Women Who Don't Vote Make Me Sick

What about when Mohammad Ali didn't want to go to Viet Nam because of his religous beliefs? Seems like conservatives back then wanted him thrown in jail and stripped of his title for his religous beliefs.

Did we attack the Bill of Rights by telling Mormons they can't marry more than one wife?

And what if your employer is a scientologist. Can they deny you drugs you may need because their religion doesn't approve? No they can not.

Whenever Religous freedoms and Laws butt heads, law wins. As it should.

thats because there were many Conservatives who had kids over there or had died over there.....

and Mormons cant marry more than one wife Bo...legally anyway......Big Love was just a TV show....
Unregulated free markets. HA! How has that worked so far?

Name one before you dive off the cliff.

You want to go even more unregulated and more free than from 2003-2006? You are insane. They deregulated and sent 7 million jobs overseas and you want to go even further?

And even though your tax breaks didn't work, you want us to give the rich even more tax breaks? Wow!

Its funny because your way can never fail. No matter how much we deregulate and no matter how bad things get because of it, you'll just continue to insist that we just haven't deregulated enough. I know this because I have debated with the head of the Michigan Libertarian party for Ron Paul. Makes no sense.

Meanwhile the rich keep getting richer and richer and the middle class became the working poor because you deregulated and sent those high paying jobs overseas. And now you blame Obama because those jobs came back at $10 hr? Wasn't that your fucking goal?


GWs record was 50/50 on additional regulation.

See, you right wing brainwashed fools say things like, "Bush's record was 50/50 on additional regulations. Care to be more specific?

I don't give a fuck if he passed 20 or 200 regulations. I would need to see the specifics. Not all regulations are good and not all are bad. Did he pass nothing but bad regulations? A lot of them did help add to the economy collapsing. That is unquestionable.
What about when Mohammad Ali didn't want to go to Viet Nam because of his religous beliefs? Seems like conservatives back then wanted him thrown in jail and stripped of his title for his religous beliefs.

Did we attack the Bill of Rights by telling Mormons they can't marry more than one wife?

And what if your employer is a scientologist. Can they deny you drugs you may need because their religion doesn't approve? No they can not.

Whenever Religous freedoms and Laws butt heads, law wins. As it should.

thats because there were many Conservatives who had kids over there or had died over there.....

and Mormons cant marry more than one wife Bo...legally anyway......Big Love was just a TV show....

At first Mormon's wanted to be able to marry more than one wife. It was only after we told them they could not do that in the USA did they change their policy.

In fact, Romney's father or grandfather fled the USA to Mexico because he did believe that the US government was infringing on his religious rights.

So if you are going to argue for Catholics, you sort of have to agree that Mormons should be able to marry more than one woman. Why shouldn't they if you disagree?

The only reason you are not arguing for the Mormons is because you aren't trying to woo their votes. This issue is a stunt to win over catholic votes. Same old GOP playbook.

And if Catholics are being persecutied, so was Mohammad Ali when he objected to fighting in Viet Nam.

And can a scientologist deny you medications that they don't believe in if they are your employer? You would be arguing yes if they were a big enough voting block. Hack.
And you decide if you choose to get an abortion and you leave us alone. I don't know why you guys care. It isn't like you value life. Not even close. If you did care about life, you wouldn't have supported the Iraq war for profit and oil. How many soldiers died so oil and defense contractors could get rich?

hey Bobo how many Soldiers died in the 60's in Vietnam in that fucked up War started by your darlings?....who got rich then?....
Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.
you beat off into your Socks?.....:lol:.....hey Bobo....they have these things called Kleenex Tissues....give them a try.....did you think you were fooling your Mom?.....:lol:
PS..the girlfriend you were going to force to an abortion clinic didn't happen to be non-white, did she? That would explain your willingness to screw her, and your aversion to allowing her to spawn...

No, she was white trash. I ran into her years later. 3 kids and divorced. Dad lives in Cali and the kids live in Michigan.

It was funny when I broke up with her because our first date was to go see Fatal Attraction at the movies. So that was the year. The year Fatal Attraction came out. I'm dating myself.

Anyways, when I broke up with her, she totally pulled a fatal attraction on me. Showed up at my house crying. My mom wondering what was wrong. She gave my mom a note to give to me that said she was pregnant. Thank God my mom didn't read it and lucily for me she was lying about being pregnant.

I have several cousins who had kids when they were too young. I'll be honest. Thank God that never happened to me. No one regrets a child but all of them if they had to do it over again, would have been more careful and not gotten pregnant in the first place. Their lives may have turned out much different if they weren't saddled with a kid and baby mama. They didn't get abortions. Good for them. But I think its important that we have the choice. For some the right choice is to abort.
Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.
you beat off into your Socks?.....:lol:.....hey Bobo....they have these things called Kleenex Tissues....give them a try.....did you think you were fooling your Mom?.....:lol:

I used to use kleenex but then thought, "why waste the tissue".

Use a sock. Toss it in the dirty laundry right after and when you wash your socks in hot water and soap, the gizz disappears.
And you decide if you choose to get an abortion and you leave us alone. I don't know why you guys care. It isn't like you value life. Not even close. If you did care about life, you wouldn't have supported the Iraq war for profit and oil. How many soldiers died so oil and defense contractors could get rich?

hey Bobo how many Soldiers died in the 60's in Vietnam in that fucked up War started by your darlings?....who got rich then?....

Yes. And the Republicans back then were the non interventionists. What happened to that? Today the GOP are the war mongers. Fighting wars so we can steal oil and get rich off defense contractors.

Stop talking ancient history.
Only in revealing your own immorality, scumbag.

I think you right wingers are immoral. How you treat poor people. So anti Christian. How you treat muslims and gays. How you fight wars for money. How you can be pro life but then racists.

Funny that black women are 3x more likely to get an abortion than white women...

And we're the racists? You guys are the ones killing off minorities....and feeling GOOD about it!:clap2::clap2::clap2:

I know quite a few white women back in the day that got abortions. And some of them didn't even tell the guy or their parents, so don't act like women only get abortions because they are coerced. How about they have a brain and can decide for themselves? You act like 18 year old women are stupid little girls. Hardly nowadays.

Don't make this a race thing because there are an awful lot of white women that get abortions too.

And your comments make me believe you are probably the racist even though you are accusing me of being one. Where is all that coming from you racist?

Anways, those white women who got abortions, it just wasn't the right time. The boys that knocked them up wouldn't be good fathers and those girls could barely take care of themselves. For them, abortion was the right choice.

Today they all have wonderful children. And they are prepared and ready to be parents. They weren't back then.
to be honest, people who vote for republicans and democrats make me sick (since we're 14 Trillion in debt).

i get told by "them" that by voting 3rd Party i am wasting a vote.....i feel if you vote the same old fuckers every few years your wasting the vote...not me.....

If you get what Ron Paul is saying then you can not in good conscience vote for Romney or Paul. Just like you can't vote for Obama. So vote for Paul.

My advice is to join the Democratic party. If everyone leaves the GOP who only serve the rich and bible thumpers, then they will be forced to change their ways. Right now they don't have to because they got enough of you middle class Americans conned into thinking you belong to the GOP.

And once 80% of us are voting Democratic, here is now we take our country back. If a Democrat serves the rich and not We the People, we recall them. But right now Republicans voters are defending republican politicians who are doing this very thing. Two great examples, Snyder in Michigan and Walker in Wisconsin. Where are you stupid middle class republicans on Citizens United???

What we don't do is reward the GOP for sabotaging the recovery ever since Democrats took control. We don't replace the party that can't with the party that won't.

i was born into a Democratic family Bo....in the 80's i was pretty much a Democrat, i did not care what the Republicans thought, could care less, i voted a Democratic ticket all the way.....i thought Reagan was an Asshole.....but around 96-97 things started changing....guys like Rdean and Chris started taking over the Party.....getting to far left for me....so i left and i will never go back until people like the 2 i just mentioned leave.....since i look at the Republicans with equal disdain,i will vote 3rd party probably for the rest of my days.....your wasting your time Bo.....the Democrats can care less about you and me....they are no different than the Republicans....they both want to tell you how to live....just different methods....one is in front of you...the other is doing it behind your back....
You don't have a right to an abortion, babykiller.

Sadly, in this country you do.

I believe that is part of what is wrong with this country and if I were asked, "when did this country begin to fall apart?" I would say, "January 22, 1973".

That would be the date when I would say we started devaluing human life even though, it had to have happened before that particular day. And this country began to fall apart when we began to devalue the lives of our brothers and sisters.


Actually, if you look at the numbers, crime rates started going down around 15 years after 1973. Right about when these unwanted kids would have turned 15 and started committing crimes and going to prison.

The crime rates went down because all those unwanted children weren't born and neglected and running the streets in our inner cities committing crimes because their mothers never wanted them in the first place and therefore didn't raise them properly.

Think of all those people in prison serving life. If their mothers would have only aborted.

Abortion is a necessary evil. In a perfect world we could ban it but not in this one. And it isn't even that big of a deal. Seriously, life isn't that precious. If it is, I commit mass murder everytime I ejaculate into a sock.

You are under the very mistaken impression that I said crime rate had anything at all to do with the decline of this country. True crime sucks and higher crime rates are detrimental to our way of life to say the least, but the decline in this country began when liberals started treating the lives of our brothers and sisters as if they have no value and can be snuffed out whenever we deem them to be an inconvenience to us.

But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

Well I have to agree that FOX tells us there are multiple sides to stories for ratings, but I'm still not seeing how it's "brainwashing" as there actually do seem to be multiple sides to the stories. Sometimes a business model works because it's the right model. Maybe the liberal media should try presenting more then the liberal side once in a while. Maybe they wouldn't be going down the ratings tubes then.

Kaz?....i dont know what Harry Dresden your Quoting here....but its not me.....:lol:
But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

Well I have to agree that FOX tells us there are multiple sides to stories for ratings, but I'm still not seeing how it's "brainwashing" as there actually do seem to be multiple sides to the stories. Sometimes a business model works because it's the right model. Maybe the liberal media should try presenting more then the liberal side once in a while. Maybe they wouldn't be going down the ratings tubes then.

Kaz?....i dont know what Harry Dresden your Quoting here....but its not me.....:lol:

Actually, it was, but I think you quoted sillybobo and then pulled out a statement from the quote. Go look at the post. :)

Next time maybe you will be careful about how you use the quote function! :lol:

Way off base! Where to begin.

First of all,I don't care which way women vote. If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

And women need to know that one or two Supreme Court seats might be up for grabs in the next 4 years. If the GOP appoint one or two more conservatives to the Supreme Court, they will overturn Roe V Wade.

But I do think that women will overwhelmingly decide to keep their right to choose for themselves.

Look at your unAmerican position on voting. You guys don't want the masses to show up. Remember going into poor ghettos and asking a few ignorant poor people about issues and they were not up on the issues. In other words you suggest they should't vote. But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed? Isn't that almost the same thing?

I thought in America all citizens should be encouraged to vote and we say that if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. What ever happened to that? Is it because Republicans always benefit from low voter turn out?

I want every citizen who can to show up and vote. Man or woman. If voter turn out is great, the Democrats will win.

That's why me and James Carville love that you are attacking women. Bigger voting block than Catholics I'll tell you that much. :lol:

But what about all the facts you don't understand because Fox has you brainwashed?

reading your posts Bobo it seems that you are somewhat Brainwashed by the Democrats.....i can help you be set free.....vote 3rd Party and throw the Democrats and their Bullshit off your back....try this guy.....Rufas T.Firefly....of the Freedonia Party...."if your for it....he is against it" .....if Americans really want change,then the 2 Parties have got to be sent to the Corn Field....and people who put the Country before the Party (remember them?) have got to be elected.....and as long as everyone just keeps on voting for the same old tired bullshit.....it will not happen....

Harry. I am happy with the Democratic party. You know there is no changing my mind. It is you that can't be both for Ron Paul and for Romney/Santurum because the Ron Paul half of you has to admit that Romney/Santorum are part of the corrupt system too.

This is why I love Ron Paul. He has divided your party. And he has exposed the corruption that exists.

So if Ron Paul is right, you can't in good conscience vote for Romney or Santorum in November.

We have a two party system. The only way to get change is to get one of the two parties to agree to fight for that change. Will the GOP take on the federal reserve? No, but us liberals like the idea. Will the GOP stop waging war all over the world and close our military bases all over the globe? No they won't. Will they legalize pot and prostitution? So they basically disagree with all the things you like about Ron Paul. Interesting.

i told you who i am voting for Bobo....and those 3 guys you mentioned ....fuck all 3 of them.....in any order you wish.....you can throw your man Obama in there too....he sucks too.....
If the majority of them vote to ban abortion, no skin off my back. Its been 20 years since I would have wanted to abort a pregnancy. But if I were a kid again, I'd want the choice.

You are a very unworthy citizen.

If we could have another civil war where instead of the south fighting the north its the left fighting the right, I would be interested in that.

Or if we could split up the country. California, Michigan, Illinois, New York, Massachussets, and all the other Blue states start one country and the red states start their own. You can ban abortion if you want, give rich people all the tax breaks and see if it trickles down, etc.

I don't really appreciate Americans like you either. Not at all.

Oh, and I hope the rapture comes and takes all of you to hell. Isn't that where you think God comes and takes all the believers and leaves the rest of us here? Sounds like it would be heaven on earth without conservatives

Bo.....if that happens....you get stuck with Satan and his posse....i dont know if i would want to be left behind....its not supposed to be to pleasant....heaven on earth?....i dont think so....
But being honest.

Only in revealing your own immorality, scumbag.

I think you right wingers are immoral. How you treat poor people. So anti Christian. How you treat muslims and gays. How you fight wars for money. How you can be pro life but then racists.

I am responding to your own words and you are just throwing around false generalisms and empty partisan nonsense. That should tell you something, but you are too stupid to recognize it.
If you look at Pelosi or any other democrats record you will see they are the party for the middle class and poor.

That must be why the democrats work so hard to make sure everyone stays in the 'classes' they have designated for them. If they didn't, the left might lose too many subjects, er, I mean, 'constituents,' and the whole scam would fall apart.

That's rediculous. Republicans said factory/union workers making $35 hr were making too much money and you defended sending those jobs overseas. 7 million plus good paying jobs. You want to break the unions because they insist the workers share in the profits. You want all the profits to go to the top 1%. We see that is what is happening in non union companies.

So before you sent all those jobs overseas, the economy was booming and wages were up. Now you say Firefighters and teachers and police and government employees all make too much money.

Don't you even dare try to say that Democrats want everyone to be poor when it is GOP policies that moved the middle class from middle class to the working poor.

More false generalisms and spelling errors. Typical.

Republicans didn't invent economics, unions are too often corrupt and almost always a drag on economic growth - FOR EVERYONE, and when working for da gub'ment is the highest paying game in town guess what will tend to happen?
Men who support abortion to the nth degree generally are motivated by their own desire to exert control over females:

Coercion facts:
  • 64 percent of abortions involve some sort of coercion.
  • 45 percent of men interviewed at abortion clinics recalled urging abortion, including 37 percent of married men.
  • Teens are at higher risk for becoming victims of coerced abortion.
According to researcher David Reardon, women give these reasons, among others, for undergoing abortion:
  • Forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend
  • Lack of support from social network
  • Persuaded / pressured by abortion center
Coercion can escalate to violence
One of the most well-known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.
In 2007, Nathan Dale Hubert beat his pregnant girlfriend, Sheila Chrast, to death. She was found dead in her Sauk Rapids, Minn., apartment on Mother’s Day.
  • Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being attacked.
  • 92 percent of women say domestic violence and assault is the women’s issue of greatest concern to them."
Forced Abortions

I think this bobo is afraid one of his kids would be a faggot, that's what he calls homosexuals, not sure why he makes fun of homosexuals.

I never call gay people faggots. I call right wingers that when I'm mad at them.

And I'm not sure why the right discriminates against gay people.

Because faggot is a slang term for homosexuals, is a very hateful and insensitive word.

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