, society is historically very tolerant of them. They are just not the norm. The problem they have is thinking they are just like heteros and that is patently and scientifically false. just like radical feminism whose main tenet is that women can be 'just like men' which is utterly and completely ridiculous.

Since heterosexuals make up the bulk of humanity there is no way to call homosexuality normal....It may be 'normal' to have a small fraction of humanity with such handicaps, deformities, mental problems etc. but we certainly don't accept it as normal and we don't try to say it is a good thing to be afflicted with such illnesses.

sorry Leo123 but yes the cases where people changed their homosexual attractions or orientations because they identified these as NOT natural or right for them, YES these people work through a SPIRITUAL process to go through deep changes so they restore their natural default orientation.

Similar with the people I know who made peace with being transgender or homosexual, and go through spiritual changes in their thinking to let go of conflicts and accept who they are and who they are not.

To some it is clearly a spiritual process.
Since we are all human beings, and connected indirectly,
I call it a spiritual process for everyone to "make peace" with each other in relations and in life.

You may not call it that, but that "connected" process, from individuals to the Collective society or humanity we all make up, I call that spiritual where all our energy is combined and influences/affects one another.

Not just homosexuality but all kinds of relationship issues, including race relations, political and religious affect human relations and society that I call a "spiritual" process.

Because the more we Forgive, the more we can heal the negative injuries and impact from wrongs and injustice from the past, and the more we can restore healthy good working relations between neighbors, then between groups, and finally between nations. Since this is an interactive connected process, from the individual level where we talk one on one, to the collective level worldwide and over all history of humanity, that is what I call the spiritual level where we influence each other unconsciously too.

Do you know anyone who went through a "spiritual" change before they reconciled or confirmed publicly as a Christian, or as a gay couple, or converted to or from Atheism or changed political identity? If you don't call that level of change "spiritual" then what do you call it? Psychological? Just "changing their minds"?

I see it much deeper than just the mind, because it is connected to other people too. So when it extends beyond just the individual and physical levels, it becomes "faith based" so I call that the spiritual level where the influences transcend the mind and body.

What is being pushed today is bald-faced bullying by the radical left and homosexuals to change society to see homosexuality as normal. They do not want to even try to conform with nature and society they want nature and society to change so that their aberrant behavior is accepted as just like heterosexuals. If they could get rid of spiritualism and religion to accomplish that goal they would gladly embrace the eradication of all belief that disagrees with their narcissistic agenda. I can forgive and tolerate those I disagree with but I will not accept them wanting ME to change to suit their desire to be seen as equal to heterosexuals.....They are not equal and never will be. I am not saying homosexual people are somehow less human beings or to be chastised and sidelined in most of life but, when it comes to sex, they do not warrant equality to heterosexuals.

Dear Leo123
Where the bullying is coming from is a backlash
from gays and transgendered being historically bullied and excluded.
Two wrongs don't make it right,
but this explains this paradigm I agree is not healthy and has to change.

I see a bigger process going on which I call spiritual though you may say it's sociological.

By the human learning curve, if we don't forgive and resolve past problems,
we tend to repeat them by projecting them onto future situations and relations.

So all the bullying and rejection of gays by Christians,
which causes liberals and especially LGBT to fear and blame Christians for abuse,
has now come back and swung the other way.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, which some might call "karmic justice"

Those who did the bullying (the Christians)
now feel targeted with namecalling and even penalized legally.

And sadly, the very ones who the Christians bullied
are now being blamed as the bullies pushing THEIR beliefs through govt.

Ironically, this unfair tyranny of believing one's side to be TRUTH
and pushing it through govt without recognizing free choice of beliefs,
is EXACTLY what the liberals had blamed Christian rightwing for doing!

Leo123 there is an old saying
do not criticize your neighbor
until you walk a mile in his moccasins

Well with the shoes being on the other feet,
now the left can know how the right feels,
and the right can know how the left feels!

You can feel angry and abused this is happening.
Or you can see that history is repeating itself,
where the roles are reversed, so that both neighbors
understand how the other feels when blamed and abused the same way!

Once we understand we don't want that done to us,
maybe we will learn don't do it to anyone else!

In this way, we take turns being equally right on some points and wrong on others.
It comes out even if you add up each person's plus and minus points.
So in this sense, by taking our strengths and weaknesses into account,
we are equal when you average things out. Those with greater strengths
also have greater weaknesses to balance out. I find this applies to all people,
whether I agree or disagree, like or can't stand them, whether liberal or
conservative, Christian or atheist, homosexual or heterosexual. Again the
factor I find that makes the biggest difference in whether we can resolve
conflicts or not is how much we are able to forgive, and in what areas or what degree.
And that is independent of someone's social or political identity, religious or sexual.
What areas or people/groups can we forgive, and which ones we can't.
How we deal with those differences is what makes us better people.
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Dear Leo123
Where the bullying is coming from is a backlash
from gays and transgendered being historically bullied and excluded.
Two wrongs don't make it right,
but this explains this paradigm I agree is not healthy and has to change.

I see a bigger process going on which I call spiritual though you may say it's sociological.

By the human learning curve, if we don't forgive and resolve past problems,
we tend to repeat them by projecting them onto future situations and relations.

So all the bullying and rejection of gays by Christians,
which causes liberals and especially LGBT to fear and blame Christians for abuse,
has now come back and swung the other way.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, which some might call "karmic justice"

Those who did the bullying (the Christians)
now feel targeted with namecalling and even penalized legally.

And sadly, the very ones who the Christians bullied
are now being blamed as the bullies pushing THEIR beliefs through govt.

Ironically, this unfair tyranny of believing one's side to be TRUTH
and pushing it through govt without recognizing free choice of beliefs,
is EXACTLY what the liberals had blamed Christian rightwing for doing!

Leo123 there is an old saying
do not criticize your neighbor
until you walk a mile in his moccasins

Well with the shoes being on the other feet,
now the left can know how the right feels,
and the right can know how the left feels!

You can feel angry and abused this is happening.
Or you can see that history is repeating itself,
where the roles are reversed, so that both neighbors
understand how the other feels when blamed and abused the same way!

Once we understand we don't want that done to us,
maybe we will learn don't do it to anyone else!

In this way, we take turns being equally right on some points and wrong on others.
It comes out even if you add up each person's plus and minus points.
So in this sense, by taking our strengths and weaknesses into account,
we are equal when you average things out. Those with greater strengths
also have greater weaknesses to balance out. I find this applies to all people,
whether I agree or disagree, like or can't stand them, whether liberal or
conservative, Christian or atheist, homosexual or heterosexual. Again the
factor I find that makes the biggest difference in whether we can resolve
conflicts or not is how much we are able to forgive, and in what areas or what degree.
And that is independent of someone's social or political identity, religious or sexual.
What areas or people/groups can we forgive, and which ones we can't.
How we deal with those differences is what makes us better people.

I have never mistreated gays, I have had gay friends. This so-called 'backlash' is conjured up by those who take a few incidents and blow them up in order to somehow blame society for all their woes. Homosexuals are diametrically opposed to engaging in normal heterosexual behavior. The same behavior that has made the human species thrive. Not only that, heterosexuals are naturally disposed to be attracted to the opposite sex. Same sex attraction is an outlier in statistical human behavior for a very good reason.....procreation, children and the family unit. We all understand what homosexuals are but scant heterosexuals want to experience it because of natural instincts, hormones and literally because men and women are different. Equality is a broad term and, when applied to outcome is a losing proposition.
Same sex attraction is an outlier in statistical human behavior for a very good reason.....procreation, children and the family unit.

Executive Summary This research brief analyzes multiple data sources to provide a demographic portrait of LGBT parenting in the United States. Main findings from the report include:  An estimated 37% of LGBT-identified adults have had a child at some time in their lives.  An estimated 3 million LGBT Americans have had a child and as many as 6 million American children and adults have an LGBT parent.  Among those under age 50 who are living alone or with a spouse or partner, nearly half of LGBT women (48%) are raising a child under age 18 along with a fifth of LGBT men (20%).  More than 125,000 same-sex couple households (19%) include nearly 220,000 children under age 18. o

o More than 111,000 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 170,000 biological, step, or adopted children. o Same-sex couples who consider themselves to be spouses are more than twice as likely to be raising biological, step, or adopted children when compared to same-sex couples who say that they are unmarried partners (31% versus 14%, respectively). o Same-sex couples raising children are four times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising an adopted child. An estimated 16,000 same-sex couples are raising more than 22,000 adopted children in the US. o Same-sex couples are six times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising foster children. Approximately 2,600 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 3,400 foster children in the US. o More than a quarter of same-sex couples raising children (25.6%) include children identified as grandchildren, siblings, or other children who are related or unrelated to one of the spouses or partners. Approximately 32,000 same-sex couple households include more than 48,000 such children. 

Looks like a "family unit" to me


Now shut your ignorant pie hole!!

Blaylock...That means you too
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Same sex attraction is an outlier in statistical human behavior for a very good reason.....procreation, children and the family unit.

Executive Summary This research brief analyzes multiple data sources to provide a demographic portrait of LGBT parenting in the United States. Main findings from the report include:  An estimated 37% of LGBT-identified adults have had a child at some time in their lives.  An estimated 3 million LGBT Americans have had a child and as many as 6 million American children and adults have an LGBT parent.  Among those under age 50 who are living alone or with a spouse or partner, nearly half of LGBT women (48%) are raising a child under age 18 along with a fifth of LGBT men (20%).  More than 125,000 same-sex couple households (19%) include nearly 220,000 children under age 18. o

o More than 111,000 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 170,000 biological, step, or adopted children. o Same-sex couples who consider themselves to be spouses are more than twice as likely to be raising biological, step, or adopted children when compared to same-sex couples who say that they are unmarried partners (31% versus 14%, respectively). o Same-sex couples raising children are four times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising an adopted child. An estimated 16,000 same-sex couples are raising more than 22,000 adopted children in the US. o Same-sex couples are six times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising foster children. Approximately 2,600 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 3,400 foster children in the US. o More than a quarter of same-sex couples raising children (25.6%) include children identified as grandchildren, siblings, or other children who are related or unrelated to one of the spouses or partners. Approximately 32,000 same-sex couple households include more than 48,000 such children. 

Looks like a "family unit" to me


Now shut your ignorant pie hole!!

Blaylock...That means you too

I took heteros to make that kid.
Same sex attraction is an outlier in statistical human behavior for a very good reason.....procreation, children and the family unit.

Executive Summary This research brief analyzes multiple data sources to provide a demographic portrait of LGBT parenting in the United States. Main findings from the report include:  An estimated 37% of LGBT-identified adults have had a child at some time in their lives.  An estimated 3 million LGBT Americans have had a child and as many as 6 million American children and adults have an LGBT parent.  Among those under age 50 who are living alone or with a spouse or partner, nearly half of LGBT women (48%) are raising a child under age 18 along with a fifth of LGBT men (20%).  More than 125,000 same-sex couple households (19%) include nearly 220,000 children under age 18. o

o More than 111,000 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 170,000 biological, step, or adopted children. o Same-sex couples who consider themselves to be spouses are more than twice as likely to be raising biological, step, or adopted children when compared to same-sex couples who say that they are unmarried partners (31% versus 14%, respectively). o Same-sex couples raising children are four times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising an adopted child. An estimated 16,000 same-sex couples are raising more than 22,000 adopted children in the US. o Same-sex couples are six times more likely than their different-sex counterparts to be raising foster children. Approximately 2,600 same-sex couples are raising an estimated 3,400 foster children in the US. o More than a quarter of same-sex couples raising children (25.6%) include children identified as grandchildren, siblings, or other children who are related or unrelated to one of the spouses or partners. Approximately 32,000 same-sex couple households include more than 48,000 such children. 

Looks like a "family unit" to me


Now shut your ignorant pie hole!!

Blaylock...That means you too

I took heteros to make that kid.
First of all it does not matter. They are a family. They are parents. Beyond that, lets consider just how stupid your comment is. It took a sperm and an ovum to "make that kid" That is all that we know. WE DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING about the sexual orientation of the male or female who produced those ingredients, now do we.?
First of all it does not matter. They are a family. They are parents. Beyond that, lets consider just how stupid your comment is. It took a sperm and an ovum to "make that kid" That is all that we know. WE DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING about the sexual orientation of the male or female who produced those ingredients, now do we.?

It DOES matter, they are NOT parents they are caretakers. A sperm is from a MALE and an ovum is from a FEMALE therefore it took heterosexuals to make that kid. How is it you do not realize this basic fact of life? Males have penises and women have vaginas. They are DIFFERENT for a REASON. One cannot 'orient' one's sexuality to the opposite sex. In other words, the woman who gave the ovum cannot 'orient' her reproductive organs to produce sperm and the male cannot 'orient' his reproductive organs to produce an ovum. They are decidedly MALE and FEMALE. The fact of the matter is....Those two men, however passionate they are, can only pretend to represent a heterosexual couple having and raising a child. That kid would do better with a committed heterosexual couple who shares his genes. Even a heterosexual couple adopting that child is a better situation for the kid. What kind of narcissistic asshole would deny the kid a chance for a normal life?

Since homosexuals cannot procreate with each other, they use heterosexuals as their breeding pairs in order to create more homosexuals and the more they can convince useful morons that sex is 'just and orientation' the more of our children they will pull into a basically aberrant lifestyle.
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…and yes , I did place kids for adoption with gay folks- when it was the best match for the kids.

What kind of sick freak are you, to think that it is ever “the best match for the kids” to put them in the hands of dangerous sexual perverts?

No need to answer that; as the answer is quite obvious, even if it's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it. You belong in prison, and so do the sick perverts to whom you handed over these innocent children.

Yes, instead of procreating (which they cannot do) they recruit by using heterosexuals as breeding pairs. (see my former post to Mr. PP)
It DOES matter, they are NOT parents they are caretakers. A sperm is from a MALE and an ovum is from a FEMALE therefore it took heterosexuals to make that kid. How is it you do not realize this basic fact of life? Males have penises and women have vaginas. They are DIFFERENT for a REASON. One cannot 'orient' one's sexuality to the opposite sex. In other words, the woman who gave the ovum cannot 'orient' her reproductive organs to produce sperm and the male cannot 'orient' his reproductive organs to produce an ovum. They are decidedly MALE and FEMALE. The fact of the matter is....Those two men, however passionate they are, can only pretend to represent a heterosexual couple having and raising a child. That kid would do better with a committed heterosexual that shares his genes. Even a heterosexual couple adopting that child is a better situation for the kid. What kind of narcissistic asshole would deny the kid a chance for a normal life?

Since homosexuals cannot procreate with each other, they use heterosexuals as their breeding pairs in order to create more homosexuals and the more they can convince useful morons that sex is 'just and orientation' the more of our children they will pull into a basically aberrant lifestyle.

A problem with arguing against someone like TheRegressivePervert is that nearly everything that a sane person recognizes as aberrant, destructive, immoral, and outright evil, he see sas normal, desirable, and proper. He wants children to be sexually manipulated, brainwashed, and abused, and thinks that the rest of us are hateful for opposing that. he either does not care that children are seriously harmed or, more likely, sees that harm as a desirable part of his agenda.

Take a good look. This is what evil looks like in its purest form.
It DOES matter, they are NOT parents they are caretakers. A sperm is from a MALE and an ovum is from a FEMALE therefore it took heterosexuals to make that kid. How is it you do not realize this basic fact of life? Males have penises and women have vaginas. They are DIFFERENT for a REASON. One cannot 'orient' one's sexuality to the opposite sex. In other words, the woman who gave the ovum cannot 'orient' her reproductive organs to produce sperm and the male cannot 'orient' his reproductive organs to produce an ovum. They are decidedly MALE and FEMALE. The fact of the matter is....Those two men, however passionate they are, can only pretend to represent a heterosexual couple having and raising a child. That kid would do better with a committed heterosexual that shares his genes. Even a heterosexual couple adopting that child is a better situation for the kid. What kind of narcissistic asshole would deny the kid a chance for a normal life?

Since homosexuals cannot procreate with each other, they use heterosexuals as their breeding pairs in order to create more homosexuals and the more they can convince useful morons that sex is 'just and orientation' the more of our children they will pull into a basically aberrant lifestyle.

A problem with arguing against someone like TheRegressivePervert is that nearly everything that a sane person recognizes as aberrant, destructive, immoral, and outright evil, he see sas normal, desirable, and proper. He wants children to be sexually manipulated, brainwashed, and abused, and thinks that the rest of us are hateful for opposing that. he either does not care that children are seriously harmed or, more likely, sees that harm as a desirable part of his agenda.

Take a good look. This is what evil looks like in its purest form.

I hear ya, I know it's pretty futile to argue with such a monolithic mind however, it helps me see just what we are up against and, maybe, see a lot of folks like you that do not support this radical, leftist, aberration that seems to be gathering momentum and undermining the very roots of our society.
That kid would do better with a committed heterosexual couple who shares his genes. Even a heterosexual couple adopting that child is a better situation for the kid. What kind of narcissistic asshole would deny the kid a chance for a normal life?
Prove it or shut up. The vast majority of the evidence says otherwise. Let's see what you got. Warning, I have done the research and know who all of the quacks and phonies are
Since homosexuals cannot procreate with each other, they use heterosexuals as their breeding pairs in order to create more homosexuals and the more they can convince useful morons that sex is 'just and orientation' the more of our children they will pull into a basically aberrant lifestyle.
What the fuck are you talking about?? Create more homosexuals? You have some decidedly bizarre ideas. I hope you're enjoying your fuck fest with your fuck buddy Blaylock
That kid would do better with a committed heterosexual couple who shares his genes. Even a heterosexual couple adopting that child is a better situation for the kid. What kind of narcissistic asshole would deny the kid a chance for a normal life?
Prove it or shut up. The vast majority of the evidence says otherwise. Let's see what you got. Warning, I have done the research and know who all of the quacks and phonies are

Depraved gay paedophile couple who adopted a boy and shared him with a child sex ring for SIX YEARS were trying to 'buy' a second child to abuse when they were arrested

Cairns gay couple Mark Newton and Peter Truong arrested | Daily Mail Online

Couple offered son to paedophiles

Police believe the pair adopted the boy ''for the sole purpose of exploitation''. The abuse began just days after his birth.

Couple offered son to paedophiles


Kids of gay parents fare worse, study finds

Kids of gay parents fare worse, study finds, but research draws fire from experts

Counsellor Suggests Gay Parents More Likely To Abuse Kids
Counsellor Suggests Gay Parents More Likely To Abuse Kids


The Northern Irish Minister who thinks 'gay parents abuse their children'


Couple Sues Child Welfare Commissioner Over Wrongful Sex Abuse Charges

Couple Sues Child Welfare Commissioner Over Wrongful Sex Abuse Charges


Is This Child Abuse? Gay Activists Use 10-Year-Old Boy in 'Drag' to Promote NYC Pride Event


A toxic combination: paedophiles, baby farms, and same-sex marriage
The conviction of a gay couple for trafficking their surrogate baby and using him to make paedophile pornography ought to provoke questions about the wisdom of same-sex adoption and marriage.

A toxic combination: paedophiles, baby farms, and same-sex marriage

Prove it or shut up. The vast majority of the evidence says otherwise. Let's see what you got. Warning, I have done the research and know who all of the quacks and phonies are

The fact you have to do 'research' shows just how whacked out you have to be to think that to deny a child a normal mother and father is a good thing. Homosexuals cannot ever be parents.....only caretakers. And no I'm not going to 'shut up.'
What the fuck are you talking about?? Create more homosexuals? You have some decidedly bizarre ideas. I hope you're enjoying your fuck fest with your fuck buddy Blaylock

Thanks for agreeing that homosexuals cannot create children. Where you really fail is thinking homosexuals do not create more homosexuals. The fact you have to jump up and down and swear shows me you are becoming unhinged. :spinner:

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